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Google to BUY Valve?!

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Google to buy Valve


Austin GDC 2008 Steaming away


By Charlie Demerjian: Wednesday, 17 September 2008, 9:59 AM


WELL PLACED SOURCES tell us that Google is going to be buying Valve any second now. If you have to stop and think about why, you probably are not aware of Steam, Valve's amazing content distribution platform.


Google Portal may be a nice idea, but that is irrelevant. Google Content Distribution (Beta) however should make just about every other competitor lose several years of sleep, most of their remaining hair, and large gobs of stock price.


Valve has the best content distribution platform out there, bar none. Steam may have had rough patches here and there, but they are almost all ironed out now, and just about everyone that matters has signed up to use it.


When Google picks them up, it will be a clean kill, no one else will matter. It is a good buy for them, a good thing for Valve, and in general, good for everyone except MS. Then again, they are irrelevant now, so who cares?


Long live Voogle, or is that Golve? DAMMIT!µ


Source: http://www.theinquirer.net/gb/inquirer/news/2008/09/17/google-valve


From a games stand point, this makes no sense. But as the article suggests, from a content distribution platform perspective (Steam), Valve basically have the best thing in the market right now.


So, views? Is this bad? Is Google getting too big?


Major corps buying up smaller companies is nothing new, so I'm not exactly worried about seeing Google ads in Episode 3 or anything. Only really important thing from our perspective is that one of the richest companies in the world could be backing the most talented games developers in the world from now on. Good thing!


It's bad but does not surprise me, expected Valve to get bought out at some point because of Steam so really comes as no surprise...How this will affect their games output though is less clear I;d say.


Can´t help but find it a bit odd.

I always expected it a larger gaming company would be making the buy

Personally I don´t really mind as long as they keep on giving us great games

The Inquirer.


Despite their pretty over the top bashing of every company left, right and centre they are a well known and fairly credible news source. They initially broke some of the rumors to do with the fucked up nvidia GPU's which turned out to be completely true.

'way too long' is a bit misleading. It takes them longer, yeah, but not too long. It just needs time to make games as good as theirs.


What I meant was they both like taking their time to do stuff.


Hopefully Google will improve Steam so it works more then half the time.


Imagine having Chrome intergrated with Steam it could be a revolution a browser based instant download service all in one package..


I have often thought Google would perhaps make an operating system one day, it could be way off though. But I can defintely see it happening.

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