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The Spectacular Spider-Man (Cartoon)


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Man, I don't think I've even finished watching the first series, gotta get on that then move onto this second series, after I finish up with Wolverine and the Xmen, then Heroes, then about 7bajillion seasons of smallville, then I've gotta watch that thing....

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The first episode of Season 2 was ok.


I didn't like their portrayla of Mysterio that much. It got a bit better toward the end, with the robots and stuff, but yeah. He had 0 impact being in the episode. Of course he'll probably come back and be better later on.


But yeah. Mysterio is one of my favourite Spidey villains. No corny voice, far more..monotone and disturbing. Less showy and lame. I always loved some random spin-off Spidey novel I read where the entire thing is about how awesome Mysterio is.

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The first episode of Season 2 was ok.


I didn't like their portrayla of Mysterio that much. It got a bit better toward the end, with the robots and stuff, but yeah. He had 0 impact being in the episode. Of course he'll probably come back and be better later on.


But yeah. Mysterio is one of my favourite Spidey villains. No corny voice, far more..monotone and disturbing. Less showy and lame. I always loved some random spin-off Spidey novel I read where the entire thing is about how awesome Mysterio is.


Mysterio is so awesome that in "Old Man Logan" by Mark Millar he


tricks Wolverine into killing all the X-men. Making them look like various bad guys.



Anyway the season gets better. Particularly episode 10 is ABSOLUTELY bloody excellent the way its done and the style, and of course the finale is awesome.

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Anyway the season gets better. Particularly episode 10 is ABSOLUTELY bloody excellent the way its done and the style, and of course the finale is awesome.


I liked Episode 2 (just watched now), more than the first anyway. I like the tying together of things by Master Planner, who I assume we've seen, based on the comics anyway. But i'm thinking that just another go around with the sinister siz would be a bit rubbish, so I'm thinking either Sin Twelve or Syndicate.


Also; CALYPSO. Lovely.

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You don't need to watch that, we all know how it's going to end. Kent's going to move to Metropolis and bang Lois Lane, who gives a shit if he's on/off with Lana Lang.


[Did I get her name right?]

Clark's already working in Metropolis, Lana Lang has left the show after becoming infused with Kryptonite by Lex so that she could no longer be around Clark. The current season is about Doomsday. Y'know, the monster that killed Superman



That said, Rummy, you should just skip out all of Smallville that you haven't seen lately and start at 8, it skips out the disappointment.

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