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Why are Wii games so expensive second hand


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So here's a question.

Why the heck are old/second hand games for the Wii so expenisve. I walked into game today, and virtually all used games were about 100:- for the 360. Then I looked at the Wii range, and the games were at least twice as expensive. Metroid Prime cost 450 krona, which is only 150:- cheaper than a new copy cost on release! I've been looking on the internet, and the situation's very similar.


Why are Wii games so much more expensive second hand? The Wii is almost two years old in europe, and yet the cheapest games cost so much.

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Supply and demand my son! Some games drop in price others don't on what is in supply. For example - Medal of Honor on Wii is expensive and hard to get hold of, yet Red Steel is cheap as there are planty of copies.


To bloody right. That's still the only game in town that is actually £39.99 wherever you find it.

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Supply and demand my son! Some games drop in price others don't on what is in supply. For example - Medal of Honor on Wii is expensive and hard to get hold of, yet Red Steel is cheap as there are planty of copies.


Red Steel is still expensive. Red Steel is crap, noone wants it, but it's 200 krona. Let's look at the 360: Project Gotham Racing, a really good game. 79 krona! Let's look at supposedly popular games for the wii. Ninja Reaction (or whatever that stupid wagglathon's called) still costs a whopping 450 krona. And we're talking about a gamestore that's really close to the biggest concentration of gamenerds in Sweden. People whom know better than to buy minigame compilations. Who should, and probably do clear the shelves from quality games, and leave the crap alone.


Yet these crap games still cost as much as the good ones. Medal of Honor Heroes 2 is the ONLY reasonably priced Wii game that isn't pure poo-poo. Online I actually found BWii for more or less the same price as MoH2 (250 krona), but still. We're talking USED games. Used games should by default be half the price as usual or less.

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The AAA titles are all still full price and almost that second hand. However, there are many forgotten AA and A titles that you can find for cheap, even new copies. But yea, whenever I'm in a game store, I don't even look at the Wii rack for very long, and try to find used GCN GBA and DS games.

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^ an example of a 360 game which is still expensive in used form a year on is Call of Duty 4. Been out for a year and for the majority it was selling at £34.99 used but it's only just gone down to £29.99.


It's actually about £44 preowned in Leeds.

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Forget stores, buy online.


Agreed:) . Both Game and Gamestation (same company) do offer games cheaper if they are second hand but you can get some great offers online as long as you don't mind waiting a while to get them via the post.


I've ordered many games from Amazon from their used section often a lot cheaper than Game.

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Don't by second hand games, its worse than pirating.


How, when pirating you're stealing. When buying a second hand game someone has already bought it, but didn't like it, so they sold it, and got some money back for it, giving up their right to play it, and then it gets sold to someone else who pays for that license. The company who makes the game might not get all the money, but at least they get some to begin with.

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It was a bit exageration but I do feel they're on the same ground. The dev still didn't got any on the second "sale" while the store makes a huge profit on doing both sales (a key difference from pirating, someone is legally making money out of this by stealing it from those who truly deserves it). And we have no way to know if its really a second hand game or a 10th hand game, how many new games could have been sold?

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And in pirating, the people who deserve it don't even make any money. In buying a second hand game you are buying someone elses right to play that game, which gives them money to usually buy another game from a developer, an a lot of the people making the profits (who own/work in game stores) are gamers and they will most likely spend some of the money on games. You really could say this about any industry. Would buying a used pice of furniture be worse than stealing it because the person who made the furniture didn't make any money on the second sale?

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It was a bit exageration but I do feel they're on the same ground. The dev still didn't got any on the second "sale" while the store makes a huge profit on doing both sales (a key difference from pirating, someone is legally making money out of this by stealing it from those who truly deserves it). And we have no way to know if its really a second hand game or a 10th hand game, how many new games could have been sold?

Sorry, but my needs come before theirs.

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It was a bit exageration but I do feel they're on the same ground. The dev still didn't got any on the second "sale" while the store makes a huge profit on doing both sales (a key difference from pirating, someone is legally making money out of this by stealing it from those who truly deserves it). And we have no way to know if its really a second hand game or a 10th hand game, how many new games could have been sold?


When buying a second hand game, it might be the only way to buy a game. For example, I've bought many games used that have been discontinued. Nintendo did try to prohibit second hand sales of their games, but failed in court.

People whom sell their games usually invest the money they've earned into other games. A used game can reach out to maybe ten people tops, and usually it's just two people. A pirated game uploaded on some torrent might reach out to hundreds of thousands of players across the world. Look at Game, where you virtually get any brand new game for free, if you turn in your old-ass booring game.

Selling used games means that you first buy it, and if you don't like it "punish" the developer for making a bad product, by selling it to someone else. In the case of piracy people get the full version of the game first, play it as much as they want, and then supposedly buy it if they like it. I have a friend whom really is on a pro-piracy crusade. He had exactly the above argumentation, and last week he BOUGHT a game for the first time for TWO YEARS. And it was a discount game. He absolutely adored Portal, but first he claimed "the game only comes with Halflife 2, and I don't like HL2". When Portal was released as a stand alone game, the excuse changed to "I've allready played through it, so what's the point?". On top of everything, this guy is just like me, at the university, studying to become a game developer.

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Because the Wii is still selling to new owners. People will therefore need titles to play on it. Therefore we see less cheap titles. Nintendo are the worst for this as they haven't done a players choice on Wii yet. Shamefull really.

you will notice that thirs party titles go cheap extremely easier.

You can get red steel for around 10 at this stage. But you will still find it hard to get something like twlight princess in comparison.

very annoying really .

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