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Guitar Hero : World Tour


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Yeah, absolutely ridiculous that every instrument needs a wiimote, yet it's the same price as the ps3/360 versions. It just doesn't make sense!!!


Mine turned up this morning, but not managed to play it yet as it's my girlfriends birthday and shes coming over and I wanted the house cleaned, bedroom tidied, wrap her present, get loads of food, wine and beer in and make everything perfect for her :D Ahhhh, bless me.........


Me and her will be rocking out on the game all weekend though :D

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Does this mean that our microphone is a wireless one then?


Mine also arrived today. Parcel Force guy left it in the shed. Roll on Christmas Day! :yay:


The microphone is not wireless, it goes in to the USB on the back of the Wii. But you need a controller to choose the options.

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Picked mine up today, got off work early using some hours I had owned to me. haha. Didn't take the free bass guitar though since already have one saw no need for 3 guitars.


I've been playing it for a few hours tried almost everything, awesome.


The drums, very hard, I started on Easy and seemed to be doing ok, 90% notes and more on every song I've played so far except the my first. So went to try out Normal... holy crap I'll stick to easy thanks. The foot pedal fracks me up alot gonna take a while to get used to that, and double druming too :heh:


The new guitar is decent, the stumbar has a louder "click" that GH3 i noticed, also maybe it's just me but is it harder to activate star power by tilting? Seemed fine the first few songs, but now i just can't get it to work without almost violently shaking.... could be my Wii mote though? The new star power button is nice, well placed but not as easy to press in while playing without fracking up your streak... though this could be just down to poor technique on my part. The touch pad is odd, will take some getting used to so prolly won't use it much for now.


The mic I tried a little, was annoyed I couldn't use it using the wiimote in the guitar or drumset and that it needed it's own wiimote... WTF? So now if my cousins come down and wanna do 3 player (drum, guitar, mic) their gonna have to bring their own Wiimote :heh:

Singing is ok, tapping the mic to activate star power works well too. Though prolly won't use it that much, only for multiplayer, might try the career mode vocals after playing everything on drums and guitar.


Took a look in GH tunes, downloaded 3 songs, Zelda Lostwoods, the Brawl theme and Fire Emblem, all pretty cool, not tried making a song yet though. Anyone found anything good? We need to compile a list of game songs so people can find them easy or something.


Oh yeah one thing that's bugging me, you know that black things you screw onto the cymbals.... I only got ONE in my pack? Is there anywhere I could contact to get ........



.... HAHAHA ok this is weird, while typing the above i turned my head and spotted the 2nd one, rolled under a table, must have came out of the box when i lifted the drums out maybe, LOL.



Oh yeah for those who haven't don't forget to link your game to the guitar hero website and join the N-E Tour Group.... (I assume Flameboy still looks after new people requesting to join?) http://community.guitarhero.com/tour_groups/210089

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Think you need Flameboy to approve you... I'll PM him make sure he's still checking/approving new members


BTW, seriously now, the new guitar, anyone else having issues with the star power tilting? I really have to like stop playing and shake it hard to get it to work.... is there a sensitivity option somewhere that I can edit?


Also anyone else notice a slight change with the hammer-on/pull-offs?


I seem to have to hit the fret button only just as it crosses the line. Like I can't hold it down before it reaches the line or it won't work.


example. Yellow,Blue,Yellow HO/PO

In GH3 I would just hit the 1st yellow, hold it down, hit the blue with another finger without leaving go of the yellow, then just leave go of the blue to get the 2nd yellow.


In this i can't do that, I have to leave go of the yellow when I hit the blue and press it again for the 2nd yellow.


I haven't tried the old GH3 guitar yet... won't get a chance till tomorrow evening (stopped playing now, working in the morning)... anyone know does that work the same as in GH3, as in is this a thing with the new guitar... or would it be the same with the GH3 guitar, thereby it's a thing with the game itself.


Changing ones playing habbits is not an easy thing to do

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Star power is a bit different. Took me awhile to get working. Doesn't seem too clear (at times) when you actually have star power. But it's definately harder to do. I've found that when standing up you really have to tilt the wiimote up completely (almost pointing the guitar head vertically at the ceiling) for it to work. Pain.


Hammer on/pull offs seem the same but it's eons since I ventured into GH3 territory.


Anyone answer the following?:


A) When are sole instruments available? (Specifically drums)

B) When does the in-game store get updated?

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Star power is a bit different. Took me awhile to get working. Doesn't seem too clear (at times) when you actually have star power. But it's definately harder to do. I've found that when standing up you really have to tilt the wiimote up completely (almost pointing the guitar head vertically at the ceiling) for it to work. Pain.


I've had the thing pointing at the ceiling and still no activation.... once it worked when I pointed to the ground, this is so annoying, and even with the starpower button better located i still don't find it easier to push as it needs a bit more force than i think it should to actually depress, which means it fracks up my strumming :heh:



Actually few questions


1) When you download user custom songs from the GH Tunes, where do they save? I can't figure out of the songs I d/l'd are on my SD card or on the Wii memory... I went t Options > Archive which seemed like they should appear there but it said both memories were empty... or is that only for songs purchased on the Music Store?


I tried checking memory files from the wii's own menu but don't see any GH:WT files on either Wii or SD card except for the actual save file?


2) In settings... what does "Countdown" do?

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Actually few questions


1) When you download user custom songs from the GH Tunes, where do they save? I can't figure out of the songs I d/l'd are on my SD card or on the Wii memory... I went t Options > Archive which seemed like they should appear there but it said both memories were empty... or is that only for songs purchased on the Music Store?


They are saved on the game file. Purchased songs are saved in your memory and then you can archive it on SD.


I tried checking memory files from the wii's own menu but don't see any GH:WT files on either Wii or SD card except for the actual save file?


2) In settings... what does "Countdown" do?


There's ur answer for u.

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There's ur answer for u.


You sure? I'm taking about GH Tunes songs here.


I d/l'd 3 GH Tunes songs yesterday and 1 song from the Music Store (No Rain - Blind Melon) and only "No Rain" appears in the archive... infact while downloading that it asked me if i wanted to put it on the SD card no such thing when downloading GH Tunes songs.


Was gonna try download another and see which memories blocks get decreased but GH Tunes won't work at the moment but the Music Store will.... weird, i'll try again later.



Anyway back to my Star Power issue.

I can confirm it's not an issue with the guitar itself, tried playing with the GH3 guitar and still the same problem with activating star power by tilting, I had to hold the bloody thing fully upright and I couldn't even do it quickly i had it held there for like a 3 seconds before it would activate which of course causes notes to be missed. So since it happens on both guitars i assume it's just the game itself.... there should be an option to adjust the sensitivity of the wiimote for tilting.


Getting used to the drums a little bit, managed to finish one song (Beat it) on Normal in quickplay earlier, still get confused by double drumming and drumming with foot pedal at the same time.


Changed the footpedal position which seems to have helped a little too, instead of having the "press down" part at the top of my foot at the toes i turned it backwards and use my heal to press it down

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Can I have some quick help, what do you do on SINGING when the hands throw up in the air and also on the swirly pattern.


Thanks in advance


Blue "hands up" sections you "talk to the crowd" i usualy say something stupid like "How ya doing Dublin" :heh:


Swirly pattern, say anything you want, if it's in rythnm with thesong you get more points. I just hum or go "aaaaahhhhhhhh aaaaahhhhhh ahhhhh" some crap like that.... or repeat the chorus

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Star power is a bit different. Took me awhile to get working. Doesn't seem too clear (at times) when you actually have star power. But it's definately harder to do. I've found that when standing up you really have to tilt the wiimote up completely (almost pointing the guitar head vertically at the ceiling) for it to work. Pain.


Hammer on/pull offs seem the same but it's eons since I ventured into GH3 territory.


Anyone answer the following?:


A) When are sole instruments available? (Specifically drums)

B) When does the in-game store get updated?


What he said :heh:

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how quickly does it take to stream a DLC track from SD card to play.


Very quickly actually, like you wouldn't even notice it, the loading time between songs was the exact same as when playing songs on the disc, very little time needed.


As for "sole instruments" i have no idea, send a strongly worded email to activision :heh:


And Nathan, a downloaded song is about 200 Wii memory blocks.... get out your calculator, haha

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Thankfully, Mokong is utterly insane and you can pull off by leaving your finger there :D


At first I was a little unimpressed. the graphics are pretty bad compared to Rock band PS3, way more than I expected actually. Pinging the notes seemed a little off, my girlfriend was struggling with the singing - the words aren't as clear - awful font, and just lower res etc etc. But after a while we got into it and started really enjoying it, it was just a little different. And can't wait to play some of you guys :D


Two questions though


1. There's already loads of songs in the music store! What are these and I thought there wasn't meant to be any!!


2. I couldn't connect to GHTunes or preview songs...anyone else having problems?


3. In the loading it says you can draw from star power when you're doing badly. How do you do this?


PS Is it the worst instruction booklet ever? Tells you nothing!

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Thankfully, Mokong is utterly insane and you can pull off by leaving your finger there :D


Are you playing on Wii or PS3? (If wii put your FC in the thread on Wii Online board)


Anyway, I got this hammer-on/pull-off thing working almost like I did it on GH3, It seems it requires more accurate timing, ie: for hammer-on pressing the button just before or as the note hits the line, so can't hold down the button too early or it missed, and with pull-offs I can leaving the second button pressed down (eg: yellow) so long as i don't leave go of the first button (eg: blue) till the last second. Again like hammer-ons not too early.


Star Power tilting i'm starting to get ok with so long as there is a long "long-note" or empty section that'll give me time to turn the guitar fully vertical.


Two questions though


1. There's already loads of songs in the music store! What are these and I thought there wasn't meant to be any!!


2. I couldn't connect to GHTunes or preview songs...anyone else having problems?


3. In the loading it says you can draw from star power when you're doing badly. How do you do this?


PS Is it the worst instruction booklet ever? Tells you nothing!


that's 3 questions :heh:


2: yeah I can't connect to the GHTunes either, i wonder if Activision are removing any songs that are based off games and such.... good thing I got 3 already :heh:


3: I assume that means when you activate Star Power your rock meter goes up faster when you hit notes than normal, so if your flashing red and you have start power you can easily get back to green if you hit enough notes

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