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Here's the BNP supporting our brave boys again :rolleyes:


BNP: war hero Johnson Beharry only got medal because he is black

The British National Party has provoked outrage after claiming that the Iraq war hero Johnson Beharry was only awarded the Victoria Cross because he is black.


By Ben Leach

Published: 9:00AM BST 17 May 2009


The BNP, led by Nick Griffin, called Johnson Beharry "an immigrant" and claimed his heroics, which saved the lives of 30 fellow soldiers, were simply "routine".


On its website the far-right political party states that Lance Corporal Beharry only received Britain's top military honour because of "positive discrimination by the PC-mad government".


It comes just days after the party held an Armed Forces Awareness Day to try to portray themselves as "the only party that supports our troops".


Full article: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iraq/5336891/BNP-war-hero-Johnson-Beharry-only-got-medal-because-he-is-black.html


They've also been distributing leaflets headed "Gurkhas Must Leave" with the face of Kumar Pun, killed fighting for the British in Afghanistan, with his face crossed out. Only party to support British Troops indeed...

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Truely shocking, i hold my hands up and admit i was wrong. But Im still glad i have the ability to have been wrong if i so wished. Im all for immagration caps etc. But these people give so much to this country.

People who have little to do with the 'British' armed forces would not believe how many foreign soldiers there are. Not just the Gurkhas but commonwealth soldiers. I have worked with people from all over the world and they are not limited to just poor countrys, the countrys of people i have personally worked with include (off the top of my head) new zealand, australia, canada, fiji, south africa, zimbabwe, ghana, st vincent, trinidad and tobago, jamaca, ireland, nepal, india and probably a few more. And to say these people shoudnt have the right to settle here is insane.

I can also say i very much doubt a VC was awarded to be PC. I very much doubt that the Army would tarnish the VC for something as stupid as being PC. Maybe the govenment would. But im sure the army woudnt.

Read the Government’s response


For many years, the Brigade of Gurkhas have shown bravery, commitment and dedication in serving this country, and continue to do so on operations today.

This Government has done more for Gurkhas than any other. It was the first Government to grant settlement to Gurkhas and the first to equalise pay and pensions, with over 6,000 former Gurkhas and their families already given the right to live in the UK. In April we took steps to increase the number of Gurkhas eligible to come to this country by 4,000 or, including families, 10,000 people.

The House of Commons has now expressed a clear view that all Gurkhas should be entitled to settle in the United Kingdom if that is what they wish.

This Government respects the will of the House of Commons and recognises the strong feeling and public support for this cause. Consequently, we have announced today that all former Gurkhas who served for longer than four years will be eligible to apply for settlement in the United Kingdom. They will also be entitled to bring their spouses and dependent minor children. There will be no time limit on applications.

This scheme recognises the unique nature of the service given to the UK by the Brigade of Gurkhas and is offered to them on an exceptional basis.

We believe that in announcing the new policy today, we have met their concerns and those of Parliament

What do you guys think about this?

I think the minimum 4 years is a great idea, unless they are killed then their families should be able to come here.


Top result shows that if enough people make enough noise you make a difference. 4 years is what everyone wanted. Brings them in to line with commonwealth soldiers (from australia, new zealand, south africa etc). Democracy does work sometimes.

Top result shows that if enough people make enough noise you make a difference. 4 years is what everyone wanted. Brings them in to line with commonwealth soldiers (from australia, new zealand, south africa etc). Democracy does work sometimes.

4 Years seems a great time really, enough to prove your not just in it for the Citizenship.

Here's the BNP supporting our brave boys again :rolleyes:




Full article: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iraq/5336891/BNP-war-hero-Johnson-Beharry-only-got-medal-because-he-is-black.html


They've also been distributing leaflets headed "Gurkhas Must Leave" with the face of Kumar Pun, killed fighting for the British in Afghanistan, with his face crossed out. Only party to support British Troops indeed...


Ah, further proof that the BNP is the only party that'll lead us forwards into the 21st century and not backwards...


But...but...my dad did invent the beard?!


Jokes aside, I totally agree with Mr.Brooker there, it's funny the contrast of that(and one that can't be easily raised due to Godwin's Law and such things), but interesting no less. I actually sit on two sides of the fence, there are growing problems with britain, but the BNP and such similar views are most certainly not the answer.


(Also, totally agree with Pyxis on the Asian thing, never got why a term so broad is used to encompass south and east asians, I always find asian on tinternets to mean east asian, I have nothing to go with! Yet then there IS things like asian networks, referring solely to south asian, tis all strange)

But...but...my dad did invent the beard?!


Jokes aside, I totally agree with Mr.Brooker there, it's funny the contrast of that(and one that can't be easily raised due to Godwin's Law and such things), but interesting no less. I actually sit on two sides of the fence, there are growing problems with britain, but the BNP and such similar views are most certainly not the answer.


(Also, totally agree with Pyxis on the Asian thing, never got why a term so broad is used to encompass south and east asians, I always find asian on tinternets to mean east asian, I have nothing to go with! Yet then there IS things like asian networks, referring solely to south asian, tis all strange)



It's funny, the BNP seem to go against every liberal value that the Western culture they're so trying to preserve stands for.


Reading the Mayoral Election info pack I've just got, our National Front candidate is talking about bringing back the death penalty. What, in North Tyneside?


its frightening that the bnp are gaining support, but thankfully the majority of people with a modicum of intelegence and independant thought can see that behind all their talk of patrotism, its really just a group of bigots.


got a bnp flyer through the post, it had a picture of an old couple on saying that they wanted the preferental treatment of pensioners against asylem seekers. this is kinda strange, i mean, people claiming asylam have fled wars, genocide and unimaginable suffering. its important that as a developed country, we offer support to these people, quiet what they have done to to deserve the anger of bnp is beyond me.

(Also, totally agree with Pyxis on the Asian thing, never got why a term so broad is used to encompass south and east asians, I always find asian on tinternets to mean east asian, I have nothing to go with! Yet then there IS things like asian networks, referring solely to south asian, tis all strange)


I've noticed that in UK Asian often refers to Indian/Pakistan/Bangladesh sort of are, whereas in America it seems to refer to China/Japan area.

got a bnp flyer through the post, it had a picture of an old couple on saying that they wanted the preferental treatment of pensioners against asylem seekers. this is kinda strange, i mean, people claiming asylam have fled wars, genocide and unimaginable suffering. its important that as a developed country, we offer support to these people, quiet what they have done to to deserve the anger of bnp is beyond me.


I dont see anything wrong with that. I know many old people who have the same opinion, they have paid for it so why shoudnt they get preferential treatment.

I totally agree as a developed country we do have a duty to help these people. But i do not agree that this means they should all be aloud to live here. In some cases of course some people do have to flee there country for the above reasons.

But do not think that all asylum seekers are fleeing wars, genocide etc. Many are fleeing poverty. And although im not saying people should be forced to live in poverty i do not think that the UK should compromise its own standard of living to help everyone. There has to be a balance. And in my opinion there is not balance.

The UK i feel does have a good track record in helping countrys over there problems. We give a lot of foreign aid. I have personally seen what difference the UK has and is making in Afghanistan. I feel the UK unlike many of our european friends has the morals to help and take the hard chocies.

We went in to Iraq and yes civilians died, but civilians were dieing there anyway. In 10 years time people will look back and see that the US and UK made the correct choice by getting rid of Saddam. Even if the govenment did lie to the public as to the reason we were going in.

Afghanistan is totally different, we are going to be involved in there for at least another 10 years. And we are going to loose one hell of a lot more sons, daughters and friends out there. And in my opinion this is the greatest evidence that the UK is fulfilling its duty to help people worse off around the world. But the country will prosper eventually.

my friend told me a quote from a bnp memeber (possily the leader) "women enjoy sex so rape is impossible as they are enjoying it."


i can just imagine a moron like that in power.

Do you have any other sources other than your friend?

Posted (edited)
Do you have any other sources other than your friend?


no, i was some what sceptical, cant remeber where he said he found it, but still, hes the one who told me that magic johnson was aids free now, and that was true.







so he was thier london candidate, and he said rape without violence was no worse then forcefeeding a woman chocolate cake.

Edited by Chris the great
no, i was some what sceptical, cant remeber where he said he found it, but still, hes the one who told me that magic johnson was aids free now, and that was true.







so he was thier london candidate, and he said rape without violence was no worse then forcefeeding a woman chocolate cake.

He has been removed from the group for saying it, or thats what i got from scimming the article.

He has been removed from the group for saying it, or thats what i got from scimming the article.


yeah, he has, but it certainly dosent reflect wqell on the type of people who join such a party.


you dont have to look very hard to find news articles of high up members of the bnp saying racist things and even a few years ago, disscussing street brawls with "pakis" and "niggers"


im half supprised they dont ask you to put a burning cross next to them in elections.

yeah, he has, but it certainly dosent reflect wqell on the type of people who join such a party.


you dont have to look very hard to find news articles of high up members of the bnp saying racist things and even a few years ago, disscussing street brawls with "pakis" and "niggers"


im half supprised they dont ask you to put a burning cross next to them in elections.


So your spreading lies about the BNP, (not that im standing up for them but they have every right to exist). If hes been kicked out then theres no issue with the BNP. People have been kicked out of all political partys this shoudnt reflect on the party, more on the individual.

So your spreading lies about the BNP, (not that im standing up for them but they have every right to exist). If hes been kicked out then theres no issue with the BNP. People have been kicked out of all political partys this shoudnt reflect on the party, more on the individual.


i never lied. a bnp member did say all that. he was may have been subsiquently removed from the bnp, which i did not deny at any time.


it does reflect quiet badly on the party, if so prominent a member (based in london no less) managed to keep views like that in so high a position, i mean, say it came to light boris johnson had been the one to say that, how would that reflect on the conservatives? or how would labour look if livingston had said it?


lets have a few more quotes from outher high members and see how that reflects the party


“The electors of Millwall did not back a Post-Modernist Rightist Party, but what they perceived to be a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan 'Defend Rights for Whites' with well-directed boots and fists. When the crunch comes, power is the product of force and will, not of rational debate.†Nick Griffin, BNP leader.


so the bnp arnt going to wina rational debate but will get rioghts for whites by force. this is insinuating that none whites will be forced to submit.


“Mein Kampf is my bible†John Tyndall, BNP founder and former leader.


theres a great quote right there. start a political party then reveal that your bible is the work of possibly the most infamous perpetrator of genocide insighter in history.



“The sick minds who would have us believe that Jews were gassed at Auschwitz are completely twisted.†Tony Lecomber, number two in the BNP.


number two in the party is a holocaust denier.


“A drunken, warmongering slob.†Tony Lecomber, number two in the BNP, referring to Britain's wartime leader Winston Churchill.


might just have lost then the patriot vote there


“I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated or turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the earth is flat…I have reached the conclusion that the ‘extermination’ tale is a mixture of Allied wartime propaganda, extremely profitable lie, and latter day witch-hysteria.†Nick Griffin, BNP leader.


because having your number two deny the halouast just isnt extreem enough. his point is also flawed. rather alot of evidence of the suffering exists, invluding video and photographic evidence.


“Many who feel that Hitler was right do not believe it is safe yet to state such views openly. But times will change.†John Tyndall, BNP founder and former leader.


anouther dimond from good ol' tyndall


“When we get to power our opponents will be swept away like flies.†John Tyndall, BNP founder and former leader.


so bassicly, the party was founded by a guy who wanted to be hitler?


[They were] "flaunting their perversion in front of the world's journalists, showed just why so many ordinary people find these creatures disgusting"


nick griffin after the nail bomb by copeland talking about the gays that were targeted


not going for the pink vote then griffin?




so a selection of quotes show that the party was, and still is full of sick, deluded racists who belive that hitler was right, that tha halocuast was a lie and the homosexuals are perverted.


if you cast a vote to the bnp, these are the people your bringing into power.

rather alot of evidence of the suffering exists, invluding video and photographic evidence.

Not to mention the few people from that time who are actually still alive and can confirm all this.


While judging a group based on a few members is not always a good idea, it is rather worrying that so many people from a party (in)famous for its strong views on nationalism and immigrants have said such things. They remind me more and more of the Danish Folk Party ...


While judging a group based on a few members is not always a good idea, it is rather worrying that so many people from a party (in)famous for its strong views on nationalism and immigrants have said such things.


especialy when the party leader is quoted as having said it.

i never lied. a bnp member did say all that. he was may have been subsiquently removed from the bnp, which i did not deny at any time.


it does reflect quiet badly on the party, if so prominent a member (based in london no less) managed to keep views like that in so high a position, i mean, say it came to light boris johnson had been the one to say that, how would that reflect on the conservatives? or how would labour look if livingston had said it?


No but you did make it misleading in that the BNP were promoting that idea which they clearly wernt. Hence him being kicked out of the party.


I dont suspect London is a major seat for the BNP. I think the BNPs homeland is much further up north. SO that fact it was a London candidate is neither here nor there.


As i have said have said people have been kicked out of every party. How can you judge a party on something they have already done something to address.


Im not defending the BNP. But i am defending there right to exist. Which although many people on here wont say out loud, it is what they think.

Posted (edited)

Of course they have the right to exist. But I find it worrying that so many people are racist and homophobic and still deny the Holocaust - and that many of these people seem to gather in one particular party. You don't hear these kinds of statements in the same magnitude in other parties, which, quite frankly, does say a thing or two about the party - or at least about what kind of people it attracts. If they truly do not condone Holocaust denial, racist or homophobic views, perhaps they should consider their image outwards instead of simply evicting members in case of unfortunate statements.

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
No but you did make it misleading in that the BNP were promoting that idea which they clearly wernt. Hence him being kicked out of the party.


i didnt intend to make it sound like that, nor did i use any missleading lanugage, i mearly reported what i knew.



I dont suspect London is a major seat for the BNP. I think the BNPs homeland is much further up north. SO that fact it was a London candidate is neither here nor there.


fair enough, they do hold more power in the north so london probebly isnt a realistic goal of them


As i have said have said people have been kicked out of every party. How can you judge a party on something they have already done something to address.


thats true, parties have often had to remove members, though that a member can get so high in a group with such views is still shocking, and in the quotes i posted you will notice some increadably offencive things said by the current leader of the bnp,


Im not defending the BNP. But i am defending there right to exist. Which although many people on here wont say out loud, it is what they think.


im not disputing a right to exist, but i am certainly disputing the shocking views of high ranking members of the party. i fully support fredom of speech, and id going to assume you do too, and it is because of freedom of speech that we should disscuss and criticize racist/sexist/homophobic views. the party has every right to exist, but people also have a right to know exactly who it is that runs the party, and how worrying thier views are.

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