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The feeling of relief


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Firstly no this isn't a wanking topic about relieving yourself.


At the minute I am feeling relieved, and its weird feeling, but an awesome one at that.


I've spent the last hour looking for my two year old A Level certificates, shitting a brick that a) I'd lost them or b) never received them. Then finding out replacements could be costly or hard to come by. I was writing a CV when I noticed they weren't in my National Record of Achievement.


But after some searching I've found them. Now I'm in an awesome relieved mood, and feel really light headed. Where as before I doubt I'd have had a peaceful night. It's weird how in one split second a huge weight has been lifted and your mood can go completely the opposite way.


Anyone else enjoy feeling relieved when something goes right?

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I had it about an hour ago.


All day I've felt really sick. Very weak and lethargic. But I couldn't actually get myself to be sick and get it out of my system. About an hour ago I managed it and literally a minute later I felt great.

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I was replacing the battery in my ipod, it was the hardest thing ever >_<

I had to open the thing with a wierd tool, take out the HDD then unscrew these really tine screws and unhook the battery.

The battery was stuck to the metal casing with some sort of super strong adhesive, like ultra super glue or somthnig. It took me an hour just to remove the damn thing without breaking it.

The entire replacement took me about 2 hours and i was damn happy when i finally finished.

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That's awesome, I've lost old documentation before and know that kind of frustration, I wish I could feel that kind of relief but unfortunately suck at finding things.


I do think that since you get certified with an organization that you could replace them since they would have your completion on record (otherwise how else do people confirm the legitimacy of certifications?). But I do imagine they'd have some sort of reprint fee.

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Alright MATEY. Just thought I'd pop in here and see how life was going down, it's been far too long. But yeah, don't let me derail this thread. More relief, MORE RELIEF.


Oh mai Gawd, it's Atif!


*reads* Ah, nooo. Derailment. Relief!


There's this one event that springs to mind.


This one time (at band camp, hoo-har), at University, a few of my mates skipped the lecture, but I still went. So, I got a txt message off them saying they weren't going. About an hour later, I had a missed call due to my phone being on silent, from a withheld number.


Later on, I checked the message that had been left, but couldn't understand a word that was being said. The person speaking sounded a tad chinese. Anyway, I replayed the message again and again, and I managed to decipher what it said. Basically, it was a call saying "hello, I'm calling from the <something or other> clinic. A person you recently had sex with has tested positive for a sexually transmited disease. Please book an appointment and ring us at...."


When I realised they were saying this, I froze up. I caught the bus home with a mate, and he was talking to me the whole way home about some crap, but I didn't say a word because I was so shocked and scared! I was thinking "omg, I'm a slut. Now you've done it, Jim! :("


I got off the bus and thought...wait...and checked the time of the phone call. I then rang my mate and she was cracking up on the phone laughing. I laughed as well, but I felt so relieved it was unbelieveable. :)

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