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Themefest 09


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Like because groups of (young?) men would cause trouble. Of course there is NO MENTION of this on ANY of their websites.


Similarly, what if it were a group of men and girls? They could cause as much of a problem, I reckon. Particularly if there's sexings taking place.


Anyway, looks like you had a cracking time. I laughed at the World High Class photo. I cringed at the poo on a bbq, thing. Therefore, balance is restored.

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I can actually understand the rule, I really can. But...to be so rude about it, and to not advertise the fact is ridiculous. I swear to you all of them were rude.




"I don't know."


Was one response. One man was a pikey in-bred farmer and he was like "DONT CARE WOULDNT TAKE YOU ANYWAY" etc.




(The South FTW tbh)


Also I argue the sexist comment in the vids. Albeit tongue in cheekz.




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