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The YOU-Tube It! Challenge#3: "How To..." (go to page 2 for update)


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Ok some explanation first, I'm taking part in a little competition/collaboration/"Virtual" Reality TV Show over on Youtube.


Updated: Week 2 - The Valentines Day Challenge


The 2nd episode/week has just begun and thought I'd try a small promotion to get you guys watching (and voting)


I'm won Immunity last week so I'm not taking part in the "Challenge"...yet I still went and made a vid (though unrelated to the challenge.)


Here's this weeks vids.




Hosts Introduction Video for the 2nd Ep (this is the vid you need to go comment on to vote)


-POST a comment with who you want to vote from their videos.

-1 or 3 different votes total.

-voting ends sunday evening PT & ET.



Contestants Videos

(and watch out for me making a cameo in one of the below vids ;))











KingB2K8 (New Contestant due to someone dropping out last week)

















ANd my "Non-Entry"

MokongX3M (Me) (Don't vote for me this week, it doesn't count)

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Seems interesting. Most of them didn't make me laugh, but yours was genuinely the best one so I went a slapped a vote down for you.


Cheers... just a note, Gentos altered the voting rules... you have to vote for 3 people or it won't count (this better not effect the vote from before he changed it cuz i'm bloody winning, haha) so make sure to vote for 2 others.


Also voting ends Sunday evening PST, vote while you can guys

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OK guys, little help, I'm winning at the moment, about 24 hours left in the voting, but I'm still really in need of votes, haha, we just got told what our Challenge #2 is for next week, and I've got a huge blank as to what the hell i could do, haha, so if I come first this week and get immunity that would be awesome.


KNNNEEEEEE Army assemble!!!!!!



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Cheers... just a note, Gentos altered the voting rules... you have to vote for 3 people or it won't count (this better not effect the vote from before he changed it cuz i'm bloody winning, haha) so make sure to vote for 2 others.


I re-voted with three votes this time, just picked two randomly.

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I've been trying to watch these all today but i'm having troubles loading them. Internets isn't what it used to be nowadays* :(





Nowadays = last few hours


weird, you tried going onto Youtube itself, see if works... my comps been freezing and pausing on me all day... seriously there was one point it took more than 10 mins to open a page here on the forums, i finally lost it and just plugged it out and took out the battery and played some Guitar Hero :heh:


working (slightly) better now though

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I saw the video before you posted here and I genuinely thought yours was the funniest (since all of the others wasn't funny and yours was) so I voted for you there and then, lol. I thought the ending was funny btw.


Good luck dude, hope you win!

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weird, you tried going onto Youtube itself, see if works... my comps been freezing and pausing on me all day... seriously there was one point it took more than 10 mins to open a page here on the forums, i finally lost it and just plugged it out and took out the battery and played some Guitar Hero :heh:


working (slightly) better now though


Yeah I tried a few videos at youtube but it didn't work. My internet was acting up badly last night so that was probably the problem.


Just watched all the videos and entered my votes. Good luck :)

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I loved JeskAmazings most, sorry.


I won't though, I'm not going to rub it in.


won't what? Vote?


Hey if you don't want to vote for me, that's cool, like I said at the start, I don't want you to vote for me just cuz you know me, if others take your fancy please vote for them...remember you have 3 votes ;) Voting ends this evening

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That juliusmariano chap thanked me for voting for him, and he followed Mokong in calling me "Villian".


Haha, well he saw me call you Villian and prolly thought it only polite to do the same I guess, he's a sound guy anyway, all of them are actually, amazingly the main "Host" vid hit over 39,000 views, crazy, I worked out it was featured on Google Video in Spain, Germany, Poland, Netherlands and Japan... but not on any of the Youtube sites...odd seeing as Google own YT :heh:


Any I guees voting closes soon, I just went and tried counting, looks like I won by about 20ish votes, haha (unless there was a ton of votes sent in to Gentos by PM for everyone else) so I have immunity for next weeks challenge (thank god, it's a tough subject)... but i've still got an idea for a video to add in, although related to me having immunity and not the actual challenge.

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Woot, Cheers guys, I won the first round and have immunity for the next challenge, a direct by to the 3rd week, phew, thank frack because if I had to make a video for week 2 it would have been really crap, hope the week 3 challenge is easier for me to think of an idea for, haha.



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Watched most of the videos yesterday, though there was a few missing then. Watched them all now though. Pretty close week I think, quite a few good videos.


Yeah, I was bloody right when I said I needed the immunity from last week... if I had to do a vid for this weeks Challenge it would have been something silly and basic that wouldn't have stood up to any of those.


Hope when we are told the week 3 challenge its something I can come up with something decent, haha... be funny though if I came first in week one, get a pass to week 3 and then came last, haha


Be sure to vote now, taking a quick glance how it's going so far, 1st and last place could be decided by one vote

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