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The Llama Juice Weight Loss Plan.

Llama Juice

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Umm... I started eating better and stuff back in... February - March...


That "before" picture was from early November '07 though


The thing is, I didn't go into this with the mindset of "I want to lose weight."


I went into this with "I want to stop treating my body like crap." Losing the weight was a side effect of not being an ass to my body haha.

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I was annoyed for the rest of the evening. You don't often get a chance like that!


and also Note to self: It's Pinky AND the brain. Sorry that was annoying me :p


It's "Pinky and the Brain". ;)


I'm one of those people who can eat anything and everything I want without ever gaining a single drop of fat on me. In fact, I'm possibly a little underweight.


I could do with some exercises to build up some muscles, though. I'm quite a weakling, though my half a year of karate training did do me some good. I would've loved to continue, but my schedule was wearing me out and so I wasn't able to put the focus and energy I wanted into it. 'Twas a shame, really.


Oh, and Llama Juice, you're awesome for being yourself in videos on the Internet. : peace:

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