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SOAD Album Leaked


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just wondering, what is the moral stance most of you take on "stealing music"?


Yeah....When 'stealing' from big companies, it's not quite the same as say, stealing a handbag. I don't really like piracy though and much prefer to own the official thing.

I'm least bothered about film piracy...they get anough money as it is. (That anti-piracy thing at the start of DVDs and such REALLY pisses me off)

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Oooh.. MORAL stance ey!


Well let's see. On the one hand, it is stealing. You're watching something you're supposed to pay for, you're listening to something you're supposed to pay for. Why are you supposed to pay for it? Because it's the laws we are supposed to abide by if we want to live in this society. If everyone obeyed laws without question then there would be no need to have the laws. Also, check out the credits list for a movie- that's a LOT of people who need to earn a living from these oft-pirated things.


But then there's teh argument of 'education'. I mean, that whole idea that because we can listen to any music we want, we do listen to a wider range of music and learn about different styles and artists. I think an increase in music listening leads to an increase in purchasing CD's. I mean, the majority of the album's I've bought in the last 12 months were all played to death on my PC first.


I think the problem is that people don't actually want to live in this society, so they have less respect for the rules. The whole idea of freedom means people express their liberty just by opposing the laws of their society, by questioning what you're told to do you reject authority.


I'll stop writing now before I go too far off the point. (I was about to write about Faith and stuff...)

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I honestly couldn't care less about my effect on the industry as I'm sure it's minor. But then there is the fact of "if everyone thought like that."


Well, I'll download it, but I'll still buy it.


Edit: Wow, that was uncalled for Arab Freak.

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People that can afford to buy every CD they love, generally do just that. Musicians are now aware of the times they live in, thats why they do other things besides sell CD's to earn money , i.e. concerts, t-shirts, dvds, movie soundtracks, etc. Thats the music business now, any musician that plans to get rich has to be aware of the piracy issue beforehand and work around it. Even Metallica, the most vocal opponents , now have live video concert footage and mp3's for sale on their website because they realize they cant stop piracy, they must adapt to it.

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