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Dragon Quest VIII - Why is it So Good?


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Yes indeed! I made him appear, but I can't remember if I actually caught him or not (if he can run off during battle, then that probably happened). Either way, he's definitely the last reward you should ask for. By the time you get that far, the prize for completing the Monster Arena will have been far more useful than having Hev.


Yep, acquiring him is one of the last things you would do in the game by the sound of it. I might save him for my second playthrough. :)

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More progress:


I tried to complete the S-rank in the Monster Arena and the best I could do was kill off the Liquid Metal Slime in the final round. So close! I have Talos, Skeledoid and the blue cyclops dude I've forgotten the name of.


I killed Leopold and sure enough, someone else nabbed the sceptre before we could get it. It's not funny now. That someone else was Marcello of course. He of the shifty eyes. I 'killed' him and Leopold with considerable ease and now there's a big island floating in the sky. Marcello didn't seem very grateful to Angelo for saving his life at the end there. 'You'll regret the day you saved my life'. Don't mention it buddy!


So I've gone on to the Black Citadel, which has a brilliant final area, walking round in circles, seeing the statues of yourself with a missing head, then all of them with missing heads, then all of them with just feet. It was all very foreboding.


Then on to Rhapthorne. Who wiped the floor with me in under five minutes. It didn't help that he put Angelo (and only Angelo) to sleep twice in succession and therefore wasn't able to heal everyone quick enough.


After that crushing defeat (my first defeat!), I licked my wounds and gathered some more gold for some better equipment. About the only recipe that I could find that seemed decent (and more importantly had a good chance of identifying the ingredients) was the 'ultimate shield' aka the Metal King Shield. So I did that one.


Although I'm not sure good equipment is going to help that much. So I'm a bit torn between having a few more goes at Rhapthorne as I am, getting all the best equipment first or y'know, reading GameFAQ-type pages. So close to the end!


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More progress:


I tried to complete the S-rank in the Monster Arena and the best I could do was kill off the Liquid Metal Slime in the final round. So close! I have Talos, Skeledoid and the blue cyclops dude I've forgotten the name of.


They're good monsters for getting you this far, but I'd say the cyclops certainly isn't good enough for S-Rank. Are you having trouble finding Metabble? He's great for defence. Also, Octurion is a really good fighter/healer (which I think is necessary for this).


The prize for winning S-Rank will help you with the bosses.


Then on to Rhapthorne. Who wiped the floor with me in under five minutes. It didn't help that he put Angelo (and only Angelo) to sleep twice in succession and therefore wasn't able to heal everyone quick enough.


Just to clarify, are you still in the Black Citadel? If so, keep your nerve, because that boss isn't one of the more difficult ones. If you are further than that, yes, I would use GameFAQs, although a good stategy is always to have Jessica Insulate (or Magic Barrier or Accelerate), Angelo Heal (or Kabuff) and the other two use their spears and axes for critical hit move (it's very risky using Tension, as the boss can diffuse it so easily).


If you've got the Timbrel of Tension, it's very helpful to have Jessica use that, and this will boost not only everyone's attacks, but also everyone's Kabuff and Accelerate.


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They're good monsters for getting you this far, but I'd say the cyclops certainly isn't good enough for S-Rank. Are you having trouble finding Metabble? He's great for defence. Also, Octurion is a really good fighter/healer (which I think is necessary for this).


The prize for winning S-Rank will help you with the bosses.


I found Metabble, but I'm thinking of using the 'My Three Golems' team which I read in a GameFAQs FAQ. What team did you have?


Just to clarify, are you still in the Black Citadel? If so, keep your nerve, because that boss isn't one of the more difficult ones.


Yes, I'm at the end of the Black Citadel. I think I was unlucky, but I've also been overlooking the Sage's Stone which can be used to heal everyone. Do you know if any items break if you use them too many times?


If you are further than that, yes, I would use GameFAQs, although a good stategy is always to have Jessica Insulate (or Magic Barrier or Accelerate), Angelo Heal (or Kabuff) and the other two use their spears and axes for critical hit move (it's very risky using Tension, as the boss can diffuse it so easily).


Thanks. Concentrating more on defence is something I should be doing in general really.


I always forget to switch from the boomerang to a spear/sword before a boss fight. That would help too. ;-)


If you've got the Timbrel of Tension, it's very helpful to have Jessica use that, and this will boost not only everyone's attacks, but also everyone's Kabuff and Accelerate.


Yes, I think I've got that (never used it). I didn't know it helped buffs as well as physical and magic attacks. Thanks.


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If you've got the Timbrel of Tension, it's very helpful to have Jessica use that, and this will boost not only everyone's attacks, but also everyone's Kabuff and Accelerate.

Not really, Jessica shouldn't really have it, Yangus should, he doesn't have much besides attacking and with Jessica's twin dragon lash, Yangus using it and allowing her to freely use that attack makes it easier to fight anything really :heh:



SInce your up to Rhapthorne may as well show this now


Edited by killer kirby
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I found Metabble, but I'm thinking of using the 'My Three Golems' team which I read in a GameFAQs FAQ. What team did you have?


Skeledoid, Metabble and Octurion (ie. the same monsters as Morrie). I think I won S-Rank every time with them, whereas although My Three Golems is a good team, I didn't find them good enough to beat Morrie.


Yes, I'm at the end of the Black Citadel. I think I was unlucky, but I've also been overlooking the Sage's Stone which can be used to heal everyone. Do you know if any items break if you use them too many times?


Some of the rings break, but the Sage's Stone doesn't. It's not a bad idea to use it every round, just in case you take some damage and whoever holds the Sage's Stone is lucky enough to go after the enemy.


Thanks. Concentrating more on defence is something I should be doing in general really.


Insulate and Kabuff are great, but I don't think I should have recommended any of the ones that reflect magic (as they can't benefit from buffs or healing unless they cast it themselves). Accelerate can be more useful than you might think too, as if you get your Agility high, you are quite likely to act before the enemy.


Not really, Jessica shouldn't really have it, Yangus should, he doesn't have much besides attacking and with Jessica's twin dragon lash, Yangus using it and allowing her to freely use that attack makes it easier to fight anything really :heh:


I do give Yangus my 2nd one, but my logic towards the end of the game (and post-game) is this:


Angelo - Always, always needed for healing

Jessica - Has the highest Agility, so is likely to go first. Her magic attacks are also less useful on the later bosses, so I reserve her for Tension, Insulate and Accelerate.

Yangus - Mainly an attacker, but he does make a good person to use the 2nd Timbrel.

Hero - Again, mainly an attacker (not a bad secondary healer)


I'm sure your method works really well though.


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Thanks Grazza, some really useful info there. This has been a real low point for me, but I'm quite keen to try again now. I've been playing this game for so long, it would be criminal to give up now.


Don't give up, Patch! :) It's just psychological. You smashed the mid-game boss, and that was probably the most difficult one compared to the general level you'd be at that point.


Just remember, always make sure you have Insulate in effect (for the applicable boss fights), because fire/ice attacks hit everyone and they hurt. It's the most important buff. If you make that's someone's priority, and make someone else's priority to heal all the time, you should be able to take it in your stride.

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Thanks Grazza. I must admit I'm something of a buff-aphobe when it comes to RPGs. That is, I find it hard to get out of the mindset of attack, attack, heal, attack. Perhaps because that's all you could do in the first RPGs! So I have to really force myself to learn what all the abilities and spells actually do.


Insulate is a good example. I only learned what it did recently, when I had the Archfiend in the Monster Arena. He would cast Insulate and Kaboom quite merrily, whether he had sufficient MP or not. When I was wiped out for the umpteenth time, I figured I would look at what Insulate actually does!


Insulate, Kabuff, Sage's Stone, deep breath. Gotcha. ;-)

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Had a quick go last night at the Monster Arena. Beforehand, I rounded up Octurion and Stoneman to create two teams: My Three Golems and Morrie's team, as suggested by Grazza.


I thought I would try the My Three Golems team first and guess what, they won on the first go. In fact, they obliterated everyone comfortably. A very satisfying feeling to say the least. Especially when they dealt 300+ damage to the Liquid Metal Slime. Take that, slimey!


Ahem. So I might have a go with Morrie's team next, just to see how that goes.


And Grazza, yes, the prize for winning Rank S will be very useful, thanks!



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I gotta say I'm a firm believer in the age old fight and heal tactic. I only really deviate from that on special occasions when a boss looks like they deserve a little more respect. :cool:


Dragon Quest VIII is actually the game that made me think about buffs. I played the entire Final Fantasy XII without using any at all!

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Thanks Grazza. I must admit I'm something of a buff-aphobe when it comes to RPGs. That is, I find it hard to get out of the mindset of attack, attack, heal, attack. Perhaps because that's all you could do in the first RPGs! So I have to really force myself to learn what all the abilities and spells actually do.


I was like that once, but Phantasy Star Online showed what a massive difference they made. Now I'm always casting Accelerate, Insulate, Oomph and whatever else I can.

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Well done, Patch! Everyone says that team is the best, but trust me to need another solution! Have you given the prize to Angelo?


I gave it to Jessica, whose defence was way behind the others. This is due to me choosing to level up for a while without Jessica in my party which was a bit daft.


I was like that once, but Phantasy Star Online showed what a massive difference they made. Now I'm always casting Accelerate, Insulate, Oomph and whatever else I can.


Dragon Quest 8 has the two factors necessary for me to try out different spells and abilities:

1. You have a lot of MP. I don't mind wasting some on trying out new things.

2. A description of what the spell / ability actually does at the point where you can perform it.


A bit more progress:


Just for fun, I tried Morrie's team against the Rank S match and I was doing really well until the second round when Gigantes wiped out Octurion with a desparate attack. Despite this, I still got to the final round and defeated the Metal Liquid Slime. Though it has to be said, that was one of the most confusing battles I have ever witnessed in an RPG:


"Ah, the Metal Liquid Slime is attacking my Skeledoid. No wait, it's MY Metal Liquid Slime attacking HIS Skeledoid. No wait, it's . . ."


Armed with some great tactics advice and the Sage's Stone, I went back to Rhapthorne at the end of the Black Citadel.


Funnily enough, I met a King Metal Slime along the way, which I was fortunate enough to kill thanks to a critical attack from Yangus. I was torn between escaping and saving the game again (with the kill and the 30,000 experience being safely saved) or to carry on. I escaped, saved and went back in.


Suffice to say, I wiped the floor with Rhapthorne. He killed a party member on two occasions and put to sleep a party member on two other occasions, but I never felt like I was in trouble. Having either Yangus or Angelo able to multi-heal everyone was a life-saver. Insulate worked a treat too. Thanks Grazza.


The next bit was ace - fighting mini-boss encounters while you escape the crumbling dungeon. I fought the statues battle with a grin on my face the whole time. Though it did leave me wondering if I should be making Angelo cast Kaswoosh more often, given that this is what the statue did (and therefore the game clearly thinks this is what he's best at)!


On a side-note, I finally realised at this point that you can equip different weapons on-the-fly as it were. No need to equip it outside of battle in anticipation of what's to come! You don't even lose a battle turn when you switch weapons. D'oh!


The final mini-boss was 'Ruins' which looked pleasingly big and hard. Very imposing and did make me very nervous at first. Oddly, he was really easy to defeat. Though I can understand the designers not wanting to make him too hard, for fear of having to redo the whole thing again.


As I suspected, this isn't the end of the game and there is (hopefully) just one big showdown left now. Time to get the seven orbs and the best equipment.


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Funnily enough, I met a King Metal Slime along the way, which I was fortunate enough to kill thanks to a critical attack from Yangus. I was torn between escaping and saving the game again (with the kill and the 30,000 experience being safely saved) or to carry on. I escaped, saved and went back in.




Speaking of Metal Slimes:


You been to Slime Hill yet? You can find every type of Slime monster there including the metal ones, so it might be a good place to level up. You can only get there by flying.



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Yes, I've had a wander round there, thanks. I only ever saw Liquid Metal and regular Metal Slimes, not the King Metal Slimes. Maybe I didn't stay there long enough.


I was really interested in levelling up when I first saw the Metal Slime (1000 experience, wow!), but now it's something I'd do only if I was really stuck or if I was on a second playthrough maybe.

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Cool, good to see some more interest in the game. For the price, it's a bargain.


Progress this weekend: FINISHED!


I finally finished it yesterday! As I said in my previous post, I defeated Rhapthorne at the end of the Black Citadel. I then travelled the world in search of the seven orbs belonging to the descendants of the seven sages. Thankfully I remembered where each one was.


I also spent a little time getting some money and performing a few alchemy recipes to get some decent equipment. Then back to Empyrea to be escorted to Rhapthorne Mk II. I found the seven prayer rounds to be quite easy. Rhapthorne spends a lot of time laughing, so I had no trouble breaking his shield.


I was crestfallen after a few rounds in to the battle proper when I realised I had bought a load of Magic Water but forgotten to put them into my character inventories! They were all in the bag. This is probably where someone steps in and tells me that you can use items from your bag while in a battle, but I couldn't find a way.


So basically, I'm in the final boss fight of the game with no way to recover MP! Argh! I was tempted to quit and start again, but I carried on. When he started healing himself for 500 a time and I was struggling to get a hit in, I had no hope of finishing it. After a while, I decided psyching up for Hero and Yangus was probably the way to go, despite the risk of Rhapthorne using the status-clearing move.


After a few good psyched-up, oomphed-up hits from those two, Angelo - the primary healer - was down to 0 MP. I used Yangus' 'Share Magic' to donate his MP to Angelo. It didn't work half the time because Angelo had a magic-reflecting item equipped!


After Angelo was down to about 20MP (for the second time), I really felt like I hadn't got anywhere. The vast majority of my turns was spent healing, buffing or psyching up and it really felt like I wasn't making a dent at all, when suddenly that glorious sound effect burst through the TV speaker. You know the one I mean? The 'Tchhh' sound an enemy makes when you knock him off his feet. It was over! The air was black and blue after I'd finished punching it!


I have no idea how long that battle took - it seemed to take hours. And I was waiting for a second boss, or a rejuvinated Rhapthorne, but there was nothing! The game was carrying on with its narrative and I was back in control of the Hero again.


At this point, there was elation, trepidation (is there another boss round the corner?) and abject fear (the game is not letting me save and its been how many hours since I last saved?). Despite that, the events that played out were brilliantly done and at last the relationship between the Hero and Medea was revealed. Seeing Trode returned to his former self was a major belly-laugh moment.


And that's it. 93.5 hours later, game finished with the option to carry on and do more things in the world. I'm tempted to carry on, but I'm also tempted to play the many games that have stacked up over the past few months.


Here are some pics of the final stages:



Probably not the best tactic.



My thoughts exactly.



Trode returns to his normal self.



Ol' Yangus tactfully states what we're all thinking.



A happy scene.



Stop the Wedding!



The Scooby Do moral.



Unless you want to carry on playing, that is.



Read 'em and weep.


Here is a short review of the game:



Astounding. I've always been a sucker for cel-shaded games. I'm not sure if anything will top Wind Waker, but this comes close. The scenery, animation, cutscenes etc... are all very pleasing to look at with no slowdown at all. There's obviously been a lot of time spent in this area.



An orchestral soundtrack helps make any RPG feel grandiose and epic and this is no exception. 93 hours of it does grate after a while and a few more tunes would have been nice. The arrangement of what was there was great, being memorable and atmospheric.



The battles were often reptitive, and there is a fair amount of levelling up needed. This game is definitely your traditional type of RPG. However, there are always lots of little things to divert your attention away from the main story and the random battles, with some genuinely hilarious events (Puff puff!). I thoroughly enjoyed about 90% of those 93 hours.



This is the longest I have spent playing any RPG (Skies of Arcadia took me 70+ hours). There are also other things to do in the game now that it has been completed. I don't think I would play through a second time until a long time in the future, but even one playthrough will last yonks.



I've really enjoyed playing it. It's a relief and a shame that it's all over. It's a relief in the sense that I can get back to my other games, but it's a shame because the ride was sweet nearly all the way through. I recommend to anyone who loves traditional, upbeat RPGs on a grand scale.




On a side note, I also finished Chrono Trigger (DS) later the same day!


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Great going with the completion, Patch. What kind of stuff is there to go back for in the post game?

Alternative ending. Extra dungeon and a harder boss, mostly like the other Dragon Quest games (bar ending)




To the Chrono Trigger thread!

Chrono Trigger was made by Yuji Horii as well, only game outside of Dragon Quest he has done ;)

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Great going with the completion, Patch. What kind of stuff is there to go back for in the post game?


Thanks mate! Apart from a monster you can capture called 'Hev', I have no idea! I had been trying not to read the end of FAQs for fear of spoiling the ending. killer kirby knows all.


To the Chrono Trigger thread!


Aye aye sir!

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I had been trying not to read the end of FAQs for fear of spoiling the ending. killer kirby knows all.


I have not spoiled anything (On how you get the ending or what it's even about.) I just said there is another ending. Kind of like how a lot of games shove it your face saying there are more then one ending.


Just keep at it, won't take long before you know what I mean, and once you do...THEN you can go on Gamefaqs ;)

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I have not spoiled anything (On how you get the ending or what it's even about.) I just said there is another ending. Kind of like how a lot of games shove it your face saying there are more then one ending.


No worries. I actually don't mind being spoiled for the post-completion stuff. It was only while trying to complete the main game that I was trying to avoid FAQs. I don't know if I'll go back to DQ8 for a while. My other children need my attention. ;)

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No worries. I actually don't mind being spoiled for the post-completion stuff. It was only while trying to complete the main game that I was trying to avoid FAQs. I don't know if I'll go back to DQ8 for a while. My other children need my attention. ;)


You should do it, it won't take long, but just as your at that peak, just finish those little loose ends that need to be fixed (You won't regret it)

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