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Anyway, that GT interview is a good watch. Unfortunately, it's gotten me a little more pumped for E3, which is a very, very bad thing.





The Wiispeak thing doesn't seem to be that much of a disadvantage to me. There's nothing I hate more than prepubescent boys yelling incomprehensibly into their mic, even though I'm at the other side of the map and have no benefit in enduring the pain save losing my ability to hear. Wait, that's no benefit, is it?

Welcome innovation if you ask me - though they'd better include a team speak option.

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Six weeks, four days, one hour and ten minutes.



I quite enjoyed that last interview. This is definately gonna be a day one purchase.


Just to make sure i'm not being a numpty: Wii speak allows you to hear the six closest people on the multiplayer map as opposed to the six nearest people geographically in real life...right?

I don't have wii speak, but i might get it if alot of people from here use it.

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Going from their own words, it looks like HVS have continued to work on the tech even when they knew that certain improvements will be too late to fit into The Conduit. So really, it's a near-certainty that a sequel is already in pre-production.


Having said that, it's obvious we won't actually see anything of Conduit 2 as soon as E3. They said they have some very cool announcements to share, and I know there's been speculation about their desires to make an RPG, but I doubt that they have a second, major Wii game in showable form this early. HVS are a fair-sized company, but it's quite clear that the vast majority of the team have always been working on The Conduit.


So what will they have at E3 (if anything)? My most logical estimate is either a couple more WiiWare titles or maybe a demo of a refined Quantum3; a Quantum3.1, if you like. OR of course, it could be entirely Conduit-related - some aspects they've kept secret so far, perhaps.


@ DuD - yes, it's the 6 closest on the game map. I'm not sure if I'm going to buy WiiSpeak for this or not. To be honest, I expected more online games to have used it by now :hmm:

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I kinda liked the use of vehicles in Half Life 2 because Valve implemented it right, ie, you can get out of the vehicle and explore, it's still the same game and not an isolated level with different gameplay. If it's like that, then I guess it would be fine. But I'm still not crazy about the idea. An FPS is an FPS, I see no reason to "mix it up" just for the hell of it. When you buy an FPS you know what you're buying.


But vehicles like in, say, Gears of War 1 and 2, please no, that sucks. The vehicle levels in the Gears games are easily the worst of those games.

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I think there's too much hype around this game and that at the end of the day a lot of people will be disappointed and left pondering what could've, should've, must've been in this game...


Don't get me wrong, graphics look amazing, multiplayer is great, but after reading CVG's preview I'm doubting, and a lot of their arguements make sense. It's not because the graphics are amazing that the storytelling is and gameplay isn't repetitive as it seems to be...


I could be wrong though.

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I'd like to see a decent singleplayer as well.

Obviously in the end the meat of the game will be the online multiplayer modes, but i can't really remember having that much fun with an fps' singleplayer since goldeneye. I'd love to be able to have that fun with the conduit.


Its probably annoying to keep seeing goldeneye being brought up again and again, buts thats just testament to what an achievement it really was.

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I'd like to see a decent singleplayer as well.

Obviously in the end the meat of the game will be the online multiplayer modes, but i can't really remember having that much fun with an fps' singleplayer since goldeneye. I'd love to be able to have that fun with the conduit.


Its probably annoying to keep seeing goldeneye being brought up again and again, buts thats just testament to what an achievement it really was.


Goldeneye is still the benchmark for console FPS games in my opinion. I've never played one as much. I used to just go back and redo the missions in so many different ways. I loved it.

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I kinda liked the use of vehicles in Half Life 2 because Valve implemented it right, ie, you can get out of the vehicle and explore, it's still the same game and not an isolated level with different gameplay.


Has someone mind-wiped the boat section from HL2 from your memory? Easily the worst bit of the game by far as it just goes on and on and on. And yeah you can get out if you want to but there's practically nothing to find apart from the areas where you HAVE to go to anyway.


Grrr... wish I could talk about this game but I obviously can't.

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Has someone mind-wiped the boat section from HL2 from your memory? Easily the worst bit of the game by far as it just goes on and on and on. And yeah you can get out if you want to but there's practically nothing to find apart from the areas where you HAVE to go to anyway.


Grrr... wish I could talk about this game but I obviously can't.


Would you talk good or bad?

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Am i strange for thinking this comment is depressing?

I was wondering why it would be depressing??


Surely once people have completed the singleplayer story, the majority of their time will be spent enjoying the multiplayer. Don't get me wrong, if i enjoy the game i'll definately go back to the story and do the missions in different ways, especially if they have unlockable cheats similar to those in goldeneye.

But after release i don't think i will need to be heralded as the new nostradamus for having guessed that the majority of my time with the conduit will be spent shooting at people online :heh:

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I was wondering why it would be depressing??


Personally (and judging by the lack of interest in my comment i think i'm in the minority), I feel like multiplayer options- online or off- are added extra, something to complement the single player experience, and add longevity. So to say multiplayer is the most important part or the bulk of the product saddens me a little, but then it seems thats the way the industry is headed.


Thats not to say that i disagree with you when discussing how people will spend their time with the game, absolutely people will spend most time in multiplayer, but i feel the single player story is the most important part (afterall, would they release just the multiplayer game without single player?).

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