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Battlefield Bad Company 2


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I haven't had a good play on this for around 5 weeks. The pack seems a bit of a rip off, seeing as you can barely see a difference in the gun styles.


I would be tempted to get the Engineer one but the skin only applies to the last gun, which is pretty average. If it worked on the PP2000 then I might've been tempted.

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Its probably worth it for the Medic just so you don't have to use the Red giveaway hat when you play as russian.


How much is it anyway, its not out on the North American store yet.

Edited by Emasher
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The Light Machine guns that that the Medics use in the game use belts, and magazines, not clips. Aside from the M60 though, the Light machine guns are balanced fine. They aren't nearly as accurate as the other guns in the game, and they don't handle as well.

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So, more DLC.


The SPECACT stuff has been released, and Onslaught Mode had been announced.


I bought the SPECACT bundle today, and I'm surprised, it actually seems worth it. The extra stuff it advertises isn't that great, but you do get 4 new trophies, and because of the way the've implemented the skins, I think you get an extra slot to save a load out for each class. Although, I haven't tested this yet.


Onslaught mode is basically the game's co-op mode, you and up to 3 other people are placed in a map and have to fight off waves of enemies. It sounds like it will have its own exclusive maps.


Map Pack 3 was also announced a while back. It has Nelson Bay Squad Deathmatch, and Langua Alta Squad Rush modes. This one will be free for VIPs.


The latest patch also came out. Some of the weapons feel more powerful now, but don't appear to actually be more powerful. The game overall feels less stable.

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I wish they'd just stop staggering these VIP maps, just put them out EA. Or make some actual new maps.


I had a quick blast on the game today after not playing for a while, didn't realise the update was recent. Didn't really notice any changes, although the Abakan was still packing a massive punch, which is good. I barely used it but the M16A4 seemed underpowered (this is probably just bad shooting on my part).


The headshot hit detection is still dreadful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After some decent playtime I take back my sentiment that this was the best online shooter. It's actually the best game ever made. I joke. It's actually just a 'good' FPS. I have a problem with the spotting system being so powerful, it's so hard to get on streaks unless you're playing conquest on smaller maps, because the spawning on everything else is so bad, and the way the camera is set, it's extremely likely that the other other 16 players will see (and kill) you.


That said, I had a great 30-5 run on Africa Harbour conquest (Abakan, shotgun attachment, magnum bullets) which was very enjoyable. It's probably my favourite setup, as I think they toned down the awesomeness of the PP2000. The Abakan is just really effective whilst not scoped in, so any close range encounter you'll likely win, because the amount of burst fires you get in a single clip is very generous.

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I actually have quite an easy time getting streaks. Its Arica harbour though, not Africa.


I've started playing with the SV98 with the 4x scope. I prefer it to the M24 because of its doubled magazine size.


Anyway, the new map pack is apparently coming out tomorrow, and judging by the trailer, it looks like it comes with the ability to use optical sights with the M14, and possibly other guns as well.

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It is yes.


The maps are Nelson Bay squad deathmatch, and Laguna Alta Squad Rush though, so if you don't play the squad modes, its not quite as exciting an update as last time.


Hopefully we get onslaught before long.


Edit: The maps are alright, but nothing to get excited about. Laguna Alta Squad Rush is fun if you have a good squad, but otherwise its awful. Nelson Bay Squad Death match feels a bit crowded.


Still no scope for the M14, I'm guessing the trailer was filmed with a future build of the game.

Edited by Emasher
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  • 3 weeks later...

Onslaught mode is now out on the PS3. It costs $9.99.


It basically puts a squad of 4 players up against a bunch of bots. You play through one of the Rush maps (as if you were attackers), but your objective at each base is to raise a flag rather than destroy 2 crates. There are 4 different Difficulty settings and 4 different maps. Valparaíso, Atacama Desert, Nelson Bay, and Isla Inocentes. All your competitive multiplayer unlocks carry over, and if you don't play multiplayer, but still want the unlocks, you can pay $19.99 to unlock everything. The lighting and fog effects on each of the maps has been changed so that each map is taking place at different times of the day from competitive multiplayer. Nelson Bay and Isla Inocentes both take place in the morning, both featuring fog. Atacama Desert takes place at sunset with less dust storms and more haze (and lots of vehicles, we finally get to drive the humvees with the AT weapons on them). Valparaíso takes place at night. I bet we're going to see Atacama Desert Rush mode in one of the next few Map Packs just based on how well it worked with this. Anyway with the exception of Atacama Dessert, which has lots of vehicles coming at you all the time, you'll usually encounter an enemy vehicle about the time you enter the base. Enemies will spawn in the base until you raise your flag in it, and then they'll start spawning in the next base. Depending on the base, sometimes they'll parachute in, and sometimes they'll just walk in from the back. They're quite easy to shoot down when they're parachuting. Just like in competitive, you can set up your own private game, or join a public one. You can't unlock anything during onslaught. Games tend to be best when everyone's using a headset.


I would say its well worth the price. It gets a little repetitive, but that's not a huge issue when you just want a fun co-op experience to play with friends every once and a while.

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