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When strangers are kind to each other and help each other out when it's obvious there's a problem. I once helped out a woman who was buying a game for her son (I don't work at a games store, I was behind her in the line). Having recently gotten myself an expansion pack believing it to be the original game, I noticed the game she was buying was also an expansion pack and then politely asked her if her son owned the original game. She told me he didn't and I then explained the situation to her. She was very grateful.


So yeah, strangers being nice to each other and helping each other out. It makes me smile and gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Makes me believe in the good in people.


Also, cats. I absolutely adore cats. Watching Cory "Mr. Safety" Williams's videos of his cat Sparta alias Mean Kitty on YouTube always puts a smile on my face.


Putting a smile on someone else's face.

Doing favours for people, and then hearing later how much they appreciate.

Realising a special moment in a game.

Mum's cooking.


- Wit

- Having one of those "No-one really loves me" moments, then have one, or a group of, my freinds doing something really really nice and thoughtful.


Admittedly, the latter only really happens on like... my birthday, but it's worth waiting a year for it.


When shit works like it is supposed to.

My friends..usually.

Winning at board games.

Winning at all other games..

Call of Duty 2 online, with a friendly lobby.

And my favorite...being drunk on Xbl, or playing with drunk people.

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