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New TV. Budget £1500ish. Lets choose!


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Bloomin shame the Pio 5090 has popped back up over the £2k mark, when it was at the ~£1600 mark it completely shat on anything and everything priced anywhere near it :heh: Ah well, the budget is £1500 not £2k...


The G10 would get my vote. Own a PZ81 and love it! The G10 is supposed to be a tad better, can't see how you could lose with it!

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Yeah if i can bag the Pioneer for abit more i would. Need to shop around for it. Found some cheap but they are ex display or second hand. Need to look abit more.


The Panasonic V10 looks to be nice though. If its the same, then will go for the G10. The PS3 does all the media stuff for the price difference much better anyways.


I am checking out some LCD by Sony just in case. LED stuff sounds interesting. New models out too. Seems like Sony by far the best LCD motion detail too.

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Panasonic makes the panels for Pioneer (iirc) so basically if you're in the market for a Plasma (which you should be since they are superior to LCD) you can't go wrong with either of them. The only thing to watch for is Burn-in/Image retention, which in my experience has only happened with consoles that aren't PS3/360 and any static image.


What you want to look for is a high Contrast Ratio(CR), most manufactures now list CR as Dynamic Contrast Ratio(DCR). IIRC DCR is about 4x the real CR. (10,000:1 DCR is 2500:1 CR) After that you want a TV with the Blackest Blacks and the truest colors. Resolution is last in the technical aspect of deciding really.


I can't be arsed to look at specs and give my recommendation right now, but basically like I said if you're going Panasonic it will be good (I've(well parents really) got a 2yo 720p Panasonic and it's fantastic.) Pioneer is better but basically the same as Panasonic with improvements and a higher cost, also more bragging rights.

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Panasonic makes the panels for Pioneer (iirc) so basically if you're in the market for a Plasma (which you should be since they are superior to LCD) you can't go wrong with either of them. The only thing to watch for is Burn-in/Image retention, which in my experience has only happened with consoles that aren't PS3/360 and any static image.


What you want to look for is a high Contrast Ratio(CR), most manufactures now list CR as Dynamic Contrast Ratio(DCR). IIRC DCR is about 4x the real CR. (10,000:1 DCR is 2500:1 CR) After that you want a TV with the Blackest Blacks and the truest colors. Resolution is last in the technical aspect of deciding really.


I can't be arsed to look at specs and give my recommendation right now, but basically like I said if you're going Panasonic it will be good (I've(well parents really) got a 2yo 720p Panasonic and it's fantastic.) Pioneer is better but basically the same as Panasonic with improvements and a higher cost, also more bragging rights.


thanks for the advice. :) The Panasonic making Pioneer panels thing never happened as Pioneer cut thier Plasma divison. :(


Bear in mind panels dont mean much on thier own nowadays. Its the whole package, the chipsets, features etc. Panasonic use the same panels but the quality varies due to other differences.

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thanks for the advice. :) The Panasonic making Pioneer panels thing never happened as Pioneer cut thier Plasma divison. :(


Bear in mind panels dont mean much on thier own nowadays. Its the whole package, the chipsets, features etc. Panasonic use the same panels but the quality varies due to other differences.


Panny did buy a lot of Pioneer's TV tech though when Pio pulled out of the TV business. Having said that it's not likely to affect new models til next year, the deal happened way to late for this year's models to be upgraded.


Try hdtvtest.co.uk for reviews, cracking site!

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Just to tickle your brain on the subject. Have you considered waiting for tech like the tv's that support yahoo widgets engine? Not sure on costings or when they are released but might be worth considering, I mean if it's for the same cash could get more for your splash.

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Yeah hdtvtest.co.uk are excellent.


I think its settled then. I'll wait for the V10 and see.It will support some enhancements, the question being are they worth it?


I really like how in movement the G10 hardly loses any detail. Even the Pioneer loses abit. Shame we couldnt see Pioneer's new models...


Just to tickle your brain on the subject. Have you considered waiting for tech like the tv's that support yahoo widgets engine? Not sure on costings or when they are released but might be worth considering, I mean if it's for the same cash could get more for your splash.


I am pretty sure the Sonys and Panasonics are using Yahoo. I tried Youtube on the Panasonic though its still is very dumbed down compared to using a full PS3 one. Hopefully they make youtube app for PS3 as they said about Iplayer and 4oD. Its cool to have this int he TV but i would not recommend spending extra just for these if you have a PS3.

Edited by Choze
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