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The Nintendo Mafia: Battle for Nintendo Land

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I still think it´s a personal vendetta, and just to be 100% sure you gather the info against me right then you should should tell them the whole story.


Alright Bowser. :heh:


I love how there is no evidence of a personal vendetta (I don't think I've ever actuially "spoken" to you before), yet you blame it on that!


That was the



We're going to beat your shell in.

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Okokok i´ll be serious for one post.


OK I am (prepear for a plot twist) bowser and am good if I get linched I demand Paj Meen Ah will be linched because he isin´t telling everything he knows. And the three ppl how are not dangerous by killing power they are

Paj Meen Ah

Mundi and

Me... I know a far shot but it´s true.


I have investigators power and since when did the mafia have a class like that? but i guess I'm dead or something i hope someone believes me and remember sony are the nemesis of Nintendo.


Alright Bowser. :heh:


I love how there is no evidence of a personal vendetta (I don't think I've ever actuially "spoken" to you before), yet you blame it on that!


I think double post but i needed to express my feelings :P


You know I killed you (x-men mafia) and you are getting your revenge on me now.

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Look, will people stop saying "and since when did the mafia.." this, or "and since when did the townies..." that! We're not supposed to bring expectations of previous games into this one. It is not a valid form of defense or prosecution!

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I think double post but i needed to express my feelings :P


You know I killed you (x-men mafia) and you are getting your revenge on me now.


You only killed him because I controlled you to do so. I don't think you made a single kill yourself, heh. Honestly doubt Paj holds grudges over past mafia games anyway.


For now I'm keeping my vote, you're not making much sense and you're one of the best leads we have so far.

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Okokok i´ll be serious for one post.


OK I am (prepear for a plot twist) bowser and am good if I get linched I demand Paj Meen Ah will be linched because he isin´t telling everything he knows. And the three ppl how are not dangerous by killing power they are

Paj Meen Ah

Mundi and

Me... I know a far shot but it´s true.




If I could quote PM's, I would. And sorry, what would a "good" Bowser look like? "Vicar Is Bowser, but don't worry, he's good!". Um No. Get a grip and accept death. I even waited after telling everyone, since it hadn't been established if Bowser would be in the Mafia or not. I'm not sure it even has now, but you're a known villain, and nothing you've done so far has swayed anyone. In fact, your incomprehensible made-up ramblings only make you sound worse. If it turns out you were good, then you should have defended yourself better. Or not resorted to making up shit paranoid things about me.


Some of your friends'll have me offed soon I'm sure. ::shrug:


I have investigators power and since when did the mafia have a class like that? but i guess I'm dead or something i hope someone believes me and remember sony are the nemesis of Nintendo.


I think double post but i needed to express my feelings :P


You know I killed you (x-men mafia) and you are getting your revenge on me now.


What did you learn last night? (this might have been established, can't remember)


Did you? I honestly don't remember/CARE!? It's a mafia game! All I know was that I having fun imitating the Dark Beast.

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Look, will people stop saying "and since when did the mafia.." this, or "and since when did the townies..." that! We're not supposed to bring expectations of previous games into this one. It is not a valid form of defense or prosecution!




Seriously as I've always said the fact that the forum has become experienced with Mafia games is perhaps the reason for their lack of the ability to excite these days.


Also Vote: Vicar

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And then I died (According to mundi on msn) full fill my last request so my sould vill rest in peace.


I'm still alive so i´m going to say it one more time my info says that Mundi is not a killer and by reading the write up Paj Meen Ah is not ether, but he is one now for making up skizzle about me and get me voted off the island.

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To kill me?




Allthough, if you turn out to be good, I'll probably be a target, true. Oh well, we went on a hunch (since Bowser is..y'know, evil), and you came across as evil.


Noooooo that was your hunch and read my post my theory is that sony guys are the mafia

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Well we had no better leads at the time. I'm so sorry.


I'm still not sure what I've made up about you. All I know is that you are Bowser, which you admit. You then accused me of everything under the sun, all ridiculous, which I *correctly* rubbished.

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Remember back when you said every thing i said where a lie .... that is the part you messed up because i think you have something more and I'm dead no matter what so I think the dude who made the town vote off a good guy should get punish for not putting his feelings out of the game.

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Vicar (10): jayseven, Tellyn, Eenuh, Jonnas, chairdriver, Cube, Paj Meen Ah, Ellmeister, Dyson, Gizmo

Tellyn (1): Mundi


10 is the majority.


Majority has been reached!




"So, Bowser, huh?"


People didn't trust the spiked turtle and ganged up on him. Despite his attempts to explain himself, his fate had seemed inevitable from the start. As his dying breath escaped him, he cursed the higher powers for giving him such a difficult role in life.


Vicar is dead. He was Bowser, who, though normally a bad guy, had a softer side to him. He didn't want to see Nintendo Land ruled by unscrupulous people and would help the town by sending out his Koopa Troopa minions to track someone at night, thereby finding out who he or she targetted. He was good.




18 players remain.
















Paj Meen Ah





Night 2 begins now.

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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Remember back when you said every thing i said where a lie .... that is the part you messed up because i think you have something more and I'm dead no matter what so I think the dude who made the town vote off a good guy should get punish for not putting his feelings out of the game.


I love how you've become my psychoanalyst. Punish my for bringing my feelings into this? I honest to god, hand on my heart, swear on my family's life, couldn't give two shits about what you think I do. I didn't know you even killed me in X-Men, I was just having a laugh while I was alive. It's a game...(not to you, though?)


"Lies all lies" was a just a jokey throwaway reponse to the silliness of before. You're a paranoid fucker.


Anyway, turns out you were good, unfortunately you were the most likely mafia member we had a lead on. Unfortnuate, but you phailed at defending yourself, as I had only your character name and nothing else (hence my apprehension to lynch when I revealed what I knew)


Anyway, it's night now.

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There should just be a set time limit. I came into here thinking, "Yes! Finally!", then was bitterly dissapointed.


You snooze, you lose, I say. (refering to people wh odon't bother sending in targets)

Yeah, I might get stricter along the way, but I do want to give people a chance. Not everybody is on this forum most of the day (like some of us :heh: ).


Anyway, I'd like another auto-merge-prevention-post (AMPP).

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Not everybody is on this forum most of the day (like some of us :heh: ).


It's not like they have to be on all the time though - they just need to check the thread once a day at least, and send in a PM when it's night time - not really that hard...


And they shouldn't have signed up if they aren't prepared to do that.

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It's not like they have to be on all the time though - they just need to check the thread once a day at least, and send in a PM when it's night time - not really that hard...


And they shouldn't have signed up if they aren't prepared to do that.

Yeah, I guess you're right. In that case, I might already start the next day later tonight.


Again requesting AMPP.

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Looking out the window into the night, the blaster-wielding fellow decided once again to stay inside. Having just sat down and gotten comfortable, a knock came on the door, and, mildly annoyed, he got up to answer. When he opened the door, he saw a strange-looking fella standing outside.


"Who are you? Some relative of Sli-" was all he managed to say. As the strange-looking fellow walked away, he left behind him a large egg. On his way down, he passed a blue figure who was going to visit the same person, but whom someone was sneaking up on …




A karate chop sent electrical surges through the body of the blue figure, who collapsed on the ground, paralysed. Another person, someone who bore a physical resemblance to the blue figure, had taken notice of the blue figure's target and left the building, his job done for the night. Little did he know that he was being followed himself by someone with a yellow blanket.




Meanwhile, the mysterious little figure was again trying to play tricks on someone, this time a furry fellow, but it had trouble in doing so. Some kid with a shield kept shielding the furry fellow, and this kept blinding the little figure, who eventually gave up.




Somewhere else, a tech-geek was about to analyse his target when he got hit from behind by an electrical charge that left him stunned on the ground. He never realised that his target was protecting his female attacker with a magical barrier.




During this time, a pointy-shoed fella was looking through someone's stuff with a magnifying glass. Beneath some green clothes, he found a pair of boots.


"Wa-ha-HA! Boots! This can only mean one thing!" he exclaimed triumphantly before going home.




Just before sunrise, a long-eared fella came to investigate the paralysed blue figure. As he was about to begin his investigation, he heard something from behind and turned around. What he saw was the last thing he ever saw: A high speed frying pan coming at him. A loud "CLANK!" was heard, and he collapsed on the ground next to the blue figure.


not_so_tiny is dead. He was Peppy Hare, a retired member of the Star Fox Team sent into action again by General Pepper. He could investigate people. He was good.




Day 3 begins now.


17 players remain. 9 is the majority.















Paj Meen Ah




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