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"Read all about it"


Choze falls off the Killzone 2 bandwagon.


Wonder if his avatar will change to a MAG one?


Hmmmm Battlefield - Haven't played in a while. Might pop on between 2030 and 2100hrs.


Get your Mics charged so we can play as a team - haven't got one? or it's broken? - buy one! - team based games are wank if you can't communicate!


agreed...I'll have my mic...barely used my official one since i got it due to nobody else using them...

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I can't play sorry. Dont have battlefield and i will be working till 2 in the morning on friday and saturday anyway.


Hopefully it might turn into a regular thing, so if you do decide to get it (it is awasome btw), then your welcome to join us!

MAG is the new hottness. This is what Battlefield should have been. EA are shit and slowly ruining DICE..


One's a £10 download the other is likely to be a full priced product at least...that alone makes for very different offerings. I don't think EA are anywhere near as a bad a company as they used to be. Activision are the new "old EA", but I can see why people still hate EA.

MAG is the new hottness. This is what Battlefield should have been. EA are shit and slowly ruining DICE..


Slowly ruining Dice? - is there a timescale to how they are ruining them?


Of course thats your opinion and your entitled to it but without any actual factual content your words mean nothing.


Please explain in a bit more in depth - it might actually be interesting reading.


Mag is a bag of shit. At first I stated this, then I played it more and gradually enjoyed it more. Now I just think it's repetitive and boring. Spawn and other glitch issues aside, this is still pretty poor.


When I played for the first time I didn't mind that it was slightly generic but now I find that the monotony is the game-killer. Nonchelantly picking people off seems pointless. You feel as meaningful as a spec of shit on a bit of toilet paper. I could be a squad leader but then I don't want some northerner telling me how to do my job just because it's my first attempt and I don't have a clue what to do.


For all I know there aren't 256 players on the map. You can't go anywhere you want so it's irrelevant.

Mag is a bag of shit. At first I stated this, then I played it more and gradually enjoyed it more. Now I just think it's repetitive and boring. Spawn and other glitch issues aside, this is still pretty poor.


When I played for the first time I didn't mind that it was slightly generic but now I find that the monotony is the game-killer. Nonchelantly picking people off seems pointless. You feel as meaningful as a spec of shit on a bit of toilet paper. I could be a squad leader but then I don't want some northerner telling me how to do my job just because it's my first attempt and I don't have a clue what to do.


For all I know there aren't 256 players on the map. You can't go anywhere you want so it's irrelevant.


Something that I've thought as well and if all 256 players did somehow end up together it would be absolute carnage...


And generally wouldn't work. Dying constantly. When there's so many people out there to kill you then what hope do you have? Impossible to check your six every 5 seconds and there's too many to mow down with a minigun, then there's reloading...


I'm level 18 and have the sprint and gun swap speed along with almost every assault upgrade, just want that grenade launcher. Obviously objectives are key but once your bunker is bombed you're fucked. You can't stop a swarm of opponents from planting that bomb and once it's blown, massive trekking occurs.

Mag is a bag of shit. At first I stated this, then I played it more and gradually enjoyed it more. Now I just think it's repetitive and boring. Spawn and other glitch issues aside, this is still pretty poor.


When I played for the first time I didn't mind that it was slightly generic but now I find that the monotony is the game-killer. Nonchelantly picking people off seems pointless. You feel as meaningful as a spec of shit on a bit of toilet paper. I could be a squad leader but then I don't want some northerner telling me how to do my job just because it's my first attempt and I don't have a clue what to do.


For all I know there aren't 256 players on the map. You can't go anywhere you want so it's irrelevant.


Oi, whats wrong with Northerners?


Right here are a few ideas I had knocking about...




Wednesday War never been so much fun

ThursdayWar never been so much fun


Saturday Casual Chillaxing

Sunday They Think It's Over....it is now...


and then War never been so much fun*** for the wealth of FPS' out there so the nights where people are mostly available should be with this...put it in at wednesday and thursday for now but can change. Also think a racer night would be cool?


They Think It's Over....it is now... is intended as a sports night to round off the weekends sport with some of the virtual variety.


*** in honour of this great theme tune from a cracking game;


?rel=0&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>



FIFA night. If someone wants to set up a League, we can have a proper incentive to play. I will no doubt suck and be bottom of course. Playing as Sheffield Wednesday will do that.



Uncharted. beta. add it.


The full game is out in 2 weeks, maybe add that?


yeah may as well wait for uncharted to launch tbh...Yeah Matt the FIFA games could run the sports now...thought more broad ranging nights would be better help get things moving and then distill it down to the more popular titles.

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