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Call of Duty: World At War


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Now that's what I call a sackboy!




No Zombie mode in the Wii version - I'm gutted.


You getting the Wii version too? Good lad!!


You know you want to get the PS3 version as well. That way you AND Daz get the taste of my salty balls in your mouths.


You must have long arms to take that picture at the same time! But why would you do it to your brother, weirdo!!! ;)


Lets all get both versions and alternate between the two :) But I know PS3 has all the modes and graphic spleabdour etc. But I just know the Wii's controls will win out.


Everyone went on about Fifa, it's amazing, so many modes and features, gpahics, physics it's amazing! I've bought it, and I still prefer Pro Evo Wii!!


You watch, come Saturday I'll be on here, Wii versions shit, MAT I've got the PS3 version, get your balls out!

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I was actually planning on getting the Wii version but I'm not going to now. It's still just too stripped down tbh so I'll be getting the PC version. It's just shocking how they didn't include Search and Destroy online. It's like the main mode, most of us grew out of investing serious time into TDM (apart from in say Quake, UT, Painkiller) a long time ago. Too basic for anything but the occasional blast.

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Just played quite a bit of it. Firstly, controls work absolutely fine, even if it takes a bit of getting used to. You can't map buttons, but there are a wide range of default options. I chose the one closest in vein to CoD3 Wii. Similarly, you can't customise the bounding box by hand (ie, MoH), but you can still choose options for camera response, camera turning speed, bounding box size, etc like "Slow", "Medium", "Fast", "Insane". You should find one that suits you.


Unlike CoD3, missions are less linear and a lot more open-end. I only got about half way through the second level but I died several times. Having dozens of Japanese soldiers coming at you from all angles makes the game a lot harder than 3 (although you can select one of four difficulty settings at the start; I'm on second-to-easiest). One little niggle I have with this over CoD3 is grenades. In CoD3, using grenades and tossing them back was fluid, and if you got killed by one; it was your fault. The grenade indicator in WaW is devilishly subtle, and I died a couple of times from grenades that I didn't even notice. There's also no reticule when you throw them, making it hard to judge where they'll actually go. Hopefully, I'll get used to the grenade system with time.


About the graphics. Don't let low-quality Youtube videos deceive you: the game looks superb. Character models clearly weren't the focus here (but still a ood step-up from CoD3) and I've seen a couple of occasions in the campaign where we've had flying Japs. However, landscapes stretch far with awesome lighting and pretty detailed environments. It won't show at first, mainly because the first level is set at night, but trust me, the game looks lucious. CoD:WaW on Wii at 480p is fairly comparable to CoD3 360 on a SDTV.


And lastly, and perhaps most importantly is the multiplayer. Let's get this out the way first: the Wii version is missing a fair few modes compared to the other games. Here, you'll only find Bootcamp, Team Deathmatch, Free For All, Veterans and basically a more hardcore version of Deathmatch (which I've not unlocked yet). However, while it's disappointing modes aren't as spread out, it's clear Treyarch have built up as far as they can with what's there. There's full Create a Class, a full set of Perks, Challenges and Leaderboards (but I don't think onlike leaderboards), and getting into a game is swift and easy. To be honest, I don't know if there are any maps absent, but I never played the same one twice in the handful of games I had. No-one ever lagged about, and I never shot straight through flesh.


So make your own decision from that if you will. It'll be nice to get online with you nutters, though.


(Oh, and quick bragging rights: I came top on every match I was on, and on my second game, I got over a 20 streak kill spree ;) )

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Is it true mate that only 8 people are online at the same time? If so, does this make for a boring experience?


Not at all, and it's exactly the same for the 360/PS3 version. 4 v 4 games are perfect the map sizes. Any more would just make matches descend into chaos and dieing seconds after respawning.


I read it was 16- but don't quote me.


I did misquote Bozon on the previous page and put 8 v 8 matches. I was thinking too much of The Conduit which will have 16 players. CoD is a max of 8 players.

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Ah, I've still got it. There I was thinking there's no point in sniping, but one of the maps is perfect for it on Free-For-All. I kept lay-down in an open train carridge throught the whole game, picking of opponents in the distance with my Springfield w/ scope. Thanks to the dog summon you get after a 7-kill streak, I ended up with a 20 kill streak by the end of the game. Best part was, I only died twice compared to everyone else who was well into double figures :D


[/self praise]


Again. Can't reccomend this game enough.

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Are you online Hellfire? If so, get your code down.


Played my first game online today, did pretty well. Impressed with it. Would be great if more people here got the game to have some Neurope matchups!

Havent played online yet, since I get so dizzy playing the game, but when I go, I'll say something.

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Ah, I've still got it. There I was thinking there's no point in sniping, but one of the maps is perfect for it on Free-For-All. I kept lay-down in an open train carridge throught the whole game, picking of opponents in the distance with my Springfield w/ scope. Thanks to the dog summon you get after a 7-kill streak, I ended up with a 20 kill streak by the end of the game. Best part was, I only died twice compared to everyone else who was well into double figures :D


[/self praise]


Again. Can't recommend this game enough.


Im having massive problems connecting to friends I have registerd. When they invite and vice versa, It'll just say ''this game is no longer available''


Any suggestions?


The Multiplayer online works fine and is awesome, its just the friendly play.

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Firslty, anyone who likes FPS should get this game. It's awesome!!


Anyways, a couple of questions.


1. Online, is there anyway to JOIN a friends room or must they add you into it? Because say I go online and my friend is already playing, he may not know I'm about and not add me!! If I could just join him that would be great!!


2. Is there anyway to decide the TEAMS in TDM? Or is it random?


3. When it puts you in matches does it put you with people who have similar stats?

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My biggest problem with this is the ludicrous single player missions, the grenade indicator is soooo easy to miss you'll die many many times and it'll end up getting very frustrating. I would love to see someone clocking this game on the hardest difficulty - I found it literally impossible and not down to me just being rubbish, but down to the game being too frustrating and hard on higher settings.


Please don't take this criticsm and think I'm a piss poor gamer, I have 3 stars and 9999 on Mario Kart, completed everything on 007 on Quantum of Solace, all 120 stars on Mario Galaxy, have all S ranks on Battalion Wars (bar the last mission) and usually clock everything on highest difficulty - but this is just too much.

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