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Take-Two [this is getting really old!]


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Why does anyone care enough about someone saying so obvious?


A minigame compilation sells well, the Wii has a big audience, but the other formats are more "appropriate" for the good stuff.


Everything is very vague, and very obvious. We MAY see a GTA for the Wii, and it's highly likely that we're going to get more shovelware.

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^ Well Call of Duty World at War sold terribly on the Wii and DS (about 200,000 combined) compared with the other consoles (over 1 million copies on the 360 and over 600,000 copies on the PS3). So looking at that alone it would tell us people opt for the other versions for mature titles. But then I don't remember seeing any advertising for it so you are right in saying that if a hardcore Wii title is advertised enough then it'll sell. I know Sega will be doing a lot of advertising for MadWorld, Conduit and HotD:Overkill so I hope they sell well. I'm especially hoping Conduit does.

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But then games like Tiger Woods and Pro Evo sold very well! As did Red Steel, Res Evil etc etc. But we'r back to doing lists!!!


Fact is, Hardcore games DO sell on the Wii; but you have to let people know about it, and what sets it a part from the next gen versions. Why didn't they do adverts concentrating on the amazing controls and great online set up?!! That's what you need to do for Wii games - highlight what it does!!!


I think Conduit and Mad World will do very well. Not sure about Deadly Creatures though!! Next year could be immense for the Wii, if these titles do well, they sort the HD situation, wiimotionplus is as good as it looks and they release quality first person titles then I can see Wii having an EVEN better year and also really getting the core gamers on board!!!

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what does annoy me is how devolpers would blame the wii.. Something like zack and wiki was never going to sell well on anything.. is it did meh on wii how do you think it will do the 360 and ps3 where cute games go to die...


even slaes on little big planet were crap for ps3 at the beginning... im sure they picked up but it was heavily advertised.

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what does annoy me is how devolpers would blame the wii.. Something like zack and wiki was never going to sell well on anything.. is it did meh on wii how do you think it will do the 360 and ps3 where cute games go to die...


even slaes on little big planet were crap for ps3 at the beginning... im sure they picked up but it was heavily advertised.


How much was Z&W advertised though?

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Devs make no sense.


Z&W sold PRETTY DAMN WELL, for the game it is. 500k units its incredible for a game which has just a cartoony image and no advertising at all. No More Heroes is another miracle, with 370k units sold, a game consider niche even by critic standards. Boom Blox is at 650k selling slowly but consistently. I'm sure this games are making profit well above what cost their making.


Devs have no excuse, GOOD games SELL on Wii.

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think maybe they are old fashioned and still think of the wii as the kiddy console...


only one taking it serious seem to be sega at the moment with HOD,new sonic games,madworld and others..


That's the best reason I can come up with for them not realeasing their key franchises for wii. It's a matter of who will break th trend.. can conduit do it ?

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Devs make no sense.


Z&W sold PRETTY DAMN WELL, for the game it is. 500k units its incredible for a game which has just a cartoony image and no advertising at all. No More Heroes is another miracle, with 370k units sold, a game consider niche even by critic standards. Boom Blox is at 650k selling slowly but consistently. I'm sure this games are making profit well above what cost their making.


Devs have no excuse, GOOD games SELL on Wii.


Luckily devs don't have to rely on VG Chartz for their sales figures - they're way way out in almost all cases.

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^ Well Call of Duty World at War sold terribly on the Wii and DS (about 200,000 combined) compared with the other consoles (over 1 million copies on the 360 and over 600,000 copies on the PS3).

Even saw them advertising the Wii version as they did the other ones? In fact it's like they didn't even know it exists. With no advertising or marketing push how can they expect games to sell?

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Luckily devs don't have to rely on VG Chartz for their sales figures - they're way way out in almost all cases.


Yeah, if we go by their numbers, Zelda TP is below it actual sales, so I'm gonna assume all those games I said have actually higher sales.

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