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Wipeout HD


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Good games tonight Cookster and Flamey. I was robbed in most games by 2 superstar wipeout players who horde weapons Mario Kart sytle :p Maybe that's the best thing to do. It certainly gets violent with all of the "shoving" into corners. Mental.


Spent the rest of the night trying to set time trial records against all the N-E peoples :D Great fun how it's just integrated into the menu.


I can see this title taking over my life :o


PS: In a somewhat ode to Daft, I have Discovery (Daft Punk) as my backing music for this...superb.

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Good games tonight Cookster and Flamey. I was robbed in most games by 2 superstar wipeout players who horde weapons Mario Kart sytle :p Maybe that's the best thing to do. It certainly gets violent with all of the "shoving" into corners. Mental.


Spent the rest of the night trying to set time trial records against all the N-E peoples :D Great fun how it's just integrated into the menu.


I can see this title taking over my life :o


PS: In a somewhat ode to Daft, I have Discovery (Daft Punk) as my backing music for this...superb.


Yeah good games....pleased I got this but I just can't compete online! I am ok at the start and hold my own for like half a lap, but then once it starts to pan out I struggle, but at least I wasn't finishing bottom! My best finish so far has been 3rd in a 7 player race, so was happy with that.


How do people play? I found the default camera too close so changed to far, but am now playing in first person. I also play with the analogue stick, something I have never done with a wipeout game usually but didn't find the D pad responsive enough.


Loads of trophies to get although feel I won't get a lot of them, no way I am ever going to do the zones ones...

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Anyone tried the GAME 3.0 soundtrack from neoGAF? just downloading it now. Would be pretty awesome if we made a n-europe custom soundtrack using all of our either favourite songs, or songs to do with our names? Everyone could suggest a song each and someone with the know how could slap it altogether.

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I've done all the medals on gold, and I have 6 of the 8 campaign 'levels' done with races and tournaments done on Elite.


I am insane.


Oh dear god please make me a video of Sepemco Climb or whatever its called, my most hated track.

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is that the one with the double ramps after the really sharp bend? if it is then that is probably the hardest course to win on elite. I swear some of the CPUs are gods occassionaly


Intense race! Just doing that afore-mentioned track, and it came to the last straight. I gambled on going for the Item pad instead of the boost because I would've come 3rd just using the boost pad, and as hoped I won a speed boost. I turned sharply, boosted, was riding on the track rails just before the line and managed to just creep onto the track for a gold medal.


I was doing that course for quite a while.

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Anyone tried the GAME 3.0 soundtrack from neoGAF? just downloading it now. Would be pretty awesome if we made a n-europe custom soundtrack using all of our either favourite songs, or songs to do with our names? Everyone could suggest a song each and someone with the know how could slap it altogether.


Oh my jesus! Lets do it!!! It'd be epic :D

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I'm getting pissed off with WipeOut now. I'm on meltdown, done 1 race on elite, but they are all pretty much races and they are insanely difficult. On 2 tracks I can get nowhere near 1st place because of how violent the opponents are, just as you get in your stride you get wiped out.

And you almost certainly have to risk the damage bar because you aren't achieving gold without barrel rolls.

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Working till 10:(


Your internet connection all better now mate?


I think so disabled my firewall and not had the problems I was having before...


I'm not even striving for gold anymore, it gets me so mad I might strangle somebody. I need some little sackboys with waggling tongues to help me break the habit for speed..


I don't worry about about getting all the golds as in some events I am only just getting a medal...


Anyone play online around about midnight UK.


way past my bedtime that!:heh:

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