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Guitar Hero: Metallica

Strange Cookie

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Ah, another spring, another band-specific GH. Which makes this... only the second, actually.


I love the Guitar Hero-series and Metallica is a band that has the Guitar Hero-vibe written all over it. Aerosmith wasn't bad, but this is really how it should be done. Not that I've actually played the guitar-mode, mind. I'm a bassist. And don't dare to call a bass a mere guitar. People have been burnt to she stake for less, you know. ;)


Anyway, I can but reccomend this to all Guitar Hero-fans. Only if you really loathe Hetfield and his band of merry rockers should this be avoided.


And for late GH-adopters: Europe has an exclusive GH:M + Metallica-guitar set. It's quite nice. It's just... not a bass. :p

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I hate, like everyone else, the constant pilfering of the Guitar Hero franchise but this is one iteration I'll be picking up because Metallica are definitely a band who deserve their own title. Looking forward to playing the likes of For Whom The Bells Toll on friday.

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Been playing this since March as I imported lol. Been trying to get hold of drums cheap on Ebay but it's not going well. People seem quite happy to pay retail price on 2nd hand products (which is like everything on Ebay). I love it personally and i'm getting the hang of Hard mode, which bearing in mind I hadn't played much of guitar hero before this is pretty good. It's a lot of fun playing band mode, be even more fun playing people I know.

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They are indeed very fun to play. For you guitar hero vets i'm sure it'd be even more fun. Question, what would be considered the better guitar. Pre GH3 with no slide or GH:WT with slide. I have a GH3 explorer but I find solos a bit hard and I can imagine the slide would make it easier but i've heard the strum bar sucks on the new style guitars.

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Question, what would be considered the better guitar.


Well, I don't really use the slider at all, but I think the GH:WT-guitar is the best of the bunch. Haven't had my hands on a Metallica-guitar, but I don't think it'll differ very much the WT one. Bith the GH3 and WT-guitar are just fine, but the WT feels... nices. Slightly better strum and fret-buttons too.


It's funny how RB and GH keep on infecting eachother. I'm happy to see there finally is a meter that indicates when you get your next star.

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I saw them in Wembley too, and like god knows how many other places. I only got into it because of this game and it really is a lot of fun. I own a real guitar but it's not really a fair comparison. Guitar Hero is a game at the end of the day, it's no guitar sim.

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i can't wait for this game , personally love metallica but im not buying im renting first going to give it a shot and maybe if im cool enough try expert + bit of slayer never killed any one :P , on the guitar though sticking to rock bands fender due to i can pull off solo's easier with it , thats if it works n all

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