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Thriller Mafia


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Just look at the facts if there was in fact a group of people working together, people seem to be accepting that fact and that they are marked as good.


If there is a evil mafia scattered but can´t communicate but it´s balanced because of pure numbers then they would have won by a majority when the game would have started if you look at the evil death count.


Except if they have a win condition that the group of people marked as good are gone then they will win (Which is excatly the same win condition for the townies in every other game)) and that the group of people marked as good win when they have the majority vote (which is the win condition for the mafia in every game)


In this game the scattered broken mafia are represented as townies and the players marked as good is the minority trying to take over the town represented as the mafia

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Just look at the facts if there was in fact a group of people working together, people seem to be accepting that fact and that they are marked as good.

Yes, and the problem is?...

If there is a evil mafia scattered but can´t communicate but it´s balanced because of pure numbers then they would have won by a majority when the game would have started if you look at the evil death count.

No, as you said yourself, the rules are different, since they aren't a group they don't win by majority. There is no if here, if there is an evil Don, there can't be a good mafia. When I say mafia I mean in the literal sense, because the good group winning conditions could be similar to a mafia.

Except if they have a win condition that the group of people marked as good are gone then they will win (Which is excatly the same win condition for the townies in every other game)) and that the group of people marked as good win when they have the majority vote (which is the win condition for the mafia in every game)

I'm thinking we're starting to see eye to eye, except that your interpretation doesn't make sense. Yes, the condition for evil people to win would be for the good guys to die or for them to be the sole survivors. Yes, the winning condition for the good group would be to have majority. Aaand? Where does that leave us? The good guys kill the bad guys, neutrals win when they're safe, meaning when the bad guys are gone.

In this game the scattered broken mafia are represented as townies and the players marked as good is the minority trying to take over the town represented as the mafia

Scattered Mafia= Evil, but scattered among townsies, there are still innocent townsies

Good Group= Good, need to eliminate Evil, possibly get majority

Neutral= Neutral, just need to stay alive, Goods have no need to kill them, Evils, not so much.

The only people with interest for good people to die are evil, pure and simple.


It seems to me that you're just making the wrong conclusions, but aren't indeed, evil, sorry about the mistrust.


change vote: nintendohnut

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How do you know there are innocent townies?


The problem I have with this is that I believe they are killing people and if indeed there are innocents amongst these townies then why hasn´t there any of them been killed by Mr. Two-shots?

The difference between our theories is that your theory leaves to many questions unanswered and your theory seems to change a lot

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Why would there not be innocent townsies? I don't see how that's even a possibility. They haven't been killed, exactly because they're innocent, good people don't want to kill innocent people, that's exactly what I'm saying, and the neutrals than end up killed like Eenuh just now are casualties, like with every mafia game.

I don't see what loose ends my theory leaves, I'm sorry if you're too attached to yours, but it just didn't add up, this one does. Of course I'm not saying it's 100% correct and I'm adapting, but everything seems to fit much better, because it's not based on farfetched and black and white points of view.

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So your saying that there is scattered mafia hidden amongst the townies which is still going despite them loosing 11 people and that the good group have only been killing the evils in town because they have been specifically targeting evil people amongst the town and because of that seemingly the good group knows who is good and evil amongst the town or else they couldn´t have specifically targeted

the evil people in town


No loose strings... :indeed:

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So your saying that there is scattered mafia hidden amongst the townies which is still going despite them loosing 11 people and that the good group have only been killing the evils in town because they have been specifically targeting evil people amongst the town and because of that seemingly the good group knows who is good and evil amongst the town or else they couldn´t have specifically targeted

the evil people in town


No loose strings... :indeed:


I see what you there. Smart. Writing like a two year old without formatting to make my reasoning seem irrational and stupid and making it hard to read so it's hard to see your inconsistencies. However, it seems you haven't been reading. The 2-shot guy killed Eenuh, which was Neutral. How does that work for you? Also, no organized mafia= more evil people.

You my friend, are desperate.

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Actually that didn´t answer anything. Neutrals would have prevented them from winning as they can be a threat to town.


And take your insults somewhere else, it isn´t helping you.


Huh? Don't really understand your point there.


Insults? That is exactly what you did, you wrote a huge phrase without any sort of formating, attempting to make me look stupid and making your post hard to read. Unless you're talking about being desperate, which is exactly what you said to eseq before.

Anyway, this is over, I know what I need to know for now.

My vote stands for Nintendohnut.

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I did not post it like that on purpose, your just being paranoid.


And neutrals are in most cases not good for town as they have their own agenda which sets it back too that the "good" group seemed to always know who to kill despite you claim that amongst those mafia riddled town that there are innocents amongst there who seemingly never get struck down.

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I believe there are NO good townies. All the good guys are "mafiosos" or part of the good group. The scattered theory would imply that the good "mafia" knows who the good guys are, by the rate that bad guys are dying at, when compared to the good ones. My belief is, all good are part of the "group". All bad are "townies". Fuck us neutrals. Go zombies! :heh:

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Which is what I´ve been trying to get across

The words "Good" and "Evil" have just been switched.


The townies are still townies and mafia still the mafia


The only difference is that the mafia have the advantage that they know who is good and can kill at night

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Argh, this again is going nowhere.


Ok, I'm going to admit, it was probably obvious from the side of the argument that I'm arguing, that I am EVIL.


Hellfire, you say there is a good 'group' and then good townies who arent part of the group.

There is a massive flaw in your argument here. No 'good' people have been night killed by the 'agent'. This would mean that the 'agent' knows everyone who is good. You say it's because a good person would not kill a good person, but the problem is, the 'agent' would not know if a person is good unless they are in his group. If we go with your theory, you are basically saying that there is a good group who knows who everyone good is, not just who is in the group. This would make the game awfully unbalanced. If there is a good mafia, ALL people marked as good are in it.

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What makes this even harder for us is that the only way to argue this is too be instantly stamped as evil and if you don´t succeed on proofing this your as good as dead.

Which is probably why so many people are reluctant to talk about this (except the good group)

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Esequiel says he´s neutral and has been lying and withholding evidence


I never said iv been lying! Please find me saying somewhere where i say "Hai guyz im bin lyin'".


Of course i have been witholding evidence, why show my cards before the final hand so to speak, it makes no sense. This way i know who certain people are and what they can do. I know where a few people were on what night and pretty much the roster we have left.


Thats the clincher you see iRobot, i know these things and you dont, therefore i hope i have the upper hand.

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Well I decided to take the risk and come out as evil. I believe that there is a good mafia. And I believe that the majority is evil. So I'm not afraid to be known as evil. We just need a few more votes for Esequiel to prove that he has been lying to us. The problem is, we have around 7 people who havent voted. I believe that all/most of the good mafia have now voted for either Nintendohnut or Mundi, so it's upto those who are left. Which hopefully, are evil/neutral.

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PLEASE INACTIVE PEOPLE, SHORTY, THE FISH, GAGGLE, etc., please come on here and make a decision one way or the other, because we're just going around in circles otherwise.

I know this is against the rule but to help you out here... I am not playing in this game....

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I never said you said your lying, I´m just saying that your lying.


You know who some people are that were putting others to risk and you chose to do nothing because you don´t want to "reveal your hand"?

The only possible situation I can think off were keeping info to youself is usefull is when you and your lackeys are trying to get someone lynched.


Or that your waiting for some glory moment where you can swoop in and be right about everything.

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Argh, this again is going nowhere.


Ok, I'm going to admit, it was probably obvious from the side of the argument that I'm arguing, that I am EVIL.


Hellfire, you say there is a good 'group' and then good townies who arent part of the group.

There is a massive flaw in your argument here. No 'good' people have been night killed by the 'agent'. This would mean that the 'agent' knows everyone who is good. You say it's because a good person would not kill a good person, but the problem is, the 'agent' would not know if a person is good unless they are in his group. If we go with your theory, you are basically saying that there is a good group who knows who everyone good is, not just who is in the group. This would make the game awfully unbalanced. If there is a good mafia, ALL people marked as good are in it.

Seriously... do you people know how to read? The good agent is grouped with the good people! He knows who they are, so he doesn't kill them!

And I never said there are good townies, just NEUTRAL. Seriosuly, read. It's not like I wrote a 74 word sentence without any formatting. (;))

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Seriously... do you people know how to read? The good agent is grouped with the good people! He knows who they are, so he doesn't kill them!

And I never said there are good townies, just NEUTRAL. Seriosuly, read. It's not like I wrote a 74 word sentence without any formatting. (;))


And if a good agent knows who is good and who is bad, they are basically a mafia. Your own words prove it.

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And if a good agent knows who is good and who is bad, they are basically a mafia. Your own words prove it.


ugh.. again, read my posts. I've been saying they are a group, a mafia, but not literally as they aren't evil and don't seem to be able to send just anyone to kill, for ages.

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ugh.. again, read my posts. I've been saying they are a group, a mafia, but not literally as they aren't evil and don't seem to be able to send just anyone to kill, for ages.


But what if they are just sending the one person to avoid suspicion? Who says Tellyn and Cube made it so only one of them at a time can have killing powers and that the killing powers/agent status are passed on when the current agent dies? We don't know.


To me, they are working like a mafia.


Hellfire, can you explain to me why you are reluctant to lynch Esequiel.

The only reason I can think of that you are defending him is that you are part of a group with him.

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Why would there not be innocent townsies? I don't see how that's even a possibility. They haven't been killed, exactly because they're innocent, good people don't want to kill innocent people, that's exactly what I'm saying, and the neutrals than end up killed like Eenuh just now are casualties, like with every mafia game.


Seriously... do you people know how to read? The good agent is grouped with the good people! He knows who they are, so he doesn't kill them!

And I never said there are good townies, just NEUTRAL. Seriosuly, read. It's not like I wrote a 74 word sentence without any formatting. (;))


So according to this the group of good people know who all the innocents are?

Which theoretically they know who all the evil people.

Add that up to your theory on what the twist in this game is


-Mafia can´t communicate and are scattered but are numerous


-The goods know who every good and innocent persons and because of that know who the evils are and have killing powers.


So the players marked as good got a "I win card" when they got their role message because this is just ridiculous

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