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Hang Overs!


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Guest bluey

You ever had a hang over?

yeah... but only a little one ~ tbh i dont usualy get hungover after i drink...

What does it feel like?

hmmm.. not too bad ~ just like a really fuzzy headache and the feeling of dehydration

How often do you get em?

not often at all. it takes me a while to get properly "drunk" ... i'll get tipsy after a few shots of something ~ but for me to get REALLY drunk...

What causes them for you?

oh. like i was saying ~ for me to get REALLY drunk apparently requires about 3 long island iced teas on an empty stomach.


but why the hell would i do THAT to myself again i don't know.

i was aaaaaaaaall over the place ~ but the next morning the worst thing i woke up to was my rambling msn conversation with jamba left open on my laptop... :nono: i do NOT type well when i'm drunk!

but yeah ~ i just had a bit of a headache..



...or like, lucozade i guess :yay:


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You ever had a hang over?


Hell yeah


What does it feel like?


The unstoppable urge to sleep and keep your eyes closed in complete silence, but the pain prevents it.


How often do you get em?


I go through phases


What causes them for you?


I get the worst ones after a bottle of rice wine. Back in England I get the worst ones when i've been inventing drinks. Ha, once I made a drink out of Straw Rum, 2 sec Vodka, Teachers Scotch, Mango Innocent Smoothie, a hint of lemon and a raw egg un-wisked. Actually tasted alright, but you try mixing food poisoning with a hangover. To top it of I slept sitting up against a wall so my neck was stiff as all hell.


Good night though

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You ever had a hang over? Yes

What does it feel like? Consistant headache which comes and goes every 10 mins or so, spinning included at the worst ones

How often do you get em? Once, maybe twice a fortnight

What causes them for you? Spirits, Shots (when i have a lot of them)


I don't get hangovers often, last time i had one was about 2 weeks ago and i hated it. Had about 17 pints of Strongbow and 4 pints of Fosters over the course of 12 hours. Also had a few shots of Aftershock as well.


The worst one i had lasted 3 days, and that was when i went clubbing about a year ago. I had too much to drink and to this day i still can't remember what i had in total.


Best method i find to prevent a hangover is drink a pint of water to every 4 pints you have, i got told the liver can handle 4 pints normally then it needs it diluted apparantly.

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You clearly haven't drunk enough then >.>


Only had one [hangover]



I always used to accredit hangovers as constant hunger all day and sleepiness but then realised thats because I was having sugary crap or red bulls and not sleeping.


Nowadays hangovers tend to be a sluggish feeling but nothing a good long walk and some food can't cure. Then again, I seldom drink a lot. In fact, the last hangover I had was becasue I stayed up til 6am with jayseven drinking gin.


Best way to avoid hangovers is to sleep through 'em :) I didn't get up 'til like 4pm or something the next day after that one.


I get hangovers all the time. Rarely any trouble with the stomach though, as I tend to know my limits. I always grab the water before/after sleep, and if I'm feeling up for it I'll whip together a fry-up out of whatever I can find.

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The worst hangover ive had was when i was 19, after a works party. The morning after, i went for a drink of juice and threw up bile everywhere, my head hurt with each cough of sick, nasty stuff :)


But nowadays, i dont drink much, it makes u a wanker. Get high and have one of the best sleeps ever, and a lazy wake, its nice ;)

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