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digital cameras

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What pixels do you want?


For £150 you can get some great digital cameras. Unless you want to be a photographer you won't need to spend more.


Canon IXUS 75 Digital Camera - Black (7.1MP, 3x Optical Zoom) 3.0" LCD £115

Fuji FinePix S5700 Digital Camera - Black (7.0MP, 10x Optical Zoom) 2.5" LCD £105

Sony Cyber-shot W130 Digital Camera (8.1MP, 4x Optical Zoom) 2.5 inch LCD - Black £135

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I agree with moogle, the ones he's linked to are quite good quality too.


My friend has this one (in green if you must know) and is actually brilliant, she takes not so many photos, but it's a decent quality:




£80 too =]

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I have the older version and even then for a small digital camera it's a great thing to have, the version she has is just basically better imagery/better macro and a few more options. Plus the colour.


It also saves you 70quid which could be used for an memory card.

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I've got this: Fujifilm Finepix F40FD


Brilliant camera! Really haven't got any complaints about it and at that price it's a bargain! It came out at £229 and there's quite a lot of reviews on the net at that price saying how good value for money it is.






At £95 it's got to be a good buy, right?

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Guest Stefkov

More megapixels only mean you get bigger prints. You can go fine with a 6 megapixel camera unless you want to print your pictues quite big.

If you want to read up on cameras if you have any in mind


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I got a Casio Exilim z77 for about £100 and love it, but these guys reckon the z1080 is the business.

The thing with digital camera reviews is that they consider stuff that most of us point-and-shoot people don't care about. What really matters to me is noise-level in shots and general quality of shots, and prettiness of camera.


Ohhhh the z77:




It's teeny tiny!

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I got a Casio Exilim z77 for about £100 and love it, but these guys reckon the z1080 is the business.

The thing with digital camera reviews is that they consider stuff that most of us point-and-shoot people don't care about. What really matters to me is noise-level in shots and general quality of shots, and prettiness of camera.


Ohhhh the z77:




It's teeny tiny!


We need dimensions or something to compare it to. That could be any size.

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I used to work in John Lewis selling cameras I'd definitely recommend Canon cameras. There are so many budget cameras nowadays, and although they all do the same thing to a relative extent it is always good to pay a bit more for a well established brand. Canon are the boom:

Great photo quality

Straightforward menu layout

Well manufactured

Good customer care

Look Cool


Buy Buy Buy


Hmm after reading that back I sound like a bit of a dick. Anyway, I heart Canon, and Canon hearts me.

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