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Best Game Stories??


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I thought the story for Ocarina of Time was pretty decent really, ofcourse its a tad cliched but when I played it I felt immersed in the world and the story, ultimately its the characters that bring a story together and Zelda has great characters in my opinion.

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Zelda has story, and a good one at that, specially in recent installments since OoT, it has good building up for dramatic scenes and all that; the fact that the game itself is not story driven (as with 5 minute custscenes per every 10 minutes of gameplay) doesn't mean it has no story, or that it is crap, just because parallelisms can be made with previous installments; they're there just for that actually, just like a zelda theme music remix is... Formulaic yes, mindless and always the same, no.


Zelda's story actually have, something that most games actually lack, some with good argument even... consequences, real ones, for the hero, for his relationship with the world, even if he doesn't talk.


That and romance a lot of games force it, a lot of games provide it as fanservice... while Zelda resists against it; lack of history or lack of convenience? because it's not like the chemistry between characters is gone, even if link never kisses Zelda. That only contributes to some scenes dramatism actually.


Link by the end of OoT, even if all that ever happened was erased from other's memories, it's in his, so he can't stay in lost woods anymore... In TP under different circumstances he leaves ordon as well. Why? because he doesn't belong there anymore, because he grew out of that. But... by consequence, he doesn't have a place he belongs to.


And people in Nintendo forums, of all things should know this, along with other curiosity's like Link, despite wearing skirts, is a man and the like.


I can't agree with Zelda stories being shite; if anything, with how rich the universe they created is, and the situations they created... it is a waste that they don't cover some of the best parts of the story implied; but IT IS implied.

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Pedro made a great point there. Zelda has great story-telling. In fact, several Zeldas have had touching endings:


-Wind Waker, where the King sacrificed his whole kingdom, just so a decent future could be had. And Link leaving his island to fullfill the King's wishes.


-Link's Awakening, where Link just obliterated the whole island, and everyone in it. The good part is that you find out it's a dream in the middle of the game. You spend half of the game knowing you'll kill everyone, in the end.


-Twilight Princess, where Link left everything behind, only to find Midna.


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