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Microsoft wii-mote on the way?


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What they have actually done is let Nintendo test the water and make a half decent device and then they can just hi-jack all of that experience and gameplay design either this gen or next. Smart business tactics if you ask me. Let Nintendo struggle getting the idea to the fore-front and then cash in on their efforts. The consumer doesn't care.


Do you really think that? You see no problem with this, and it doesn't bother you?

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Every single person who complains about 'copying' is a child. It's obviously being made because of the Wii's success, but didn't Miyamoto say that he wanted to change the way people play games and he wanted the remote to become the norm? The only thing that bothers me is that a lot of good games might be ruined by trying to shoehorn this in. It'll be a fun e3.

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Yes I do and I have not problem because it's business and Nintendo know that better than anyone.


What do you think that the devs will say? Intuitive device that will potentially expand our game and level designs combined with high powered graphics... it's a hard offer not to take.


Lets face it, the Wiimote is nothing all that new. Nintendo's leaps and bounds have come in their attitude towards their games and their audience not the device itself. Part of me actually though "Is this remote all that you've been doing since the Gamecube's development finished?" It's a very small addition to the MS arsenal that completely invalidates any angle for the Wii to be a better machine in any way. Can you really blame MS for taking advantage of that against their main competitor?

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Just because its a business it doesn't mean there's no business ethics, specially for Microsoft. I expect to see some Chinese company to come up with something like Vii, but not Microsoft which is basically cashing in on someone else's idea (hmmm, ok maybe I expect that from Microsoft). I guess I never think this kind of thing can happen.


All I can hope is that they have a PR nightmare to add to the hardware one.

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You could say that Nintendo stole the idea fro XBLA, I don't see anyone getting out their pitch forks for that. Why do you seem to think that there should be some code of conduct within the industry? They are battling for market supremacy and there is no legal reason why MS can't license that tech themselves.


It's all above board and MS don't owe Nintendo anything. You like Nintendo a lot and appreciate their efforts to change things but you can't expect them to do that and someone else not build on that foundation. This is how the gaming industry evolves. Someone comes up with a new idea, then someone else kind of steals it and does it better and then someone after them does the same.

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I know you talk sense (although you can't compare XBLA with the only thing that makes Wii different), its just that I'm disappointed. Its like saying companies shift their factories to China to keep competitive advantage, and its just business, but it still makes everyone a sad panda.

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Um, do you really think anyone in the industry cares about the respect of gamers? Most of the feedback they get is from forums. Look at the way 99% of people on gaming forums act, can you blame them for thinking we're all brain-dead morons? That's why they think we're willing to pay £180 for Rock Band and wait for Smash. Bros.

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Um, do you really think anyone in the industry cares about the respect of gamers? Most of the feedback they get is from forums. Look at the way 99% of people on gaming forums act, can you blame them for thinking we're all brain-dead morons? That's why they think we're willing to pay £180 for Rock Band and wait for Smash. Bros.


Point well made. Underhanded tactics have never stopped the money rolling in. People care about getting the best gaming experience, not the developer, publisher or platform manufacturer's feelings.


The industry constantly screws the consumer yet we still lap it up. It's our fault.

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Yes and now that the system is the same price, practically, they will go buy that. Casuals care even less about the gaming industry politics so why would they care?


Yeah, ok the Wiimote is burnt into everyone's brains (especially the casual) but they won't see a 360 version of it being anything more than a successor.

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Guest Jordan
I have to disagree there, while the pad is good, it still has faults, just like the other two main controllers out there. the D-PAD is the worse piece of crap ever. Still can't be the PS pad for 2-d fighters.


Agreed apart from the PS pad D pad.


Although its good for single directions, doing diagonals is near impossible.

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Agreed apart from the PS pad D pad.


Although its good for single directions, doing diagonals is near impossible.


Quoted for truth, I wish they would just stick a Megadrive / SNES d-pad on every consoles controller from now on, it would solve a lot of problems as those were two of the best d-pads imo.

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Oh come on. The 360 pad is THE diffinitive gaming pad so you can't really bash them for sticking to that. Also its not like they stuck to it, they just weren't ready to invest in a risky proposition like motion control. For them the 360 needed to be a guaranteed success and they have done well with it.


What they have actually done is let Nintendo test the water and make a half decent device and then they can just hi-jack all of that experience and gameplay design either this gen or next. Smart business tactics if you ask me. Let Nintendo struggle getting the idea to the fore-front and then cash in on their efforts. The consumer doesn't care.


Firstly, I'm not bashing Microsoft. They publically stated that they would stick by the traditional way of gaming, but recently we've seen that this isn't actually the case. And the 360 pad is hardly the definitive gaming pad. As has been said, the D-Pad is terrible. It gets dirty all too easily, I find that the A/B/X/Y buttons just feel odd for some reason (I liked the bulkiness of the GameCube pad buttons, and the grip of them, whereas the 360 buttons have next to no grip), the triggers are some of the worst I've used on a controller. It's comfortable though, I'll give it that. ;)


And I don't think Microsoft have let Nintendo test the water. I don't even think Microsoft considered any drastic changes to their controllers until the revelation of the Wii. Motion sensing will be standard next generation anyway... Microsoft just need to get sales quickly since the PS3 is catching up to the 360.


Quoted for truth, I wish they would just stick a Megadrive / SNES d-pad on every consoles controller from now on, it would solve a lot of problems as those were two of the best d-pads imo.


I haven't used either pad so I can't talk, but I think the DS Lite managed to pretty much perfect the D-Pad.

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OK, I take everyone's points about the 360 pad but honestly for for a general pad for doing everything I find that it is very successful. Yeah the d-pad is a bit "special" but I'd have that any day over having the left analogue stick so far down as the PS one.


And I don't think Microsoft have let Nintendo test the water. I don't even think Microsoft considered any drastic changes to their controllers until the revelation of the Wii. Motion sensing will be standard next generation anyway... Microsoft just need to get sales quickly since the PS3 is catching up to the 360.


I guess you can look at either way really. I wasn't thinking that it was so much a strategy of Microsofts to let Nintendo test the market more of the fact that the testing has now been done and our survey says that the public like motion control.

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I think it's pretty blind to believe that Microsoft and Sony never even considered Wii type motion control before Nintendo unveiled the Wii. The tech has been around for years, even in it's current form. The only reason Nintendo were the first to implement it was because they'd had 2 unsuccessful generations of doing things the traditional way and needed to drasticaly change they're strategy.


Oh, and another vote for the 360 pad. The GC one is close, but wireless-ness + Rumble and better triggers (imo the GC ones felt a bit cheap and flimsy) just tip the scales in the 360s favour. The D-Pads on both suck :(

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