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Wario Land: The Shake Dimension


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Mine didn't require the update - just as well really as I forgot to do the alternative freeloader thing beforehand.


Decided to crack on rather than replay some levels today.


Whoever said the fourth boss was annoying wasn't wrong , took me ages to figure that one out and get past him. The fifth battle wasn't too bad and pretty enjoyable , and some of those levels in the fifth world are fantastic again. In fact , most of the levels throughout the game are incredible.


The final battle is bugging the hell out of me and is causing me all sorts of problems.


I can do the first part of the battle no problem whatsover , but the second part is where I fall apart. Cannot seem to get the timing of the jumps at all.



I will persevere.

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Question: someone mentioned that the game contains an update that blocks the Freeloader. Can anyone confirm if this is true?


I'm yet to get that update as I have Brawl and Freeloader, and I didn't have to update or use the Freeloader to block the update in order to play the game.

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ThePigMarcher was right in saying that the 2nd form of the last boss is tricky. I fought him a few times and got his pattern down. I then fought him again with a life potion at the ready which allowed me to beat the snot out of him :heh:


My stats at the end of the game were...


Stages 82%

Treasure 71%

Missions 52%


When you beat the game you unlock challenges on the boss stages and also the ability to see a shiny spot where a map is hidden on a level. That will come in handy as I havent found the maps on the 4th or 5th worlds yet.


Well, back to finding treasures, beating challenges and just generally having fun with this game :)

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Picked up my copy and I'm loving this game. The animation/backgrounds look amazing (even on my small screen as well) I've already blown 100,000 coins buying the opening movie.


Think I'm going to aim to beat the game then go back to do all the extra challenges. Some of them look pretty tricky.

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I fought him a few times and got his pattern down. I then fought him again with a life potion at the ready which allowed me to beat the snot out of him :heh:



What wound me up was after I thought I had his pattern down I decided to spend 120k coins on 2 recovery potions (just in case) and then proceeded to have my worst attempt ever and blew it.


So I decided to go back replaying a couple of levels to have that insurance again and after doing that I ended up blasting through him without needing the things :shakehead .


My completion stats are pretty shocking though because I really need to go back and explore the last 3 areas (damn Opoona and Madden) - something crazy like 76% , 52% and a really woeful 23% :blush:


At least that means I still have a few hours of life in this yet.

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How do you complete the "Don't defeat any enemies" mission on Slipshod Slopes, because the stupid ice block keeps killing the stupid penguins.


Just push the block but dont follow it, give it a few seconds and then just walk on by :) I think you have to watch out for some slopes on that level aswell as you end up sliding into and then killing enemies.

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Completed the game late last night,the ending was short but sweet. When I purchased it from the pirate shop I was hoping the credits would be cut to allow for one ending movie but sadly you still have to watch them.


Need to focus on getting all the treasures next (some are really tricky to find/reach) and then I'II move onto the challenges. (I've already unlocked 2 of the Boss Soundtracks_

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I'm stuck on the fourth boss. When he start's giving me those cannon enemies as a weapon, how am I meant to use them?


Use a ground punch to stun it, then shake it to remove it's armour (actually you might not need to shake it). Keep a hold of it and try to avoid getting hit by the vines until the boss gets rid of them, then throw it at him and attack.



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Well I got the "Thank you for playing" screen, and I must say it's been a pleasure. Fantastic level design, beautiful animation and backgrounds, fun boss battles and the odd challenging moment. Defintley one of the best games of the year and I'm sure I shall remain to play if for a while.


My stats after defeating the final boss were :


Stages : 69%

Treasure : 36%

Missions : 14%

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Well I got the "Thank you for playing" screen, and I must say it's been a pleasure. Fantastic level design, beautiful animation and backgrounds, fun boss battles and the odd challenging moment. Defintley one of the best games of the year and I'm sure I shall remain to play if for a while.


My stats after defeating the final boss were :


Stages : 69%

Treasure : 36%

Missions : 14%


Mine were something like that as well. Now you need to raise enough cash to buy the ending movie.

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Finished 1 World with all the objectives, just don't know if there was a hidden level... Oh well... don't wanna check it again

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I'm going through this quite slowly, as Nintendo published games are fairly thin on the ground at the moment. Just done the first level of world 3, though I've got most of the treasures and a fair chunk of the mission stars from the first two worlds. Haven't found any hidden levels yet - they're certainly very well hidden!


Still enjoying the game, though I still think that Wario Land 4 was better, because of all the transformations and the trippy atmosphere.

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Still enjoying the game, though I still think that Wario Land 4 was better, because of all the transformations and the trippy atmosphere.


I tend to agree.


I was really hoping they would include a hard and Super Hard mode. :( But I guess some of the missions make up for that.

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