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Playstation Move


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Well I think Move will be a sort of success...but not a blow away success. Motionplus is a success because they bundled it with a game that people wanted more of Wii Sports. Sony have taken a different tack with their Sports Champions which yes lacks charm and looks kinda soulless but I think they deliberately made it look more realistic and try and convince people it is more realistic and a better game...whether it is, is open to debate.


I do think they should perhaps held off the release until there was more out there. However then again Kinect doesn't launch with much better but at least we know theres more in the offing especially after TGS whereas with Move there isnt that much coming along the way.

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However then again Kinect doesn't launch with much better but at least we know theres more in the offing especially after TGS whereas with Move there isnt that much coming along the way.

I disagree. We know that Sony's quite happy to integrate Move into its biggest titles — Killzone 3, LBP2, and quite possibly inFamous 2 — on top of which there's a guaranteed level of third-party support for various sports titles, plus there's scope for, say, the porting of various WiiWare or even mouse controlled games; Plain Sight is an under-the-radar example.


Microsoft made some impressive sounding announcements at TGS, but they're kind of undermined by the fact that pretty much every demonstration of the underlying Kinect technology has either been laggy, unreliable or occasionally simply not worked. At first I thought it was just pre-release problems, but it comes out in almost a month and there's still a steady stream of issues being reported.

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I disagree. We know that Sony's quite happy to integrate Move into its biggest titles — Killzone 3, LBP2, and quite possibly inFamous 2 on top of which there's a guaranteed level of third-party support for various sports titles, plus there's scope for, say, the porting of various WiiWare or even mouse controlled games; Plain Sight is an under-the-radar example.


Microsoft made some impressive sounding announcements at TGS, but they're kind of undermined by the fact that pretty much every demonstration of the underlying Kinect technology has either been laggy, unreliable or occasionally simply not worked. At first I thought it was just pre-release problems, but it comes out in almost a month and there's still a steady stream of issues being reported.


meh they are titles already announced and then have been announced later on as having move functionality. I think to get the momentum going they need to be announcing games that are move exclusive and can only be done on move!

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I haven't played the demo but I got bored of thing about playing it so I cancelled the download.

Nice. Imagine my disappointment when the loading screen phased out, only to reveal a mind-numbing RTS tutorial.


An RTS tutorial... Only turtles compete in slowness.



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This thread made me lol. Definitely nothing wrong with a little trolling though. I thoroughly encourage it from all camps.


Being a Nintendo Fanboy at heart however, my counter to Zack Marbles is ; The Wii is a console itself, whereas Move is an expensive add on to an existing and expensive console.


And all I've played of the Move is the Table Tennis.


A) The glowing ball rules.

B) Its very comfortable.

C) From what I played its pretty identical to the Wii Motion Plus.

D) I look forward to the actual games for the Move.

E) A customer asked the GAME employee demonstrator "Are there any 1st person shooters out for it?" and he replied "Resident Evil 5" prompting me to immediately walk off in the knowledge that I am the superior of the two of us.

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E) A customer asked the GAME employee demonstrator "Are there any 1st person shooters out for it?" and he replied "Resident Evil 5" prompting me to immediately walk off in the knowledge that I am the superior of the two of us.
I love this in game stores... when I realise that I'd actually be of far more use to the customer than anyone in that store!
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This thread made me lol. Definitely nothing wrong with a little trolling though. I thoroughly encourage it from all camps.


Being a Nintendo Fanboy at heart however, my counter to Zack Marbles is ; The Wii is a console itself, whereas Move is an expensive add on to an existing and expensive console.


And all I've played of the Move is the Table Tennis.


A) The glowing ball rules.

B) Its very comfortable.

C) From what I played its pretty identical to the Wii Motion Plus.

D) I look forward to the actual games for the Move.

E) A customer asked the GAME employee demonstrator "Are there any 1st person shooters out for it?" and he replied "Resident Evil 5" prompting me to immediately walk off in the knowledge that I am the superior of the two of us.


Zainy Molotov's post doesn't constitute 'trolling'. He's, honest to God, setting out on a pointless mission towards self-fulfilment. By being a fanboy.

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I got the Move, but haven't got enough money to buy any games. I just wanted to try out the technology.


I'm very impressed so far, Disc Golf is very impressive, I love the way it tracks your every movement.


I was also impressed with the Tumble demo.


Hopefully this gets decent support, from both 1st and 3rd party developers.


Motion controls for the win! +Southpark lol

Edited by The Lillster
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I still don't understand why you guys (people in the know) would buy a Move now.


Because it's new and shiny.


...and I kind of want to play Heavy Rain.


And it was only £30.


To follow on from Dafts sentiments yeah its new and shiny but also picking it now rather than further down the line spreads out the cost I guess. say next year there are 10 must have Move games and a few come out within a month and you want them all the thought of also shelling out for all the move gear at once to get these games. Getting it now and picking up the odd title and the cheap little PSN bits kinda makes sense to me...try it out as a proof of concept (although yeah one you are paying for) and sit back and wait for the goods to roll in.

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The Heavy Rain patch is out. Over 1GB.


It tricky getting used to it and now the walking is utterly retarded but it's quite cool once you get used to it.


Not sure if I'd recommend downloading it because the game is now installing itself again (even though it is already installed because I was just playing it) and I seem to have lost all my chapter points...even though I have my save.




Edit: Hold on, chapters are back, everything is good. Still, had to reinstall the game which was very very weird.


Edit edit: There's quite a cool bit at the end of the car chase where you have to reach out and open the glove compartment by pushing and twisting and you end up straining like Ethan...except not upside down obviously.


Edit edit edit: I also like how the glowing ball changes from blue to red when you are doing an action the requires movement.


Edit edit edit edit: There is one amazingly stupid motion that requires you to press Triangle and Square at the same time...That's impossible to do with one hand. You need a nav controller but it's not a fast action so it's not that big a deal, just a weird oversight.

Edited by Daft
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So i have a Move in my hand right now and have no urge to actually use it . Its surprisingly comfortable and smaller than i expected though, ooh and the pretty colors.


Also my dad just walked by and said 'what kind of gay shit is that' and kept on walking :D

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With my play time with the Move so far, I've figured out you may not be able to waggle but, for example in Sports Champions Table Tennis, I've perfected my technique where I can keep smashing the ball and I can get perfect results all the time! - I also don't like the fact that the ball always stays on the table, no matter how you hit it.

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