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Killzone 2


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So what rank are you in Resistance now? Got all the berserks yet?


Not 'doing' online yet, just Trophy hunting at the moment in single player. I forgot how good that game actually is. And having just completed Halo 3 on my Sexbox, I think R2 is a better game.


But anyway, this is the Killzone thread......so.....carry on.......

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Yeah I completed the campaign again and some parts are good, but after beating it on hard it does drag in parts, especially because there are no vehicle sections. In places they throw you into trouble and there isn't much chance of doing something about it, until you die. Ah well, still a brilliant FPS.


Ahem, Killzone 2. What does everyone aspire to do in terms of online? Is it going to be a week or so job or more of a game you keep going back to? I think I'll be playing for quite a while, mixing up the classes etc. It has great longevity, and if they add some more DLC that will be awesome. New maps and weapons please.

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Yeah I completed the campaign again and some parts are good, but after beating it on hard it does drag in parts, especially because there are no vehicle sections. In places they throw you into trouble and there isn't much chance of doing something about it, until you die. Ah well, still a brilliant FPS.


Ahem, Killzone 2. What does everyone aspire to do in terms of online? Is it going to be a week or so job or more of a game you keep going back to? I think I'll be playing for quite a while, mixing up the classes etc. It has great longevity, and if they add some more DLC that will be awesome. New maps and weapons please.


For me it is something I am going to stick with and really get into...never really gotten into a shooter really bad as other stuff always seems to distract me.. But I reckon this will hook me and with the single player first playthrough completed (something I often struggle to do quickly which has a knock on effect on the multiplayer time I put in) I have no excuse..

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No they are not changing the controls they may add more button configurations though like R2 shooting. Quite frankly the complainers are going to have to learn to play well. The headshots wont come automaticaly :laughing:


Right I'm done for the night on this. Just unlocked the medic badge and have been doing much better, getting higher kill scores and lower death ratings. Still not managing to hit the highs I'm capable in games like CoD though. But it was fun. Sat and played on the Pyrrhus level for about an hour. Was a good group of players but the tactics on that level are always the same so it does get a bit boring. Still, at least the levels not as bad as Radec Academy. That one is shocking.


In Cod4 it took practice getting the highs too. Since you just got Medic you are very early. Also Radec Academy is brilliant. Lots of close quarters.



I'm thinking now I'm just going to be a full on tactition. Shame you don't get any points for laying spawn grenades.


Spawn Points are hard to beat. Turn the tide or make you lose.

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I love the controls to be honest. In multiplayer the lack of cover mechanic removes the slightly cumbersome problem that creates, it works well in single player where you can slow the pace down by taking cover which wouldn't work in multiplayer.


I've clocked in 4 hr 45 mins now...quite pleased with tonights play, had some great games and enjoyed actually being able to compete...just need to find a way to cut out the un-necessary deaths. find it annoying that your kill ratio isn't in the game and can only be viewed in the site. Wierd as it has like kills per hour...i guess could work it out if can be arsed.

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Good games before Daft...I was pleased with my rankings in most of the games and happy that I am starting get scores lol! my best scores tonight were 52 and 35.


Yeah, the first game was a nightmare (I think it had already started when I entered which is annoying...although maybe not). I managed to get a solid 60 for one of them. I'm pleased with my kill ratio.


Being tactition is a lot of fun. Do you ever get points for the spawn grenades? Maybe in a non-bodycount mode?


Spawn Points are hard to beat. Turn the tide or make you lose.


Yeah, it just makes things so much easier having one. Although a crap one can royally bugger the team over.

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met up with flameboy online, had a couple of small but fierce games. personal highpoint was a daring assault in a starwell, i belive i put the whole enemy team to rest, all 4 or 5 of em.


gotta say flame, me and you ain't the best,but damn we put up a fight.


we shoul be the new butch cassidy and the sun dance kid.

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Was just having a quick look on the interweb flameboy and it seems ur not the only one who is getting constant problems with only killzone 2. Doesn't really seem to be a general answer for it though either.


Like i said i'm no internet/computer wiz so i'm not even going to pretend to know whats goin on. Sorry i can't help! Someone will know how to fix it somewhere...

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met up with flameboy online, had a couple of small but fierce games. personal highpoint was a daring assault in a starwell, i belive i put the whole enemy team to rest, all 4 or 5 of em.


gotta say flame, me and you ain't the best,but damn we put up a fight.


we shoul be the new butch cassidy and the sun dance kid.


yeah lol! I'm getting better but still not good enough, but at least I put up a fight and get spme kills in there.


Was just having a quick look on the interweb flameboy and it seems ur not the only one who is getting constant problems with only killzone 2. Doesn't really seem to be a general answer for it though either.


Like i said i'm no internet/computer wiz so i'm not even going to pretend to know whats goin on. Sorry i can't help! Someone will know how to fix it somewhere...


Well thats good to know...sort of...


Jim Sterling of dtoid has written a great piece on "How Killzone 2 is blatantly better than Halo 3"



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@ Choze - I like Radec Academy for the close quarters fighting but if you get stuck as the Helghast you're screwed straight from the start as you'll just get hemmed into your spawn point. Happens everytime I've played on that map. Great if you're playing as the ISA but not so great as the Helghast.

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@ Choze - I like Radec Academy for the close quarters fighting but if you get stuck as the Helghast you're screwed straight from the start as you'll just get hemmed into your spawn point. Happens everytime I've played on that map. Great if you're playing as the ISA but not so great as the Helghast.


I don't agree if you get out quick enough you can just as easy pen in the ISA.

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I am not sure how i could help with connection issues. Game is very stable for me. You might want to do a general check, speed tests etc on the PS3. Try plugging in via wired and see if that makes a difference or make sure UPNP is working. Not sure what it could be. Sometimes some servers are far away and they can be affected by many poor connections/players. In that case noones fault.





@ Choze - I like Radec Academy for the close quarters fighting but if you get stuck as the Helghast you're screwed straight from the start as you'll just get hemmed into your spawn point. Happens everytime I've played on that map. Great if you're playing as the ISA but not so great as the Helghast.


ISA also have the same choke point. Your bet is to use different exits and make spawn points outside. Then its like candy in a barrel as the enmies will have their backs to you. :laughing: I always work on flanking in that map.

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I am not sure how i could help with connection issues. Game is very stable for me. You might want to do a general check, speed tests etc on the PS3. Try plugging in via wired and see if that makes a difference or make sure UPNP is working. Not sure what it could be. Sometimes some servers are far away and they can be affected by many poor connections/players. In that case noones fault.


Wired isn't really an option...checked my connection and its running fast as ever...later on last night was fine...so think i just have to see...unfortunately the way it was going last night I felt like jacking it in...

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Wired isn't really an option...checked my connection and its running fast as ever...later on last night was fine...so think i just have to see...unfortunately the way it was going last night I felt like jacking it in...


How is your wireless on PS3? Do you get full performance? The wireless signal could be one thing or stability of router connections. Do you sign out of PSN randomly? Which ISP are you on? Some ISP have worse wireless performance for PSN (Virgin). It oculd even be the game you joined? I have had lag in some matches with Asian players.

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How is your wireless on PS3? Do you get full performance? The wireless signal could be one thing or stability of router connections. Do you sign out of PSN randomly? Which ISP are you on? Some ISP have worse wireless performance for PSN (Virgin). It oculd even be the game you joined? I have had lag in some matches with Asian players.


I am on Virgin...near enough full % sometimes dips...don't often randomly sign out of PSN...has happened in the past having said that.

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Well you shouldnt be signing out ever ideally.


It could also be the dips affect the connection. Maybe just some repositioning of the router could help. Like move it or the antenna abit and see.


Not sure but it could just be that the router is strained when the signal dips causing instability.


edit: I am no expert. But i am fussy when it ocmes to my router and connections.

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@ Choze - I like Radec Academy for the close quarters fighting but if you get stuck as the Helghast you're screwed straight from the start as you'll just get hemmed into your spawn point. Happens everytime I've played on that map. Great if you're playing as the ISA but not so great as the Helghast.


More often I see the ISA get bottled into their spawn point. First time I've seen that happen with the Helghast was last night. Choze is right though, there are ways around it. Also if you have a tactition, you're sorted as well.


We all on tonight? If my sister isn't home I'll definitely be on.


Jim Sterling of dtoid has written a great piece on "How Killzone 2 is blatantly better than Halo 3"




That is brilliant. I noticed how short Sev was the other day. It is really weird. I thought I was crouching by mistake.

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Thinking that I will play this game for a VERY long time to come. Loving the assault class. Boost is just so annoying for some to deal with lol. And makes for a nice way to get a quick melee kill :D Or a good way to make a quick getaway.


Nearly at general and I havent even touched the saboteur yet. Really wonder what it's like to play that class. I know the feeling of getting owned by C4 so i would like to infict that on someone :P


Oh and came on really late yesterday. Can't remember who I was playing with from here, think it was lillster and someone else. Fun game, helped me learn radec academy a bit more, even though i kinda hate that level.


Provided I get enough sleep, I shoul be on later today.

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More often I see the ISA get bottled into their spawn point. First time I've seen that happen with the Helghast was last night. Choze is right though, there are ways around it. Also if you have a tactition, you're sorted as well.


We all on tonight? If my sister isn't home I'll definitely be on.




That is brilliant. I noticed how short Sev was the other day. It is really weird. I thought I was crouching by mistake.


I have seen both get hemmed into their own base. Does not matter what team, you play as if you are just quick enough, you can easily pen the other team in. A good idea maybe to rush over to the other side as an engineer (would be really good if I could unlock the engineer's secondary abilty, then switch it to boost) and set up a turret at the exit from the underground tunnel and another at the stairs from the spawn point. Hmmm....

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