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Thriller Mafia


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As I have stated before there was a mafia running around but they got bombed and lost communication, this is just to further confuse us on this whole the mafia are marked as good thing


And the reasoning behind that Zell and Hellfire could be in the good mafia is that the only reason they could have too argue that this is not true because it´s not in their benefit that this get´s known and confirmed.


Esequiel only needs 3 more votes, him being lynched is all the proof we need to confirm this.


Is it in anyone's benefit (not considering this good mafia thing) except the evil guys that good people die? It seems manipulative to say that if I argue about something, I'm guilty of something else. Not to mention that we KNOW that the Mafia's evil, because of Wally, unless there are two mafia, in which case I have no freaking clue what's going on, which is why I neither voted for Esequiel not you or Nintendohnut, which are clearly pushing him into the wall.

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We also know that the evil mafia has no way of communication and there is only one apparent murder pattern going on, the same guy killing evil neutral, only referred as "agent" and all the good players that have died have connections to some agency in the game

If I´m not mistaken the people that killed those 3 good people that have died are dead also right?


There is more evidence towards that there is a functioning mafia marked as good going on then there is an evil functioning mafia going about.


Also to everyone, vote Esequiel if not only to prove my theory then because he withheld information that could have kept players safe

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Dont know why your homing in on me, maybe youir worried im going to find out your alignment or something mundi? Mr iRobot evil person.


I think you are all wound up the wrong tree, there is a Mafia DON, therefore there is an evil mafia. Mundi and nintynuts obsession with trying to vote me off is because they are scared of my character. There is no reason for them to do it.


They say i withhold information, but who wouldnt want all the aces in there deck? Why point fingers at people before i need to? If nintynut came out and said hey guys im the pope, i can save one person each night then i would have said erm no your not.


As for "researching a story" i thought i proved to you what i was doing.....


Heres the link again, time stamped with my posts for your pleasure:


Fishforum where i was saving panda cory eggs

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Or you could say "You know that guy that has been bothering us and we want to know who he is? It´s ( Insert person ) And we would have dealt with it, there would be need no need to withhold important information for some "devious" plan because said person would mist likely have been lynched before the trap would be needed.


And if you had information on them how would we know their true? You´ve already accused Vicar of being every bad looking person person with some shaky



Once again everyone we only need 3 votes and after that we know everything

we need

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You´ve already accused Vicar of being every bad looking person person with some shaky evidence.


No iv told you Vicar is either Hannibal or 2 shot.


7 more votes for nintendohnut and this will prove it.


I urge you all to think about this carefully, if you had all the aces would you show them before you can take the pot? I have a feeling that Mundi, Nintendohnut and Vicar can speak to each other, there attacks on me seem very organised. Lynch Nintendohnut and prove me right, i implore you all, you need me to stay alive.

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How would it benefit you to "keep all the aces"?

The only reason I can think of that you would keep information like that to yourself is so you and you mafia teammates can use it to get someone lynched later to keep you and your lackeys safe...

Which is mafia like behaviour

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How would it benefit you to "keep all the aces"?

The only reason I can think of that you would keep information like that to yourself is so you and you mafia teammates can use it to get someone lynched later to keep you and your lackeys safe...

Which is mafia like behaviour


I keep telling you i dont know what you mean by that. In every game but this one iv been good. Iv never ever had the ability to talk with anyone. Seems like your quite up on it though iRobot.


Of course it benefits me to keep all the cards close to my chest. That way it protects me if im going to get lynched, it can make me know whos info to trust and it can keep me 1 step ahead of the game. Why shoul di spout off that i know who targetted who, or who is who when i have nothing to gain from it.


Again to everyone playing the game, Mundi and at least nintynut are planning something together. Give me a chance, vote for nintynut, when you see he is the thief you know you can trust me. I am not someone you want to lynch.

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How come? I've been trying to follow all of this but there's so much going on I'm completely confused by it.


Because he said that DomJcq is good he tried to distance himself from that fact when the whole good mafia thing was brought up and DomJcq said that Darksnowman is good when the sniper thing was going on

Esequiel claims he´s neutral and has been keeping important information to himself and if we lynch him and it shows that he´s good we got him and Dom and Dark as mafia members too


Think it this way either we lose 1 player who has been withheld important info to himself or we get 3 mafia members dealing a massive blow to them.

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Ok now I'm confused, the good guys are mafias? Surely that means we want to keep them alive or something?


Or has good and evil been flipped?


Either way it's strange, I'm a good guy but I havn't been involved in some sort of mafia or whatever. My win condition is when all threats to the town are gone but if the mafia are good does this mean they're a threat?

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Have you been reading the last couple of pages or are you ignoring them?

I made a list a page back showing how there is a good mafia killing us off


-11 evil characters dead 3 good character


-The same guy referred as a agent who has only killed evil/neutral and the fact that every good guy that has died is connected to some agency


-Twice in the write up it has been said that the evil mafia can´t communicate with each other thus showing that the mafia can´t function as a mafia


-Esequiel (who is being voted to show as proof to this theory) withholding important information that could have saved people´s life before by he chose to keep it to himself which is mafia like behaviour


-Gizmo accuses Darksnowman of being the sniper, DomJcq jumps in and says that Dark is good and Esequiel says that DomJcq is also good too back him up.

This is also typical mafia behavior, mafia members backing each other up to lynch someone they need dead and this time because they know they are all marked as good they think they won´t lose anything from backing each other.


-Esequiel said that DomJcq is good, DomJcq says that Darksnowman is good. After I started talking about the possibility that there is a good mafia

Esequiel says he´s neutral and has been lying and withholding evidence (Like I said mafia like behavior) DomJcq instantly tries to create distance between him and Esequiel and Darksnowman says he´s good after all this



Once again, vote Esequiel out he has been withholding important evidence and lynching him will be the definite proff if there is a good mafia

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Ok now I'm confused, the good guys are mafias? Surely that means we want to keep them alive or something?


Or has good and evil been flipped?


Either way it's strange, I'm a good guy but I havn't been involved in some sort of mafia or whatever. My win condition is when all threats to the town are gone but if the mafia are good does this mean they're a threat?


No one knows for sure whats going on. The evils think the goods are evil... but the way I see it, they just lost their Don and they are lashing out. I'm not gonna let this day pass without making a vote and its gonna be at one of the people who has instigated this whole shambles...


Vote: Nintendohnut

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Why are you saying that Esequiel is good? I thought he claimed that he was neutral...


How is he being framed?


He´s admitted to withholding important information and he´s been trying to frame Vicar saying he´s one of the killers.

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Why are you saying that Esequiel is good? I thought he claimed that he was neutral...


How is he being framed?


He´s admitted to withholding important information and he´s been trying to frame Vicar saying he´s one of the killers.


When I say good, I mean not evil. And when I say evil I don't mean good mafia style evil. Yeah, complicated. I would go for a no lynch, but then you'd say oh you all are just trying to stall another day blah blah. Why don't we lynch one of you guys that are causing this chaos and see what YOUR real alignment is?

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If we lynch Esequiel and it says "the town surrounded him and slid the noose around his neck. Esequiel is dead, he was neutral." Then theres no concrete evidence in that unless you come back tomorrow saying stuff like, "See! He was neutral! Just like we said! This clearly proves there is a good mafia!!"


Which is a heap of steaming bollocks. On the other hand we have the opportunity to lynch someone like Nintendohnut who could be a thief or Hannibal or somone thats actually detrimental to the survival of the good people.

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if we lynch and it says he´s neutral I´ll shut up and if it says he was good then i was right and we have a couple more for the chopping board.


And who is saying that Nintendohnut is either the thief or the murderer? Esequiel who is being voted for, of course he´s gonna lie to survive...

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this is not complicated


Esequiel has been framing me for being a thief, Hannibal, Mafia don, two shot murderer, a psychiatrist, the Russian dude (I think he is even dead).


and he some how connected the different writeup togeather Xzipid-A


he said here



That I where there.... well thats a lie Because I have only used my power once.


And he also told I where here




And I´m going to say it again I have only used my power once.


And by the way




he dose not even know who Horatio Cane is .... my dad know who he his is so here is a another lie.


The evidence is there what are you guys waiting for ????

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That I where there.... well thats a lie Because I have only used my power once.


Sure your going to say that, you need to cover your tracks. Thats cool i get it, i just hope that nobody is silly enough to fall for it. This can all be cleared up by voting Nintynut. He gets lynched, im proved right when he is the thief. Then we lynch Vicar because hes either hannibal or 2 shot. Then we lynch mundi because hes sticking up for both ot them.

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Sure your going to say that, you need to cover your tracks. Thats cool i get it, i just hope that nobody is silly enough to fall for it. This can all be cleared up by voting Nintynut. He gets lynched, im proved right when he is the thief. Then we lynch Vicar because hes either hannibal or 2 shot. Then we lynch mundi because hes sticking up for both ot them.


The only evidence you have is what your saying but that makes kinda hard to beleive because what you are saying sounds fabricated and if people decide to not beleive then it over for you.

And we have more evidence pointing that there is indeed a "good" mafia running around


And why should I be lynched? I´m just trying to drive a point I beleive to be right, the only reason I can see that you would want me lynched is because I started all this and you want this thing to be forgotten.


You guys are getting really desperate here...

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