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Demon's Souls


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This game just sounds incredibly cool, but there's a hell of a lot I still don't know about it.


I remember watching the ZP review and Yahtz said that there was a bit where you have to cross a bridge, when, without warning, you get murked by something and it's really unforgiving. Care to share any info on that?

Yeah, bless him. He's talking about level 1-2 (there are 5 worlds, each with 3 stages). In this you basically have an outside section where a dragon soars down and flames the bridge should you cross it (you can use the water veil miracle to reduce the damage or wear fire-resistant armour). Or you can simply time your run. Or, as he pointed out, you can take a tunnel to bypass most of the bridge, but there's dogs inside. They lunge quickly but are fairly reasonable to take out should you advance slowly.


Overall it's not the easiest level, but there's no obligation to tackle the worlds in order (in fact, tackling 2-1 as soon as it is available is wisest since it's somewhat easier).


Later on you can come back and kill the red dragon (awards a trophy), and then the even harder blue dragon (another trophy). Bow and arrow to the suckers.

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So, all your talking about "level 1-2" and "world 4" etc. has got me thinking.


It's a relief to hear that you can choose which world you want do visit, but "level 1-2" sounds like "not so much exploration", it even has a slight connotation of linearity.


Are the "levels" big? Are there secrets that can be discovered? Sidequests?


I feel like dwarf. I ordered the game because it sounds cool, but I don't know shit about it :D


Oh yeah and:


Happy Birthday Sheikah.

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I will rack up some money from Heavy Rain/Saints Row 2/Fallout 3/R&C sales and bag it on eBay. It's been at the back of my gaming mind for a while now.


I'd imagine it would be pretty annoying if you're fighting a boss when a soul comes in online to murk yo' ass.

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So, all your talking about "level 1-2" and "world 4" etc. has got me thinking.


It's a relief to hear that you can choose which world you want do visit, but "level 1-2" sounds like "not so much exploration", it even has a slight connotation of linearity.


On the contrary, each world is one big dungeon. There are no real levels; they're just tentative measurements that gamers inventred. Each 'level' start is defined by the ability to warp into the world at that point; the points at which you can warp into are archstones created once you defeat a boss.


So really, you could start your way on world 1 and fight your way to the end without loading up another section.


Are the "levels" big? Are there secrets that can be discovered? Sidequests?


Tons of secrets; fake walls, crystal lizards (non-aggressive enemies that flee as soon as they see you, but drop great crafting materials), out of the way rings and weapons. Even better is the ability to influence the 'world tendency' by doing good or bad deeds - should the world tendency become pure white, new areas are unlocked, as well as events, and the access to new equipment (the path to a dragon bone smasher sword is unblocked, allowing you to withdraw it, for instance). At pure black, the enemies become immensely hard, new enemies appear and you can kill phantom NPCs for great drops.


I feel like dwarf. I ordered the game because it sounds cool, but I don't know shit about it :D


All the better. I find that the less hyped you are for something, the better it will be.


Oh yeah and:


Happy Birthday Sheikah.

Thanks! I really need to finish typing this precis and go to bed. :p


I'd imagine it would be pretty annoying if you're fighting a boss when a soul comes in online to murk yo' ass.


It can't happen during bosses, fortunately. Although players accompanying you can enter the boss area, but are banished as soon as you defeat any boss. If they die at any point they are also banished. If someone who helps you is fairly crap and dies quickly you can leave a bad rating, so they get relatively few souls for helping and a tarnished record. :p

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Managed to bag this bad boy from a UK seller for £36.50 incl. postage, which is a much better deal than I was expecting. Plus I reckon that this game is a bit of an investment as well, could be worth a bit more in a few years time, if not, it's definitely retaining its value.


Can't wait.

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Probably pick the Royal to start. Makes no difference after the first stage, but makes the first stage so much easier.


Essential - pick up the Cling Ring in the first level (1-1). When you die, you become soul form with 50% of your max HP. Equipping the Cling Ring while in soul form will mean you have approximately 75% of your max HP instead.


Also pick up the Thief Ring in 1-1 too. It means many enemies can't see you from as far a distance. If you equip this, you can take out crystal lizards you see (they run away almost all the time if you don't have this equipped) if your bow is good enough, or have a go using your sword. The ring also works on bosses...basically any enemy can't see you from as far away so you can get around without being attacked as much.


Kill the blue guy in the Nexus as soon as you see him. He drops some souls that you can use to buy the few thousand cost shield Ed the Blacksmith is selling. This has 100% damage reduction, so you won't take any damage at all from blocking with it.


Also go to world 4-1 when you can. Pump strength on your character for a bit so you can equip it effectively (if you don't have good enough stats for a weapon then it'll be crap). You get the crescent falchion which does magic damage as well as physical, so does a lot of damage early on.

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You can only equip 2 rings at once. It's not incredibly obvious. One of them requires you to slash a chain to lower a drawbridge, I think. Or it's on a balcony. Whereas another, the thief's ring, is when you drop off a castle wall at a position to land on a platform, rather than on the floor.

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Okay so I'm doing the first proper mission I guess, you know, after you (minor spoiler) get raped by this pretty big demon thing at the start. So I go to the Nexus place, go into the level the man point out, and get to a part in the level where there are dragons whatever way I go. One that flies down onto a guarded bridge, the other leads to cliffs with multiple dragons on them.


What do I do? Go back to the nexus at the start of the level? Explore part of the level that's way back behind me? Or attempt and fail to kill the dragons?


What does the fog actually do? Save the game in some way?


If I die will I have to go through the whole level again?



I'm enjoying it a lot so far, almost coming to grips with the controls and interface.


I went back to a bit I hadn't explored, there was a small bridge with an enemy on it, a message said 'the next enemy is difficult' or something, but they looked fairly standard, so I ran across with a hard attack, having used a turpentine, then bam, he uses a long range weapon and I'm out of the game in two hits, back to the start. I'm tempted to just sprint past the enemies and fuck that guy up, claim my soul back, but I've already had to do that twice. Plus those times I didn't have to go all too far to reclaim it.


If I die again, will my previous death-soul thing be erased, and will I lose all those souls? I'm guessing yes, which would be shit.

With every death do your life/mp meters get shortened slightly (temporarily)?


Also with the Royalty, can you spam the magic attack as much as you want until the meter is out? I swear after a use the bar decreases a little.



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Okay so I'm doing the first proper mission I guess, you know, after you (minor spoiler) get raped by this pretty big demon thing at the start. So I go to the Nexus place, go into the level the man point out, and get to a part in the level where there are dragons whatever way I go. One that flies down onto a guarded bridge, the other leads to cliffs with multiple dragons on them.


What do I do? Go back to the nexus at the start of the level? Explore part of the level that's way back behind me? Or attempt and fail to kill the dragons?


You have to complete the first level before you can do anything else. If you haven't beaten the first boss yet, Phalanx (you'd know as there's a big HP bar at the bottom of the screen) then you have to get past it.


As far as I can remember...that's still level 1-1. The area where the 2 dragons (red and blue) sit isn't the way to go. It's across the bridge. Come back to where they sit in pure white world tendency and you can loot some good stuff there (including the awesome purple flame shield, only 1 per game).


When you go across the bridge the red one flies towards you. You have to wait until it flies back (back off) to the blue dragon then dart across the bridge. Unequip all your armour if you like so you run faster. Wearing too heavy stuff stops you from running or rolling properly. Increasing END lets you get away with more.


What does the fog actually do? Save the game in some way?


Nothing really. Apart from the fog before the boss...when you go in you can't leave until you beat it.


If I die will I have to go through the whole level again?


Yes. But anything you interacted with (switches, levers, etc) will still have been interacted with when you respawn. So if you pull certain levers you can access further areas from the word go if you do. In a way, it always takes you less time when you replay the level.


And oh yeah, get some firebombs for the boss. They do good damage.




I'm enjoying it a lot so far, almost coming to grips with the controls and interface.


I went back to a bit I hadn't explored, there was a small bridge with an enemy on it, a message said 'the next enemy is difficult' or something, but they looked fairly standard, so I ran across with a hard attack, having used a turpentine, then bam, he uses a long range weapon and I'm out of the game in two hits, back to the start. I'm tempted to just sprint past the enemies and fuck that guy up, claim my soul back, but I've already had to do that twice. Plus those times I didn't have to go all too far to reclaim it.


Is it the red eyed knight? Yeah, that guy is hard. Avoid until you're quite a bit stronger.


If I die again, will my previous death-soul thing be erased, and will I lose all those souls? I'm guessing yes, which would be shit.




With every death do your life/mp meters get shortened slightly (temporarily)?




Also with the Royalty, can you spam the magic attack as much as you want until the meter is out? I swear after a use the bar decreases a little.


You have MP...so yeah, it runs out. But the Royal also starts with a Fragrant Ring that regenerates MP slowly. Hence why you pick the Royal to start. :p

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The world tendency screen doesn't actually tell me anything. Not that it matters right now.


To get to that boss don't you have to get across the bridge guarded by the dragons? Plus I'm not understanding where you're referring to world 1-1. I've not seen anything of the sort, just the name of the place when you do a level.


So at this time, I should get those souls back by running half way across the bridge, claiming them, and then sprinting the fuck away from that tosser. Then I cross the bridge, and then down the line I beat the boss?

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The world tendency screen doesn't actually tell me anything. Not that it matters right now.


Basically the colour of each archstone will either be dull black or bright, shining white, or somewhere inebwteen (usually this).


To get to that boss don't you have to get across the bridge guarded by the dragons?


It's only guarded by the red dragon, and yes. The blue dragon stays asleep.


Plus I'm not understanding where you're referring to world 1-1. I've not seen anything of the sort, just the name of the place when you do a level.


Yeah, it's never called 1-1 in game. Basically if you'd completed the first stage you'd know about it, since the Maiden tells you to find an NPC in the Nexus etc. 1-2 is after you beat the boss and warp into the stage again at that point (ie. the archstone created after you defeat the boss). Whereas 2-1 would be an entirely different world.


So at this time, I should get those souls back by running half way across the bridge, claiming them, and then sprinting the fuck away from that tosser. Then I cross the bridge, and then down the line I beat the boss?

If you want the souls, yes. Although later on you get tons of souls per enemy, so I wouldn't worry too much about losing them right now.

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Thanks for this help, I'm starting to understand the game a bit more. It's just annoying when the messages are counter-productive and you're not sure which ones to trust.

Tbf there was a fairly funny one which before the dragon bridge says 'just run straight through' and it got a lot of recommendations.


Managed to get the souls, I run back into a room where I took the armour off and start equipping it, when suddenly the knight starts running at me, so I put it all back on quick and sprinted for ages, and he followed me for a fair god-damn while lol. Had to dispose of some enemies in the process too. Was pretty intense.


Now that I have my souls back, can I quit the game without returning to the start again?

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Thanks for this help, I'm starting to understand the game a bit more. It's just annoying when the messages are counter-productive and you're not sure which ones to trust.

Tbf there was a fairly funny one which before the dragon bridge says 'just run straight through' and it got a lot of recommendations.


Lol, 99% are helpful since well-rated ones stick around. But some funnies are on the bridge 'safe place' messages. I like to put 'best of luck to you' next to random corpses, or 'I wish I was resurrected', as well as the odd sensible one. :p


Managed to get the souls, I run back into a room where I took the armour off and start equipping it, when suddenly the knight starts running at me, so I put it all back on quick and sprinted for ages, and he followed me for a fair god-damn while lol. Had to dispose of some enemies in the process too. Was pretty intense.


Now that I have my souls back, can I quit the game without returning to the start again?

Not yet really. There's not much you can do with your souls until you clear the first boss (you then use them to level up). So just carry on and try not to die, lol. And try buy the shield the Ed blacksmith guy is selling for (if I remember) 2,000 souls. It has 100% damage reduction.


You can leave the level at the beginning where the archstone is, but all enemies respawn again.

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Oh right, well I have 5,100 atm without crossing the bridge.


Btw I've only found the cling ring so far.


So if I quit the game now, I keep my souls but have to start again? I don't mind going through the level again too much because as you said the path shortcuts are quite extreme.

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Well if you go and buy equipment, you'll always keep that. But really only the Heater Shield is important at the moment. Buying herbs early on is usually a massive rip off.


Also your soul items (e.g. unknown soldier's soul) - you never lose these. Think of these as backup souls. You use them to get given souls. But after you use them and attain the soul points, these can be lost. So it's usually best to use them either in the Nexus or right before you intend to use them in a level (e.g. a level's merchant).


Later on you can get a spell that instantly teleports you out of the Nexus, so you don't have to walk all the way back to archstones. There's an item that does it too.

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Defeated the boss. It was a bit easy and kind of disappointing, then again it is the first boss. Frankly I don't know why I've not been using magic much. I've mostly used the rapier for some reason and occasionally dealt with harder foes with the catalyst, but that's changed now.


The one thing about this game that is annoying me is the stats and menus. The shield you told me to bought can't be equipped effectively so I'm trying to figure what I need to level up in order to be able to use it but it's a pain trying to figure it out. I'm guessing I level up when I cruise to the top of the nexus and talk to that git?



Edit: I think I need to upgrade strength by 2, going by the symbols.

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Yeah that's kind of what I find annoying about it, I'd rather it was done by initials of the abilities than by symbols that have no meaning to me.


Where the fuck do I go? I've been on the top and stood on the platform looking at the 'monumental' thing and nothing happens, I then go to this pantheon area and nothings there but some sad records of people's playtime.


Plus it still looks like I'm in soul form when it said I got my body back. Or do I get it back through the monumental dude?


I have a bad feeling about this. There was meant to be something I picked up back at the boss thing to get my soul back, but I haven't got it. I returned to the place and it isn't there? I dunno!


Edit: Dw, I just didn't know what I was looking for, have found the monumental now.

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Where the fuck do I go? I've been on the top and stood on the platform looking at the 'monumental' thing and nothing happens, I then go to this pantheon area and nothings there but some sad records of people's playtime.


It's not at the very top (pantheon) but you have to go up some stairs. There's loads of children on the floor, but only one of them can be talked to (has a lit candle by him)


Plus it still looks like I'm in soul form when it said I got my body back. Or do I get it back through the monumental dude?


You get it back for defeating a boss, or using a stone of ephemeral eyes. Make sure when you talk to the monumental you answer 'yes' to his question (needed to get a ring later).


I have a bad feeling about this. There was meant to be something I picked up back at the boss thing to get my soul back, but I haven't got it. I returned to the place and it isn't there? I dunno!


You have your body back. When you defeat the boss you touch the archtone to get a demon's soul. NEVER USE THESE! They can be traded for stuff; much better than getting soul points from them. Check in your inventory you have the lead demon's soul, then give it to Stockpile Thomas for now.


By the way, the cling ring does nothing when you're in body form so you've basically got 1 of your slots back to equip another ring... for now. :p

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Hmmm that's strange, I thought I was still just a soul because I have that glowy blue stuf coming out of me still.


Yeah I have that boss' soul, I guess I'll store it and use it later? Or could I get some good shit with it now?

Finally, how do I get stat upgrades? It's not clear! (I'm starting to think I should've read the manual now, never have I been so confused by the features of a game)

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