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N-E Culture Club - Lost In Translation 11th Jan


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Where's everyone gone? Feels like I'm the only one here. :shakehead Anyways, onto the movie.



It's one of my favourite films so I obviously enjoyed it. It's such a great movie. Both Johansson and Murray are perfect in it portraying the westerners in a completely different country/world who are looking for common ground. Murray is especially great, acting as the older man who's stuck in his life and just wants to enjoy himself. It's great watching the development of both of the main characters through the film. We see Murray's character digress, i.e. become mentally younger, and we see Johansson's character grow older. This obviously happens because of these two completely different people, from two different walks of life, coming into contact with each and the transition between where they were at the start of the film to where they are at the end of the film is a truely great piece of cinematography.


You could argue that their friendship isn't really as such but because they are akin to one another in a strange country/world and because of the sleeplessness and want for companionship, due to a husband that puts work first and the same being said of Murray's character, they are basically sticking together because they have these things in common. However, you can tell that it is a real friendship, and much more, that they have and it's the way in which this develops which is interesting. Again, it's developed due to being thrust together but both positively seek it out; Murray staying in Japan for a while longer isn't because of the TV show he's to go on but because of Charlotte; he wants to be with her because he feels that it's exciting and a complete change to everything he is used to with his wife. The transition from friends to potential lovers is a subtle one and again, it could probably be boiled down to them being together there and then and the fact that they have similar problems in their lives.


The setting for the film is a perfect location, I feel, for the type of film it is. It's about alienation and loneliness and the setting of modern Tokyo is perfect. It's completely different to anywhere in the US, with the exception perhaps being New York, and so creates this cultural shock that's as much to do with the language boundaries but also the architecture and the way in which the city works. I don't think Coppola could have done better in picking a city to base the story in.


And finally, the music. What accompanies the movie is brilliant. It sets the mood tremendously well and helps to convey what's happening perfectly. The song that plays at the end of the movie specifically, Just Like Honey, is a perfect summing up of what has just happened. The songs title itself expresses the releationship between Bob and Charlotte. One would think that two strangers would perhaps meet once and never again but like a bee to honey, they keep coming together. The lyrics as well exemplify the mood of both Bob and Charlotte as they part ways to go back to their normal lives along with the problems they have each with their respective relationships ('Walking back to you is the hardest thing that I can do' and 'Eating up the scum is the hardest thing for me to do').



I'll stop there to let others, if anyone else is willing, to discuss the movie. I really love this film and could probably talk for ages on it.

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Lost in Translation


I really like that film and not just because Scarlet Johansen is in it :heh: well ok mostly >> but seriously I really like the way it all pans out, the film isn't really deep as such but it's just really enjoyable to watch how things devleop as the film goes on, it somehow manages to hold your interest the whole way through but I have no idea why... apart from the aforementioned 'reason' of course.

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Well the interesting thing about the movie is that for the large part there is very little dialogue, and the main characters never really confirm or deny what exactly the situation between them is. I hear that the kiss at the end of the movie was improvised (most likely by a horny Murray), but it definitely fits.


Scarlett is mostly eye candy - I genuinely don't know how well she acted because I was too busy staring at any part of her that was on screen.


I think the idea that friendship can form not from common ground but from shared alienation is also looked at here. Murray first notices her in a lift (lift scenes, I think, are good to look at here) because she's the only other whitey. Murray gives Scarlett hope by showing her that even after 35 years, he is still able to have fun and hasn't totally been broken down. Having said that, Bob's wife aspdofjapsdf blah. Sorry, got bored of writing half way through.

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lol. Bob's wife seems to be the opposite of charlotte. She want's all these decisions made by Bob and wants things sorted out so it shows that she has a set path in life whereas Charlotte doesn't. She isn't sure about her life decisions as can be seen in what she says about having just graduated from University. That's why I think Bob is attracted to her once he starts getting to know her.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just watched Leon, loved it :)


From start to finish it had me hooked! I found it interesting more at the beginning where Leon was kind of spying on his neighbours, i expected him to bust in and save Matilda from her father and for it go on from there but then this cop was there who ou didnt know was a cop till near the end or maybe you did and i missed it. But anyway good film.


I feel if that script had been given to a producer or director now then it may not have worked as well. They would have infused too much action, i feel that it had just the right shooting to emotions ratio :)


Also finished Prey a few weeks back, took a long while to get going but i did enjoy it. Not my kind of book in general. Normally just read humerous books or biographys but this was a good new experience, may pick some of his other books up sometime, any suggestions?


Next: Lost in translation :)


Edit: Watch Lost in translation the other night, was very good :) Remembered how awesome Bill Murray is, fancy watching ghostbusters now :P The time traveler's wife arrived today so will start when i finish my current book - Catch as catch can - Joseph Heller


Edit: Just finished the time traveler's wife! Amazing book! Im glad this little book club started so i could read that book! even if i seem to be the only member now :P Apparently being made into a film atm, although was started in 2007 and to be released in 1020. Wonder what happened?

Edited by Daniel
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