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Battlefield Bad Company 2


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Rush is too fiddly to do it on (for me).


But yeah Squad deathmatch on Arica Harbour is good, that's what I did it on mainly. White Pass on this mode also is fairly doable.


What you want to do is pick assault, and scroll to an All Kits weapon that you like (I actually suggest the submachine gun that also features in BF1943). Then select C4, choose the perks for extra explosive damage and extra explosives capacity. Then just try and spot people in buildings, you'll find a lot of people camping on the upper floors. Quickly put all six C4 in the right places (there's a guide on which parts, only takes 5-10 seconds) run out and detonate (or if someones coming up you bum ;), just press r1 and hope for the best. You'll get a lot of standard C4 kills this way, but people running in who are trying to cash in on the action may get caught up in it, and it's especially good if people spawn on them.


You have to be bloody persistant though. If you survive but dont get anyone, restock with the ammo kit.


The best way to do all this is to find people in the upper floors by going to an upper floor youself, and then just sprinting your ass over to their building without being seen. It can be tempting to just shoot the idiots, but obviously that's counter productive.

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I found it more enjoyable using assault. Also, I think the G3 is pretty wank (well, without magnum ammo it is). Try the sub machine gun I suggested, gets the job done at v.close and medium range without the need for extra firepower, its perfect for picking off the odd prick that tries to intervene with demolitions. Also, if youre getting shot at from mid distance, scramble to a near-by building, plant, then scream upstairs, detonate, and then parachute out.


Dont be afraid to just blow places up even if you know people arent in. Increases chances and promotes anti-boredomz.

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That be the one. In fact I may have to try it out with magnum ammo outright because it's better than the stats suggest.

Though it probably doesn't have a patch on the PP2000 in the grand scheme of things. I love that thing.




Follow this vid basically (I'm sure you understand already) , but to make sure it comes down, put a C4 on the wall that he doesn't it's to the left of him at 41-42 seconds in.

Also, the pro-tip is bullshit, you can put it pretty much anywhere, it's quicker just to have it at half way, because that's naturally where you aim anyway.

Edited by dwarf
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Just had an absolutely fantastic match on this, pretty much had everything you'd want.


We were defending on Port Valdez [Rush], and the game started off pretty standard fare. I was running with the ol' Neostead shotty as a Recon, but for some reason it stopped being effective, despite it working more than fine on other maps. The hit detection just died on it. It's weird because I was cross-mapping people in 2 hits with it, literally over sniper distances, then bam it fails.


So then I decide to do the unthinkable. I become a medic.


Now as I've said in this thread already, I hate medics. Getting killed by them feels cheap, they look like kents, they have ridiculous clip size, they revive the 3 other squad members you've just downed within a few seconds, and generally they're despicable.


But I thought 'what the heck' and started using one. I remembered the MG36 being decent way back when I was levelling up the medic for trophies and the like, but using it just then I was stunned by how destructive it is on flesh. Seriously, it's a beast. It has very little recoil, and the red dot sight on it works wonders at all ranges, you can snipe accurately and spray, and both get the job done with tremendous unyielding prowess.


So throughout the match I was doing the standard protection duties, zig-zaggin from M-Com to M-Com, disarming bombs, and picking people off as if it were The Expendables. This was all highly entertaining, and then the fun factor went through the roof when I hunched in alongside a colleague's chopper. My God we raped. The secondary chaingun burst thing on that chews through everything, and the pilot was fucking genius at controlling the thing, so we stayed airborne for a solid 5 minutes or so. Ripped through a few tanks, got a triple kill on a squad that were running towards our final base.


The whole game saw the opposition just managing to destroy the targets before their tickets ran out, leaving us with the final base. Our 'A' (I think) target was taken very quickly, and the smarmy Russians had 50 tickets left to take 'B'. If you're accustomed to the game, this is the M-Com objective that sits in the fairly hefty building at the top of the hill.


The story is basically, we constantly had an mixture of 8 engineers/medics/assault running around the building (predominantly medics) running around batshit crazy defending the M-Com. I must've saved our teams' ass 3 or 4 times by taking down entire squads (quadruple lolol killz) by flanking them and spewing my 100 clip megat0n into their spines, and then reviving the 5 or 6 people they'd left in their wake. There were always 4 or 5 medic/heal kits on the floor, and there was always someone on hand to mop up.


Of course with all this build up, yes, we did manage to hold out and claim triumph. Don't worry lads.


I can't remember how many kills I got, but man it must've been loads. Enough to be classified as a holocaust. Racked up 6,500 points too.


It's probably wrong to mix 'holocaust' and kill 'points' within a couple of lines but the whole affair was fucking win. Depending on how much Vietnam is, I may have to buy it. So much victory to be had if you're in a full 4 man squad.

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Holocaust is defined as destruction or slaughter on a massive scale. Forget the PC crap, its the correct word to use.

"Clip" however, is not.

Urgh, you've pulled me up on the clip/belt thing before! (I've just re-read the thread and chuckled at a few things)


Just congratulate me. Or something.




This game has provided the best/most multiplayer moments for me of any game I've played. It's just the variety and scale, almost every game is different.


Yet it can also be infuriating. One week you can be endlessly dolling out praise, the next you take that praise back.


Doesn't detract from the fact that it is quite astounding.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A new Map Pack has been announced. It contains updated versions of Harvest Day and Oasis from Bad Company 1, and will also include maps based on the Levels "Cold War" (The first mission after the WWII one) and "Heavy Metal" (The one where you get to drive a tank) from Bad Company 2's single player campaign.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not a fan of the new maps. Not that I've played them much but I just didn't really enjoy them.


However, Vietnam is sounding right up my street



The lack of sights and bigger 1943 feel make the thing seem pretty damn awesome. Comes out 21st December, which is kinda queer, but I'll still be getting it.


If NE was awesome we'd have tons of squad matches on it, but nooooooooo!

4 player squads are fucking awesome, I don't know why this didn't take off (well).

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Oasis is awesome. I haven't played the other maps beyond one game though. That said Harvest day seems to have too many vehicles, in the match I played in I ended up getting killed by a tank round or 25mm grenade every few seconds. Both Harvest Day and Heavy Metal had too much open space for Snipers though.


Fortunately the patch did fix the issues with White Pass rush (being able to destroy all the M-comm stations after the first base by collapsing buildings). It also added red dot sights and 4x scopes to the G3 and M14, which makes the M14 a little bit more usable, and makes the G3 a little bit overpowered (But it still has a small magazine size (20 rounds) so its not that bad).


I'm looking forward to BC2 Vietnam as well though.


If enough people get it, I'm sure it'll take off with a little bit of a push.

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I'll definitely be on this a lot when Vietnam comes out.


Also, did not realise those changes Masher-of-E, thanks for the tippage. Anything else I should know? Rebalancing?


I think they nerfed the MG36 a while back. It's now average. And the PP2000 is no longer a rape machine. Maybe it's just been because of lag recently but I was left a tad disappointed.

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Are there still plenty of folks playing the 360 version of this? I've been considering upgrading my Battlefield experience but I'll be damned if I throw down £20-odd I really should be saving only to find half dozen college students and some American gun-nut named Fred to battle with.

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PS3 Change Log


Are there still plenty of folks playing the 360 version of this? I've been considering upgrading my Battlefield experience but I'll be damned if I throw down -odd I really should be saving only to find half dozen college students and some American gun-nut named Fred to battle with.




The PS3 versions still has enough players that you can get into a game in any mode on any map with a reasonable number of players in it. Since the 360 version sold better, I would expect it would be just as good at the very least.

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- Increased the 1 shot kill range of the M95 body shot to counter its lower rate of fire.

Nom nom nom!


- Fixed a bug with the SVU that gave it better close range damage than other semi auto weapons.

I always found that strange/amusing. Made it such a destroying weapon on Hardcore, and just in general.


Reduced all weapon damage to the MCOM by 50%

Good decision


Lowered the close range damage of the AN94 to highlight its long range role.



Increased the accuracy of the F2000 on the move to highlight its role as a mobile AR.

I was using this earlier and it's actually pretty decent, especially for Oasis Conquest (which, like you said, is a very good map).


- Increased the close range damage of the shotguns to give them a greater advantage vs slugs.

Should've done that ages ago.

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Just played a load of conquest games with a friend. Was really good, Managed to go one game 23-6 and another 55-20.


I was mixing about with Engineer: UMP, RPG, Explosive damage

and Assault: Abakan/F2000, magnum ammo


Was doing well with Abakan and started using the F2000 for the lols. It's actually a fabulous weapon, and absolute beast at close range, but you can still be effective at distance if you can control the recoil, which isn't too hard.


The patch really has improved it, definitely worth trying out.


I'm getting Vietnam over PSN share. Victoreeee!

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