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where'd you buy eeet?



I'm still loving teh gym, ive just got a bollox diet so my weight is going nowhere. But im getting seriously fitter..


The crosstrainers in the gym go into standby if you stay below a certain speed (might be 5kph) and I struggled to do 3 minutes without it going on standby... (it really aggravated my hips in the beginning)


now I can do 10 minutes at a steady 10kph :D


It's in my post further up on this page, you silly sausage.


It's this one.

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I went tonight to do some leg work for the first time in a while. Bracing myself for the inevitable "shit, I can't walk for the rest of my life" pain that will be coming tomorrow.


It's never the day after for me, it's the day after that where everything is pain. It was so bad a couple weeks ago I could feel it while I was cycling. Normally it's something I can knock off after initially moving my legs but maaaaaaan, it just kept hurting.


Today I did back and a few other bits and bobs. The gym was real busy. Happy I managed to go to the gym four times this week.


My chest is still sore from Monday, though.

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It's never the day after for me, it's the day after that where everything is pain. It was so bad a couple weeks ago I could feel it while I was cycling. Normally it's something I can knock off after initially moving my legs but maaaaaaan, it just kept hurting.


Today I did back and a few other bits and bobs. The gym was real busy. Happy I managed to go to the gym four times this week.


My chest is still sore from Monday, though.


It tends to differ for me. Sometimes I'll feel it straight away when I wake up, or sometimes I'll feel it in the middle or towards the end of the day.


Tonight was quite busy, but luckily nobody in the gym seemed to give a shiatsu about leg stuff. So I had free reign of pretty much all the equipment and stuff I needed. Winaaa.

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  • 1 month later...

I've had to manually search to find this thread as the search function on this forum is being shit.


How are you suckers gymming eet up? Has the snow affected you going to the gym?


I walked to mine on Monday, as it wasn't safe to drive. Probably my favourite gym session ever, as there were only 4 people in the gym. Brilliant. Got to use all the equipment I wanted, for as long as I wanted, without having to worry about others getting in the way. Loved every second of it.


I wanted to go again today, but I'm still feeling a bit sore. So, going to stay at home and do some ab work this evening, and just have a huuuuge session tomorrow.

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Haven't been to the gym since last Monday but have been doing a few things at home. Also, I decided to buy a bench.




It's ace.


My gym closes on Friday until the 4th so this will do me well. Need more weights for my dumbbells, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Went to the gym today after having not been for three weeks. That was my first big break from the gym since I started going properly last last year now. Kind of started to suspect I just couldn't be arsed with it any more.


As soon as I finished I remembered. I feel so much better after the gym. Alert, more energetic, everything. Was great.


How's everyone else recovering from Xmas?

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Went to the gym today after having not been for three weeks. That was my first big break from the gym since I started going properly last last year now. Kind of started to suspect I just couldn't be arsed with it any more.


As soon as I finished I remembered. I feel so much better after the gym. Alert, more energetic, everything. Was great.


How's everyone else recovering from Xmas?



Yessssssssss. I felt the same but I was fine once I got there! Its just making that first move. I went back last Sunday morn and the place was dead. But I got on all the weights n stuff so yay.

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Actually, yeah, as soon as I started I was thinking "This is enjoyably familiar!" Was definitely as I was getting on my bike to cycle home right after finishing that I fully remembered why I love doing all this crazy exercise.


I bombed it home on my bike which always means I'm in a good mood. :D

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I found out that when I first started going to gym I was only there for like 30-40 min, now it's like 2-3 hours, yeeeeeah I think I am bulking up now, gaining weight and my chest is starting to get bigger.


My goal at the moment is to bench press 100kg, at the moment I am up to 75kg

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I Went yesterday for the first time this year, and the first time since November, to say i'd lost it a little would be an understatement,


I Struggled with a 5k run, and was failing at free weights, i had to go back to the assisted machines.... and to top it off.. this morning, I ache something chronic :(


back tonight though!

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I Went yesterday for the first time this year, and the first time since November, to say i'd lost it a little would be an understatement,


I Struggled with a 5k run, and was failing at free weights, i had to go back to the assisted machines.... and to top it off.. this morning, I ache something chronic :(


back tonight though!


ouch :P


I'm the same though - really achey after my first session back - and I didn't reallllllly push myself as hard as I could have before I stopped! Just keep at eeeeet! :)


I got some protein shakes and i'm back on healthy eating - feeling SO FLIPPING GREAT. At the minute I never want to go back to binge eating. :bouncy:

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ouch :P


I'm the same though - really achey after my first session back - and I didn't reallllllly push myself as hard as I could have before I stopped! Just keep at eeeeet! :)


I got some protein shakes and i'm back on healthy eating - feeling SO FLIPPING GREAT. At the minute I never want to go back to binge eating. :bouncy:



Yar i've kicked the healthy diet off last night, well i say healthy.... Chicken, Mash potato, carrots and peas hehe...


I've never had the protein shakes, are they the ones you drink, but if you don't exercise you become larger, but not toned larger just.... larger larger.


that scares me, I get the occasion where gym is the last thing i want to do, and if i'm taking shakes that make me fat, and skip the gym i'll be all kinds of paranoid. heh.


I've signed up to play for a Pro 5 football team, and we are registered to start in March, so got 3 months to get my fitness back, and to bulk up a bit, cause there are some dirty fuckers that play Pro 5.


will aim for another 5k run, it's not alot, but it's a start till i can get my breathing pattern back and legs used to it again, and will give free weights a shot tonight. can't guarantee anything though ::shrug:

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You just have to watch the calorie intake. They are designed to promote muscle recovery and lean growth. also a higher protein to carbs ratio promotes burning of existing fat on your body. There are actually "diet proteins" on the market but they are all a muchness as long as you are adjusting diet to add the calories into it. If you are exercising, having 3 healthy meals, and the lower calorie protein shakes, you shouldn't have any problem dropping weight.


I usually take one in the morning, then if I have an exercise session I take one straight after. (mornings and straight after exercise is when they are most affective) You can take up to 3 a day but I don't overdo them because I'm trying to lose weight, and too many is wasted calories for me when I can be eating real food :P And they are flippin' expensive too!

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You just have to watch the calorie intake. They are designed to promote muscle recovery and lean growth. also a higher protein to carbs ratio promotes burning of existing fat on your body. There are actually "diet proteins" on the market but they are all a muchness as long as you are adjusting diet to add the calories into it. If you are exercising, having 3 healthy meals, and the lower calorie protein shakes, you shouldn't have any problem dropping weight.


I usually take one in the morning, then if I have an exercise session I take one straight after. (mornings and straight after exercise is when they are most affective) You can take up to 3 a day but I don't overdo them because I'm trying to lose weight, and too many is wasted calories for me when I can be eating real food :P And they are flippin' expensive too!


they are something I've thought about in order to bulk up, but as you mention it's not cost effective as-well as paying a monthly gym fee.


I use to take creatine tablets in order to try and repair muscle faster, but that isn't cheap either,


I think for the time being it'll just have to be good old fashioned determination haha.

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they are something I've thought about in order to bulk up, but as you mention it's not cost effective as-well as paying a monthly gym fee.


I use to take creatine tablets in order to try and repair muscle faster, but that isn't cheap either,


I think for the time being it'll just have to be good old fashioned determination haha.


Aye totally its very expensive... you can get some of them on offer... i was in H&B and got two of these (1kg for £13)


You can do the same thing by eating lots of protein from like food... but its not always so good on the old bowels as i've found out a few times :P

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Aye totally its very expensive... you can get some of them on offer... i was in H&B and got two of these (1kg for £13)


You can do the same thing by eating lots of protein from like food... but its not always so good on the old bowels as i've found out a few times :P


Pleasant :p


That's pretty good for 1kg. something I'll have to take a further look into, doubt that offer will be around when I get paid at the end of the month.



I tried putting the bar from my weights across the hole from my loft to do pull ups on. In my head it seemed like a fool proof plan, as I assumed the bar would be quite secure in place with some of the beams and insulation around by the hatch.... I was so wrong, the bar was rolling all over the shot :(

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I found out that when I first started going to gym I was only there for like 30-40 min, now it's like 2-3 hours, yeeeeeah I think I am bulking up now, gaining weight and my chest is starting to get bigger.


My goal at the moment is to bench press 100kg, at the moment I am up to 75kg


2-3 hours is really counter productive. If you want to bulk up keep your weight training to around an hour.

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The price of whey from most big brands, MaxiMuscle etc is so ridiculously expensive. I really would recommend MyProtein for any supplements as it's such great value.


For example, if anyone wants 5kg of whey for only £39.99 (chocolate/strawberry/vanilla/etc.), then just go to http://www.myprotein.com/uk/pages/Price_Matcher


put in http://www.bodybuildingwarehouse.co.uk where it says Website URL on the Price Matcher and you'll save a further £5


If anyone would like to show their thanks for the above, then use my referral code in the checkout box: MP188595


I think it'll give you points for discounts in the future too.


Good luck with your lifting goals everybody ;)

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2-3 hours is really counter productive. If you want to bulk up keep your weight training to around an hour.


But it's not just bulking, I have 2 different types of exercises, once I get to the second part of the exercise it's when my body is really pushing it. It feels great and already it's improving my body more then it was before.

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If you can really do 2-3 hours you're either not pushing enough initially or you're seriously over training. Both are pointless and the latter is actually bad for you. That's if you're doing weights. You should only do about an hour.


If you're doing aerobic too, then that's fine.


If you're doing body weight training then you can get away with it without injuring yourself but effectiveness plateaus if you're exercising the same muscle groups.


2. Training Too Long:


If you're spending more than an hour in the gym, you're training too long. The time trap is a common pitfall, especially amongst beginners, who often think that if 30 minutes of exercise is good, 60 minutes will double their results. That is absolutely not the case.


There is an inverse relationship between intensity and workout duration. In other words, you can train hard for a brief amount of time, or you can train with sub maximal effort for a long amount of time, but you can't both train hard and train long.


Staying in the gym too long leads to poor results. In the best-case scenario, your workouts will be ineffectual, because you never truly reach the point at which your muscles are fatigued. A workout comprised of a series of less than maximal sets will do little to stimulate further progress.


In the worst-case scenario, you end up over-trained. That means you end up doing much more than your body can recover from, and hence, your progress takes a beating. A good rule of thumb is to train intensely, limiting the work out for each muscle group to 20-30 minutes. Get in the gym, get the job done, and get out.




I used to go to the gym for about 2 hours. It's maybe counter intuitive but keeping it to an hour is much more effective.

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