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Russell Brand Calls Bush A Retard At VMA’s


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"That's gotta be the best safe sex message ever: Use a condom or become Republican!"




But maybe VMA isn't the best place for that kind of jokes? I dunno.


And just for the record, Fresh, you gotta respect personal opinions. While I in no way agree with sex before marriage being a bad thing, I wouldn't say it's immature. And while boy bands in general can seem to be (and sometimes are) arrogant, I think that statement is a little prejudiced. Jonas Brothers doesn't seem arrogant to me.

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"That's gotta be the best safe sex message ever: Use a condom or become Republican!"




But maybe VMA isn't the best place for that kind of jokes? I dunno.


And just for the record, Fresh, you gotta respect personal opinions. While I in no way agree with sex before marriage being a bad thing, I wouldn't say it's immature. And while boy bands in general can seem to be (and sometimes are) arrogant, I think that statement is a little prejudiced. Jonas Brothers doesn't seem arrogant to me.



I don't think you quite understand what I was saying.....

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Russell Brand is a disease to intelligent comedy. He is mainstream bilge personified. People say that they respect him more for this, but any sliver of non-hatred was immediately tossed out the window as soon as he opened his feces-filled mouth and did the one undiginified thing everyone always seems to play into - getting a whoop from an American audience by spurting things you don't even believe him.


But apparently some people like him...

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Not the biggest fan of the 'Brand' that is Russell.

It is only his tramp alike, this-is-fashion image and the constant self-referencing sexual conquests which seems to be the make-up of his entire "talent" which grates on me.


He's not too bad (and there are certainly worse comedians out there) but I've met funnier (and more intelligent) comedians in normal walks of life.

Just so happens he has a big-ass haircut and a self-made sexual legacy behind him. But some of his statements do "need" saying.


As much as I feel he is nothing but a product of a selfish world, at least he is honest. And therefore his career is always worth listening out for. (IE: This latest outburst.)


The world needs more honest comedians. It could be argued that comedy has become too 'safe' in recent years.

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People say that they respect him more for this, but any sliver of non-hatred was immediately tossed out the window as soon as he opened his feces-filled mouth and did the one undiginified thing everyone always seems to play into - getting a whoop from an American audience by spurting things you don't even believe him.



You what? :confused:

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Let me put it this way: you're not telling me the emphasised; "I think the American public should vote for Barack Obama" was simply a set-up for his Bush tirade.


I understand in those terms (it wasn't clear to me what you were getting at in your previous post).


Anyways it's flipping comedy for christ's sakes; the yanks need to lighten up.

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Saw it last night. It was awesome what he said, it had me in stitches. The crowd just didn't know how to react!


I've always liked Russell from his BBBM days, but the sex jokes can get a bit much sometimes. There's more to him than that though, he's very energetic and charming to guests for instance.

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Anyways it's flipping comedy for christ's sakes


Yeah, exactly. If you analyse it seriously, he's actually talking nonsense! You can't lecture the Americans about racism, as they have far more senior black politicians than us. And yes, they elected Bush, but we (not me) elected Blair!


Russell Brand only sets out to make people laugh though, and I think he succeeds. I don't find him cruel.


And yes, his honesty is refreshing. I liked how he used the Royal Variety performance to tell the Queen he didn't believe in heirarchy! He said it very politely too.


On his smaller shows, he warns against taking drugs and preaches peace and love, and I think he means it.

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