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Classic WWF/WWE


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There were some really awesome matches back then; The TLC matches were always awesome. Jeff Hardy never ceased to amaze you in those types of matches.


I miss The Rock, of course. He could cut some brilliant promos and was just a great entertainer in the ring. He also played his part in memorable matches, like the Iron Man match against Triple H, or the match a month before where Stone Cold made a return to help The Rock win the WWF Title. The crowd's reaction when they heard Stone Cold's entrance theme just doesn't seem to be equalled nowadays.


WWE nowadays isn't THAT shit, tbh. There are still some good wrestlers there; Triple H, Chris Jericho, Kane and The Hardys for instance, as well as Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton and Batista. Plus there some new up-and-coming stars who are good, like CM Punk and Kofi Kingston, as well as this other lad who I saw perform the perfect Shooting Star Press a couple weeks ago.


But it's nowhere near as good as before with The Attitude Era and in the 80's with Hulkamania and all that. It's because they no longer have real serious competition, like when they had the Monday Night Wars with WCW, and so the real effort to try and be the better wrestling show isn't there anymore.

I always say it's the loss of Mick foley is where all the special matches went downhill. Breaking up the hardy boys at the time was also stupid.


But I agree the main thing was losing competition with the wcw. But sure hell wwe are losing ratings left right and centre.

Really how many kids do you see these days that watch it? when i was their age almost EVERYONE watched it(every boy anyway)


Another mistake is pushing john cena.........WHY? people WANT to hate him. A wrestler HAS to be a heel first before they make him a superface. every popular wrestler from the attitude era was bad first. It worked very well.


Does anybody remember this?




This was possibly one of the funniest thing I've ever seen anywhere, ever. Nevermind just the WWF. Hahahahahah.


not coming up for me

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I'll try and find the proper link in a sec.


It may interest you guys to know that for the N64 appreciation week, today we will be looking at fighting games.


So, I'll be playing WWF No Mercy! Full details are in retro discussion.


Edit: Try this link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnWZg-SvP0Q

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I'll try and find the proper link in a sec.


It may interest you guys to know that for the N64 appreciation week, today we will be looking at fighting games.


So, I'll be playing WWF No Mercy! Full details are in retro discussion.


Edit: Try this link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnWZg-SvP0Q


Oh man i remember that, Kaneaknights, bloody awesome, and listen to the crowds reactions, been ages since Kane got a cheer like that... hell been ages since anyone got a cheer like that, the closest would maybe be whenever Taker makes a surprise return after his yearly holiday.... those were the days when the crowd truly went wild

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I stopped watching Wrestling around the Invasion time then when I went to Orlando in April I went to watch TNA live and it was awesome. It was a great show and i've been hooked on TNA since. Got all some great wrestlers that were big back when I watched WWE like Booker T, Kurt Angle, Dudleys now called Team 3d plus more

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The dudleys have aged badly, i saw them on TNA recently and they were so sluggish it was painful to watch. They do have Christian Cage though, and he is pretty funny, plus i love his finnisher. It's a shame he was always overshadowed by Edge on WWE.

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I've watched so many clips on youtube, it's been awesome, haha.


There's been some great storylines and rivalries. I can't believe it's gone to the dogs now.


Also, Christian is pretty decent, but I think both him and Edge were better as a tag-team. They seemed to bounce off each other, and that made them great to watch.

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dudleys were always the worst of the tlc 3some.


Edge and christian i believed were one of the best tag teams ever


the rockers(shawn Michaels and marty jenetti(cant spell it lol)

legion of doom

team america(yes I really liked them)


are I think the greatest.

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Some of my favourite tag-teams:


The Hardy Boyz (They were just amazing.)

The Rock & Sock Connection (Mankind & The Rock in a tag team, what's not to love?)

Acolytes/APA (Back when JBL was good, now he's a knob...DAMN!)


Brothers of Destruction (Undertaker & Kane always kick arse when they team up.)

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