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PS3 Gaming Nights!

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errrr....no...long distance relationship plus desire to not run up massive phone bills means using skype!

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Ive never used Skype.


I'm still old school and use msn messenger!


haha yeah we found for video chat msn is kinda shoddy!

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Ok let's get some streetfigher going tonight?!!! Can we get enough people to get a decent game going! C'mon guys tonight is the night!

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If anyone has F1 2010, we need to have a night for that soon.


is theres enough people who own it and its popular sure! I do plan on picking it up at some point hopefully enough people will as its getting good reviews

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In the games topic there should be about 10 people picking it up I counted. Even half that number is good for online since I believe online is limited to like 12 player.

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ok 5 mins and i will unleash my streetfighter shitness on you all!




oh I missed you guys...

Edited by flameboy

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Had fun guys! Must do it again!




Great games of SSFIV in an endless battle with Cookyman and DeathJam. After DJ crimped, me and Cooky did some excellent co-op on RDR, even getting a couple of Trophies for doing all the co-op missions and getting Gold.


Then, after being unable to find a deathmatch game on Uncharted 2, we decided to co-op a mission on Hard. Great stuff.


An excellent night of social gaming, I'd love to make it a regular thing, as I find it much better with people I know rather than randoms.



Also, anyone want to play Borderlands one night?

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I'd be up for some borderlands...don't own any of the DLC though...beat it and then left it so not totally levelled up either

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people up for some uncharted 2 tonight or tomorrow?!


Sure, we can also beta test KZ3.

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