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Another Code: R, Gateway of Memory ** MARK SPOILERS!**


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thers are twospecific clues downstairs in the tower itself .


1. an abstract painting

2. painting of the clockface without clockhands .


take pictures of both , super impose , with a bit of trial and error changing the angles of the imposition and therefore the number combinations you can work it out





Okay this is going to sound dorky. But I had to cheat to get the clock working and I just want to know for those people who figured it out how did you figure the sequence out? I must have turned that whole clock tower upside down and and I couldn' t find a thing



I would really apprecaite your answer because I am wierd like that and I want to know damnit

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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I am studiously trying to avoid reading any of the posts in this thread at the moment.


I just wanted to say I have started playing this game and it is absolutely brilliant. I've always been a big fan of text/graphical adventures and so far, this is up with the best of them.


What I like so far is that the pace is slow and the story is detailed. It's like reading a mystery novel, rather than playing an action game.

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Hi. Just discovered this forum and am enjoying Another Code: R at the moment. But I'm stuck on Chapter 7. I've got out of the Meeting Room but cannot open the keypad in reception (I've managed to clean it!) Any assistance gratefully received!

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@ CK1 - Hello and welcome to the forums. Glad to see your enjoying the game. As for helping you:


After cleaning it you need to put in an 8 digit code. Go to the reception desk and look at the calender showing the date. That's your code right there.


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Welcome CK1 :) I got stuck at that password puzzle too, ended up phoning the helpline in the back of the manual because I was without internet access on that day >.> the game is really enjoyable but that doesn't stop it from becoming soo frustrating when you're stuck on one bit. :heh:

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Hello! I am stuck again. I am on chapter 7. I am with Gina in the office and trying to open the door as Sofia has locked us in. What do I open it with? I have tried putting a few things in the door but it just says that it can not be used here. Thanks.

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Oh I know what you mean there - now stuck with Mike waiting for Gina and can't open the shutter!:confused:


Hmmm this is what you do IIRC...


If you mean the one that is partially wedged open with books then, you need the mirror, use that and then you'll need to fins something to poke it with... which is the fishing rod, I'll let you work out the rest.




Hello! I am stuck again. I am on chapter 7. I am with Gina in the office and trying to open the door as Sofia has locked us in. What do I open it with? I have tried putting a few things in the door but it just says that it can not be used here. Thanks.


Ok what you need to do is...


First you need to talk to Mike on the intercom, he will explain about the emergency panel, you'll then need to open it with your pick case and describe to Mike the colour of the light, then he'll tell you which one to press. :)



I hope these tips help. ^^

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Congrats Pinky! :D glad to hear that you've completed it and that you loved it too ^^ as for similar games...


Hotel Dusk

Professor Layton


Hotel Dusk is acutally made by the same developers - Cing - and while I haven't played it myself it has been remarked upon that it is indeed similar to Another Code, as for Professor Layton, that is similar too afaik but in a completely different kind of way.


And of course there's the original Another Code on the DS but you've allready played that I'm guessing, anyway I hope this helps. :)

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I just started on it and I'm stuck on chapter 3. I don't want any help but I just have to say it's making me go crazy.


Is it really a 30 hour game? The original wasn't anywhere close to that. Is that because it's a lot do or text to read, or because you were stuck for half of that time? :P

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Is it really a 30 hour game?

I used about 30+ hours, if I remember correctly.

The original wasn't anywhere close to that.

I know. It's great! : D

Is that because it's a lot do or text to read, or because you were stuck for half of that time? :P

Well, it was a mix of the two for me. I just HAD to check everything and read everything carefully, and I got stuck a few times..


...I also wasted some time listening to music. x3

Good Times (song #31 on the music player) is awesome, by the way.

Same goes for Just Kidding (song #8).

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Congrats Pinky! :D glad to hear that you've completed it and that you loved it too ^^ as for similar games...


Hotel Dusk

Professor Layton


Hotel Dusk is acutally made by the same developers - Cing - and while I haven't played it myself it has been remarked upon that it is indeed similar to Another Code, as for Professor Layton, that is similar too afaik but in a completely different kind of way.


And of course there's the original Another Code on the DS but you've allready played that I'm guessing, anyway I hope this helps. :)


Hotel Dusk is absolutely BRILLIANT! Great music, characters and one hell of a story. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes Another Code, takes a good 15 hours or so to get through, more if you get stuck though!).

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The reason it took me so long is because.....I have never played a Wii game before!! I have played on a Wii before but I have never been influenced by an advert and gone and bought a game before. It took me ages because I am not a gamer. I really enjoyed it though. Also, I tried to figure everything out on my own but had to come on here for extra help when I was really stuck. The hardest for me was the clock tower. I think I will get this Dusk game next! I dont have a DS but I picked up the plot of the first film from this game. Thank you for your help and advice. Pinky x

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Hmmm this is what you do IIRC...


If you mean the one that is partially wedged open with books then, you need the mirror, use that and then you'll need to fins something to poke it with... which is the fishing rod, I'll let you work out the rest.





I hope these tips help. ^^


Very helpful except I can't find a mirror anywhere! :(

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Very helpful except I can't find a mirror anywhere! :(


It's on a desk in one of the researchers rooms I believe.


Check the shutter and then get a closer look of the gap left because of the wedged book. Examine the gap until Ashley says that there might be a way to use this gap. After that, go to the Researchers' room on B2F and get the pocket mirror from the office closest to the door on the right. Place the pocket mirror in the gap. Ashley will notice that she cannot push the mirror any further. Go back to the Researchers' room and get the fishing rod. Use the rod to push the mirror and change its angle so that you can see the reflection of the electronic lock. Then, use your TAS and the shutter will open.



Hope this helps. :)

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HELP!!! How do you get out of the meeting room? I have tried charging it in the ohone charger...nothing and then I have tried using the batteries I have but again nothing. I'd really appreciate a hint.


Thank you,



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HELP!!! How do you get out of the meeting room? I have tried charging it in the ohone charger...nothing and then I have tried using the batteries I have but again nothing. I'd really appreciate a hint.


Thank you,




If you want just a hint...


examine the TAS, turn it over so that you can check the battery compartment...



Then if you want the rest of the solution...


.... then you will see that the TAS takes the same type of battery as the phone, so you take out the TAS battery, put in the phones battery, try it but it doesn't work... then you put the dead battery back in the phone... put the phone in the charger... charge eet... take the charged battery out of the phone, put it in the TAS and unlock the door! :D



I hope this helps. :)

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Just finished the clocktower. Brilliant puzzle.


The story is great, but I think there's too much talk and to little to do. I have barely done anything. I wish I could solve the story myself but everything is pretty much told straight to my face.

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I've been playing this for about four hours now, I'm on chapter 3. I'm seriously impressed by the length, especially considering that was pretty much my only gripe with Two Memories. I feel like I've barely scratched the surface too, and with these reports of a 30 hour lifespan, that's probably true! :heh: It's fast becoming one of my favourite Wii games.


I need to re-buy Another Code: Two Memories, and track down Hotel Dusk.

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I finished the game yesterday. Without doubt one of the greatest games I've ever played.


I wish Matt could be in the game more, though. The last chapters were quite.. annoying, since Matt wasn't allowed to be in them (stupid Sofia). >:

Ashley and Matt are so cute together..



Hmm my thoughts...


While I agree that Ashely and Matt made a great team, it was necessary for him not to be in the final chapter, the last bit was the best Imo as it was reminiscent of near the end of the first Amother Code title.


All done! :)


I loved the game and thanks so much for the assistance as there were a few places where I didn't have a clue!


I must admit I cheated for the entrance to one of the TAS entrances in Chapter 8 :blush:-

I couldn't work out how to use the home key - just for my own peace of mind can someone explain how this one is solved? Thanks



As for the whole game -

beautifully animated and a great story construction - loved all the back stories and complex side plots. I preferred the sections around Lake Juliet rather than those in JC Valley as I found the enless grey and repetitive offices rather mind numbing (and confusing!) I was disappointed at the rather trite ending though. It was as if they just ran out of energy and rounded everything up nicely with a little bit of script - I wanted to know what happened to Matt's dad, what the story behind the clock tower was and what happened with Charlotte's daughter. If these had been left more ambiguous, they could have provided sequels or added a good few hours of play to this game.



But all things considered - a great game and like Pinkylulu I'll now be looking for similar ones for the Wii as I'm missing this already!:grin:


If they ever make another sequel I'm not even sure if Matt would be in it, I'm not even sure where they can go with it but maybe they could both go off on an adventure in some new place or something but tbf I'm not too bothered if Matt is in the possible sequel or not, I like the idea that Ashley meets different characters on each adventure.

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