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Just watched it, looks pretty funny. Basically if you equip the javelin missile launcher thang, hold a grenade as if to throw, then switch back to javelin, whenever you die you cause an explosion. Except not after the patch.


I don't think I'll bother getting this game.

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It would be funny if it wasn't so devastating. Even Foxfear was using it last night in our private match - the twat.


I'm always up for an NE match, we had a decent turnout last night, but people only stuck around for an hour or so.


Also, Lillster provided massive lols again.

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It would be funny if it wasn't so devastating. Even Foxfear was using it last night in our private match - the twat.


I'm always up for an NE match, we had a decent turnout last night, but people only stuck around for an hour or so.


Also, Lillster provided massive lols again.



Sorry guys :p I just HAD try it out for real once...


Great games btw yesterday, I love how the spas can get a one-shot-kill from a decent distance...

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Thought you strictly played Wii games Dazzy? What happened? ;)


Complete myth :) I play everything. I just play the Wii most. Though not lately! Damn you Fifa, Uncharted and MW2!!! Wii has returned though with the "better than all those games" NSMB Wii ;)


Anyone else up for a match tonight then? PS3?

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Been running around tonight using my stealth set up but with a few changes. I ditched the heartbeat because I hate it and decided to plump Bling out for Scavenger. Infinite ammo and claymores say 'hi'.

Marvelous time was had booby trapping my way around the map to some crazy kill sprees. I got 17/3 in one game, which was immensely satisfying.

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Javelin glitch = banned


Microsoft has begun issuing temporary bans to players taking advantage of an exploit in Modern Warfare 2, while Infinity Ward works on a patch to fix the issue. While the servers may be kept slightly cleaner for the efforts, the amount of control Microsoft holds over owners of their consoles, and the arbitrary way they are able to wield it, is troubling.



Sony stated that it won't be banning anyone over cheating in Modern Warfare 2, but with Infinity Ward controlling all the servers for the game on the PC side of things, bans have been handed down for cheating there, as well. With dedicated servers there was no way for a company to stop you from playing the game, but the closed nature of IWNet means the developer and publisher control your ability to play the game online.


No one is going to defend cheating, but glitches, exploits, and bugs have long found their way into strategy and helped to move gaming forward. Would rocket jumpers have been banned from Xbox Live? If Valve shut down dedicated servers and sought to control every aspect of their games, would there have been Counter Strike? The control Microsoft exerts over Xbox Live, and its ability to block your access to online play remotely, and without appeal, means that you'll be playing the games how they want.

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No one is going to defend cheating, but glitches, exploits, and bugs have long found their way into strategy and helped to move gaming forward. Would rocket jumpers have been banned from Xbox Live? If Valve shut down dedicated servers and sought to control every aspect of their games, would there have been Counter Strike? The control Microsoft exerts over Xbox Live, and its ability to block your access to online play remotely, and without appeal, means that you'll be playing the games how they want.


Bit far fetched. Especially considering the Javelin Glitch isn't exactly opening up new possibilities for the game, it's just ruining it for everyone. I ran in to quite a few guys doing it the last two days and it breaks the game in half.

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Fuck the javelin glitch, ran into so many people doing it, and they never win, they just run around on domo getin 1 kill if that a time, the odd time theyll get a lucky 3 kills, but then they die, i really dont see the point in it.


And double models, ha how are people so shit with them? We've come across people with them getin like 15-10, and i thought they were annoyin, i unlocked em last night, my kd was always about 4/5, theyre so sick, put a shield on ya back and its laffin.

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People sprint around with a Javelin launcher and the glitch makes the rocket fire and explode instantly when they die. It just means they either knife you or they get shot (more likely) and take you with them.


It's fucking infuriating. I really hope MS pass the patch through quick because it's endemic.


Interestingly: doesn't work with the RPG. What happens there is that the rocket fires but hangs in mind air spitting out smoke. It looks really cool. So cool in fact that I just got shot looking at one.

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