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Anyone thinking what I'm thinking?


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Originally Posted by trisha

i didnt buy mario or zelda in this generation. that says a lot.

It sure says a lot, I mean, you have 40 games and you dont buy those? Even if mario sunshine wasn't the revolution that mario64 was, and zelda:WW doesn't seem a better game than OOT (for me it was), they're still great games and some of the best in the cube.

As to the rest of you're post, I don't see how the gamecube section at you're local store or nintendo lying about the gamecube (altough I agree with you), makes you play less.

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the cube has such a low cost and low footprint (ie space saving) that it is ideal to be tucked away so you can still play the great games that were on it (albiet not a massive amount).





et al...


Obv it will packed away for ever when the REV comes out but I will STILL play my favourite cube games on the rev.

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I got naruto 4, my gamecube aint dieing anytime soon...360+ missions apparently not to mention the replay value of the game at parties and drink ups and such. Gonna get Mario Soccer too soon, then on top of that when Zelda returns it'll be all jiggy. Naruto could single handedly carry the gamecube on its shoulders for me and my friends.

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My cube sure ain´t collecting dust. I play my cube games all the time. Right now I´m playing Fire Emblem, and I love it :) (normally I´m not too fond of strategy, but this game rocks).


I love the cube and can´t understand why so many people don´t like it. The games for it is simply awesome. Even though the Revolution will be able to play cube games, I will never get rid of my Cube. I will play games on it for many years to come, this I know. :)

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