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I hope new Zelda Pokemon G/S Remakes and a new Mario and Animal Crossing DSi Ware game.


Animal Crossing for DSi is not a bad guess at all, as I'm sure I remember the game's creator saying there could possibly be two on DS. Combine that with the fact that Wild World sold well and they want people to buy the DSi, and I would say this is not unlikely at all.


Iwata's keynote is entitled "Discovering New Development Opportunities". What could fall into this?


My theory is they want to push the DSi, so I'm expecting a big DSi exclusive. I'm hoping for Metroid Dread, but it'll probably be a new Brain Training or something similar. There is also a small chance that rumour about a DSi-exclusive Zelda was true. After all, Phantom Hourglass was revealed at GDC a few years ago.


They will also want to show developers the benefits of MotionPlus. I predict they'll show the other sports of Wii Sports Resort, but I'd love to see Zelda or Kid Icarus too.

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These games that you mention are all cash cows, Nintendo isn't going to limit the market for them by making them exclusive to the DSi. There isn't even anything the DSi can do that effects gameplay really that the older DS can't do. Though I've heard it has a slight spec bump, but probably not enough to justify making them exclusive. I think its more likely that newer 1st party DS games have some features that only work on a DSi. Perhaps playing your own music in the background or something like that.

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Nintendo are makeing games for both DS and DSi if you want it to be on DSi you get the DSi one not the nomal version.

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Nintendo are makeing games for both DS and DSi if you want it to be on DSi you get the DSi one not the nomal version.


I don't think anyone at Nintendo ever said that.

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I dont think oyu will see many if any dsi exclusive games.. Why alienate the current ds audience? At that stage you may as well call the dsi the ds2..


Whereas downloable content is likely but it won't be anymore than the shite nintendo offers for wiiware. pokemon range and the like.

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There have been some pretty decent Wii Ware games. Mostly all 3rd party, but there's no reason 3rd parties aren't going to use DSi Ware. 3rd party support is already great on the DS.

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I want downloadable content for Phantasy Star Zero through DSiWare. Would be pretty cool, can't have enough areas to quest about in.

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I don't think anyone at Nintendo ever said that.


You never now Nintendo did it for Animal Crossing Wii so they might do the same for DSi.

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DSware is simply a new avenue for small games- like the vast amount of stuff on WiiWare, it'd not prove profitable for the DS.

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Pie charts, line graphs & statistics :heh:


But I'd rather hope for first party WiiWare.

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I think the news is whats already been posted on N-Europes news section...DSiWare downloadable GBA, Gameboy games..thats quite big news really..so i'm not expecting much else!

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Hopefully some sneak previews to what E3 will be showing, something to tease us or something and not be kack at the end when revealed at E3.


Hope something about Wii Storage is revealed to be fair.

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Considering Nintendos new stupid policy about not announcing games until just before release, it's fully possible they'll announce some game that'll be released before E3. Nothing big though, probably just a batch of new instruments for Wii music and some crappy waggle game.

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You never now Nintendo did it for Animal Crossing Wii so they might do the same for DSi.


What did they do? That post doesn't make sense.

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What did they do? That post doesn't make sense.


They made 2 Animal Crossing games one with Wii Speak and one without.

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They made 2 Animal Crossing games one with Wii Speak and one without.


Eh? They're the same game, the exact same game. Only one is bundled with WiiSpeak and one without.

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Haha. Animal Crossing on the Wii is Animal Crossing. Exactly the same game in every single way aside from WiiSpeak being bundled with one. How you thought there were 2 versions is crazy :heh:

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Supposadely only the first 5 minutes of the conference can be filmed! So theres a embargo on the info...greeaatt...does the news generally spill out this week anyway? or will we have to wait till monday?

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'Ere comes teh megatonz!


In terms of highlights coming out of this show, I'd say Nintendo's Iwata keynote is the one that you'll really want to watch (Jeremy will be live blogging it tomorrow morning). I thought he was just going to be talking about Motion Plus and DSi, but it turns out he's going to be announcing quite a few new games -- for Wii, Wiiware, and Virtual Console (and this won't just be Nintendo titles, but also third party stuff). I've already heard about a few of them (including one that makes me all giddy...I can't wait for tomorrow now).


Thanks to Deux Michaels over at Gonintendo.



Edited by Noku

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Damnit, I know what'l happen after this article...


1 - We (or at least, I) get our hopes up

2 - We get brace for impact

3 - Nothing comes

4 - Some of us rage.

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I doubt something huge will happen. But hopefully they'll pull their hands out of their asses and get release dates sorted out. Not to mention some new details on core Nintendo franchises they haven't talked about.


Who knows? A another new DS? :p

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Any predictions on what the big game is?


I thinking Earthbound, or perhaps 3rd party PS1 games which were rumored at one point. Perhaps MGS or the old Resi games. Or, it could be an old IP remade for Wii Ware, perhaps a new 2D Metroid, Zelda, or Mario game.


... I just re-read that quote and noticed that it also said Wii games. Now I'm slightly more excited.


Is the embargo just until next week, or until E3 like last years.

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I doubt something huge will happen. But hopefully they'll pull their hands out of their asses and get release dates sorted out. Not to mention some new details on core Nintendo franchises they haven't talked about.


Who knows? A another new DS? :p


This! Mainly for a crap load of third party titles, but even Nintendo seem to have a load of announced stuff that seems to be doing absolutely nothing. Wii Sports Resort? Sin and Punishment 2?


But anyway, GDC really isn't the place. I'm not even going to use a throw-away remark like "I have a small inkling that this year may be slightly interesting".... not after last E3. Just forget its happening - that's superb logic.

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These are just fun predications! but i'm still going for a 'Professor Layton' Wii...and because PilotWings, Ice Climbers and PIT have been rumoured for ages...one of those..my guess is 'PilotWings' purely because it would suit both a hardcore and casual market.


DSi info and Wii storage solution is a MUST now..we've waited long enough.

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