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My Comics


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I do alot of script writing for various web comics

Id like to show you my latest comic strips that is a series i invented long ago .

I do the writing and colour/lettering .

Drawing is by an artist friend of mine Yen Ip .












If you want to see more of these or other comics then my devart account is http://rossk.deviantart.com



or my drunkduck comic account



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They're not bad. But there is room for improvement. You might want to try a different font though. Comic sans is way to recognizable. The art isn't that bad, but you shouldn't use the sandstone texture in photoshop that obviously, and the gradients a just a little too obvious. For effects like that its best to be slight so it adds the effect but the average person isn't quite going to be able to tell exactly what gives it the effect without a close examination.

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