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Miyamoto Was Sad During GameCube Era


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They did? As far as I remember, Goldeneye sold 8 milion copies, and MGS, 1080, Excitebike 64, Perfect Dark all came out into the Players Choice series.


Goldeneye did sell around 8 million, but rest of the games you mentioned certainly didn't break over two million. Twin Snakes certainly sold less than million.

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Probably the reason so many N64 games were so good was because they were the first of their kind in 3D. If Twilight princess with worse graphics had been released instead of OoT, and OoT had been released instead of TP with better graphics, we would be praising TP now, not OoT.


In regards to EAD Tokyo. Nintendo never said they were working on a Mario game, they just said the team that did Mario galaxy was making a new game. So they probably are the team that is working on Pikmin 3. I have this odd feeling that there was a mistake in Reggie's speech at E3 and he was supposed to say "The team that made Mario Galaxy is working on a new Pikmin game" Hence why Shingsy mentioned it at that little demo event. I doubt we're going to see another Main Series Mario game on the Wii.

there wernt THAT may good n64 games though.. I mean there were 15 very good games and after that its downhill time.


the ONLY reason oot and mario 64 were so good is because he spended all his time on them without getting distracted unlike the way he carries on today.

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there wernt THAT may good n64 games though.. I mean there were 15 very good games and after that its downhill time.


the ONLY reason oot and mario 64 were so good is because he spended all his time on them without getting distracted unlike the way he carries on today.


You're kidding? There's a fuckload of excellent N64 games, most of which have way more polish and effort dedicated to them than any of the drivel that the Wii has seen so far. Sure, there's some stinkers but on the whole there's a lot more shit available for the Wii now than there ever was for the N64!

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You're kidding? There's a fuckload of excellent N64 games, most of which have way more polish and effort dedicated to them than any of the drivel that the Wii has seen so far. Sure, there's some stinkers but on the whole there's a lot more shit available for the Wii now than there ever was for the N64!


who cares if there are more terrible games.. It's the more good games that's important.. At least in the first 2 years of the n64 there was barely anything released..sure there were classic games like OOT and goldeneye but these were far and few between and third party was very very poor for n64.

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You're kidding? There's a fuckload of excellent N64 games, most of which have way more polish and effort dedicated to them than any of the drivel that the Wii has seen so far. Sure, there's some stinkers but on the whole there's a lot more shit available for the Wii now than there ever was for the N64!


I second mcj. Why measure the quality of a console by things you can easily ignore?


As far as I recall, N64 had horrid 3rd party support. All the 1st party support it had was about the same that the Wii is having now.


The difference is, people like to focus on what they find negative:


"Mario Galaxy is great! Wanna play something else?"

"Wii Sports is boring!"

"Well, I also have SSBB, Mario Kart, Wii Fit..."

"Wii Fit sucks! This console sucks!"

"Metroid, Fire Emblem, Wario Land, WarioWare, Wii Music..."

"Wii Music? There really is nothing here!"

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To be honest. I count one "new" game there.


As awesome as Brawl was, it was Melee with polish and a few new features... And a massively broken online component.


Animal Crossing was lazy as hell. Its the SAME game we've had for the last 4 iterations with a few new features each release. Why aren't they ambitious? I don't want to give Tom Nook my bells anymore... or collect fossils, again.


Mario Kart Wii is fantastic. Sure the AI is a little cheap, but its probably the best MK since MK64.


I'll put it this way. My favourite game of the last decade is Mario Galaxy. I fucking LOVE that game. Why isn't there more like this on the Wii? It looks beautiful, it sounded astounding, the level design was perfect and the mechanics were awesome! Why not more like this?


Just leave it mate, you enter this forum and you just get beef off everyone because there sick of it like you but wont admit it. Oh and i totally agree with you about Brawl, i bought a Wii again for it and took it back 2 days later.

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Just leave it mate, you enter this forum and you just get beef off everyone because there sick of it like you but wont admit it. Oh and i totally agree with you about Brawl, i bought a Wii again for it and took it back 2 days later.


Could you crawl back to your hole? I have talked with more than few ex N-Europeans, and you, and few certain other posters were claimed as main reason for stopping posting. You and your pals basically terrorized part of the community away, and you still act like you own this fucking place. As moderation isn't doing anything, I'm really starting to wonder should I bring this matter directly to the Advanced Media INC. There is no reason why Nintendo users should accept being bullied and treated like a second class citizens on a site that is dedicated for them.

Edited by Teppo Holmqvist
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Could you crawl back to your hole? I have talked with more than few ex N-Europeans, and you, and few certain other posters were claimed as main reason for stopping posting. You and your pals basically terrorized part of the community away, and you still act like you own this fucking place. As moderation isn't doing anything, I'm really starting to wonder should I bring this matter directly to the Advanced Media INC. There is no reason why Nintendo users should accept being bullied and treated like a second class citizens on a site that is dedicated for them.


OH FOR GOD's SAKE! Could someone please put a TIT in this guys mouth? Always fucking causing arguments.

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Could you crawl back to your hole? I have talked with more than few ex N-Europeans, and you, and few certain other posters were claimed as main reason for stopping posting. You and your pals basically terrorized part of the community away, and you still act like you own this fucking place. As moderation isn't doing anything, I'm really starting to wonder should I bring this matter directly to the Advanced Media INC. There is no reason why Nintendo users should accept being bullied and treated like a second class citizens on a site that is dedicated for them.


I am one step closer to my dream.

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Teppo, you know you LOVE posting your little tirades against the sinister PS3/360 userbase. Otherwise your post count would be zero. If people didnt say anything negative about Nintendo youd have NOTHING to talk about.


But he doesn't go on a crusade to shit all over the Other Consoles board. There's nothing out-of-place in having pro-Nintendo views on a Wii Board. Taking any 'tirades' one may have to the actual place they so despise is pathetic.

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I realize this is a Nintendo forum , its why i joined in the first place. Little did i know that you have to love and agree with everything Nintendo does to post here or else your an 'idiot' or a 'troll' or an 'elitist' or any of the other mud that gets slung here lately

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I realize this is a Nintendo forum , its why i joined in the first place. Little did i know that you have to love and agree with everything Nintendo does to post here or else your an 'idiot' or a 'troll' or an 'elitist' or any of the other mud that gets slung here lately


I think the point is that as soon as a good positive discussion starts going, someone comes in and expresses ultra negative views and the whole thing turns into an argument. Its especially annoying when someone comes into the Wii board and starts praising another console and saying the Wii sucks and has no good games.

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I realize this is a Nintendo forum , its why i joined in the first place. Little did i know that you have to love and agree with everything Nintendo does to post here or else your an 'idiot' or a 'troll' or an 'elitist' or any of the other mud that gets slung here lately


Exactly. I've owned pretty much every Nintendo console over the past 10 years. I would'nt have joined here if I didn't like them, but no matter what any one says I think the Wii is a disgrace.

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I think the point is that as soon as a good positive discussion starts going, someone comes in and expresses ultra negative views and the whole thing turns into an argument. Its especially annoying when someone comes into the Wii board and starts praising another console and saying the Wii sucks and has no good games.



Ok but take this thread for instance, Miyamoto claiming he was sad when he had to make those terrible trendy GC games that i fucking loved like Wind Waker and Pikmin. I want to call BS on the whole interview but im scared ill get crucified here

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Ok but take this thread for instance, Miyamoto claiming he was sad when he had to make those terrible trendy GC games that i fucking loved like Wind Waker and Pikmin. I want to call BS on the whole interview but im scared ill get crucified here


He was sad that the games didn't stand out, not that he had to make the games.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Ok but take this thread for instance, Miyamoto claiming he was sad when he had to make those terrible trendy GC games that i fucking loved like Wind Waker and Pikmin. I want to call BS on the whole interview but im scared ill get crucified here


I think you may have misunderstood the comments being made by Miyamoto.


The way I read it was that he felt pressured to do things in a certain ways thanks to the success of other consoles, and that ultimately stifled creativity at Nintendo.


He's not so much unhappy with what they did release, but he felt that they could have done more had the situation be different.


Unless I'm misunderstanding him.

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Its especially annoying when someone comes into the Wii board and starts praising another console and saying the Wii sucks and has no good games.


This. This is extremely rude and annoying, and goes against every rule of good discussion. Its like I would go to soccer forums, and started discussion how about soccer sucks, and ice hockey is so much better. I would never do that, because what it would serve? What I am going to gain by pissing off other people? Why can't we just can't live in harmony? But no, let's push our ideals down from the others throat.


I think that the problem here is the anonimity like always. When people aren't speaking face to face, they start to do stupid things that they would never do normally. That is why I use my real name.

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I want to call BS on the whole interview but im scared ill get crucified here


You've just nailed it.


I believe a 12 yeat old would use something along the lines of "you can dish it but you can't take it"


Everyone can have opinions, but it baffles me as to why some people think they're exempt from any criticism of their views.

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This. This is extremely rude and annoying, and goes against every rule of good discussion. Its like I would go to soccer forums, and started discussion how about soccer sucks, and ice hockey is so much better. I would never do that, because what it would serve? What I am going to gain by pissing off other people? Why can't we just can't live in harmony? But no, let's push our ideals down from the others throat.


I think that the problem here is the anonimity like always. When people aren't speaking face to face, they start to do stupid things that they would never do normally. That is why I use my real name.


As much as I agree with you in terms of practically (yes you should join a Nintendo forum if you're a Nintendo fan and you shouldn't rabbit on about how much better the competitor is), we're still nevertheless allowed to criticise things.


As for the responses to my N64 comment earlier, yes 3rd party support was pretty poor but some very decent 3rd party games did make their way onto the console (Rogue Squadron anyone?). The console boasts some of the best games ever made, even if it did sell horribly. And no, I'm not speaking from the arse fountain of nostalgia - I still play my N64 almost daily (currently working my way through Banjo, Jet Force Gemini and Fighters' Destiny).


Part of the reason why I personally feel the games on N64 were surperior is because of Rare - without them the N64 would have suffered a much quicker death. So many classics were developed by them. This is of course, not so much the case anymore, I don't think Rare are quite the company they used to be (I still have yet to try the latest Banjo though so I'll reserve judgement until I do so).


I'm not saying that Wii boasts no good games whatsoever - I've thoroughly enjoyed playing my Wii and most of the titles I've come across and as I said, many new iterations of old classics such as Galaxy and Mario Kart Wii are in my opinion, the best yet. But in regards to the choice and range of quality gaming, I feel the Wii is severely lacking. I suppose Wiiware is helping out on this front however.

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