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The Official MGS4 Thread.


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Edge's score surprised me when they rated GTA IV so highly. MGS4 looks like a much better game than GTA...


I plan on getting the other MGS games after my exams and playing through them, then I'll have a crack at Jimjebus' copy of MGS4.

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Edge are normally a bit wobbly right? I read parts of the review and it seemed pretty shit. I can quote something along the lines of, 'if you've never gotten bored through a codec conversation then this game will be perfect for you'. I've never gotten bored in a codec conversation.


I'm still optimistic. Chalk and cheese, I pray.

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Edge: 8

- Opening act is the best part

- Not a game for MGS outsiders

- two cut-scenes near the 90 minute mark

- The Beauty and the Beast Unit are in the shadow of the MGS3 Cobra Unit.

- Camera flow effortless between 1st and 3rd person view

- Control system has "at last" the ideal balance of intuitvness and range.

- Game can be played for months rather than days.

- MGS4 is not the game it could of been, nor the game it should have been if you believed the early trailers.

- But is very faithful to its fans and delivers without equal in so many ways.

- great AI

- multiple ways to approach the missions

- great controls

- great shooting

- too complicated story for newcomers

- lengthy cut scenes

- simplicity of some objectives

- the game isn't what it could have been or should have been, but no reason is stated

- game doesn't appeal to reviewers who didn't enjoy MGS2's ending (refers to himself)

- score is apparently better than in new hollywood movies, fitting in perfectly with action

- Liquid Ocelot is a superb villain

- maps are a trifle small

- game encourages explorative play by hiding items in every hidden corner

- the arsenal is humongous, you can build different Snake over and over again

- again, there are tons of different ways to play

- Drebin points are a proper way of incorporating weapon collecting

- Otacon is being described as a gaming (non interactive) revolution, due to the way he looks and acts, he's called a star of MGS4

- iPod is a great addition, especially for fans

- this game is made for fans "...If you sat in lockers while footsteps came and went, or basked in codec conversations without once checking your watch, MGS4 is your just reward"

- using mkII is essential for stealth gameplay

- amazing visuals, only flaw is that textures look significantly worse up close


"With enough exposition for a dozen games, the epic mission briefings at least keep your senses busy, wit advanced camera control and, through the MkII droid, the chance to hunt for Easter egg and equipment".

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Indeed, based on the highlights it seems like it should have gotten a 9. 8 seems extremely low considering the amount of time and effort has gone into the game. I've watched all the trailers and it's as cinematic as Lord of the Rings!

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- Not a game for MGS outsiders


Shock horror.


- two cut-scenes near the 90 minute mark




- Game can be played for months rather than days.


Interesting, I look forward to testing this out.


- But is very faithful to its fans and delivers without equal in so many ways.


What a tease.


- too complicated story for newcomers


Don't care.


- lengthy cut scenes


Again, excellent.


- game doesn't appeal to reviewers who didn't enjoy MGS2's ending (refers to himself)


Awesome, I loved MGS2s ending. "Mind blowing" is what I thought of it.


- score is apparently better than in new hollywood movies, fitting in perfectly with action


Glad I got the soundtrack with the LE now. :)


- game encourages explorative play by hiding items in every hidden corner


Awesome, love easter eggs.


- the arsenal is humongous, you can build different Snake over and over again


Sounds good.


- again, there are tons of different ways to play


Again, sounds good.


- Drebin points are a proper way of incorporating weapon collecting


I'm glad this seems to work.


- Otacon is being described as a gaming (non interactive) revolution, due to the way he looks and acts, he's called a star of MGS4


Otacon is, and always has been, damn cool. Ever since he pissed his pants hiding in that locker. :heh:


- iPod is a great addition, especially for fans


What does it do?


- this game is made for fans "...If you sat in lockers while footsteps came and went, or basked in codec conversations without once checking your watch, MGS4 is your just reward"


God yes. I wish life was conducted via codec.


- using mkII is essential for stealth gameplay


Loved using this during the beta.


From the bullet points it seems like an 8 is a bit low. Maybe its because people new to the series just wont get it. Did they even take into account MGO?

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What does it do?


Think of the SSBB songs system with MGS series soundtrack on a Ipod in the menu item system.


From the bullet points it seems like an 8 is a bit low. Maybe its because people new to the series just wont get it. Did they even take into account MGO?


I think they only reviewed the game without doing MGO.

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Think of the SSBB songs system with MGS series soundtrack on a Ipod in the menu item system.


Ah k, that makes sense. Cheers.


I think they only reviewed the game without doing MGO.



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judging from edge's review it seems I wont enjoy MGS4 unless if I have played the rest...



Not a shame. Lucky for you as you get to experience the first few games freshly while the rest of us can reminisce. Follow this man's example:


I finished Metsl Gear Solid The Twin Snakes and, Metal Gear Solid 2 Substance and Metal Gear Solid 3 Subistance know I can Play Metal Gear Solid 4 I can't wait tell June 12th it be good.


And you will attain enlightenment This is a blatant lie but you will get as close as gaming can take you :P

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Well they praised the hell out of it for only giving it an 8.




Edge have a terrible record with PS3 games. For many places 8 is the roof for PS3 reviews regardless of quality (see GRID and GT5P recently). I wouldnt put too much weight into reviews however. Afterall its not going to be representative of your own personal taste no matter what you say. Unless you're a 1:1 clone or an obedient mindless follower.


Ah k, that makes sense. Cheers.






Yeah MGO was pretty amazing in the beta. Cant wait for it. I now that bit of the game is guaranteed amazingness since i have played it. Bodes well for the main single player game as the controls and gameplay are so much better than previous games.

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Edge: 8

- Opening act is the best part

- Not a game for MGS outsiders

- two cut-scenes near the 90 minute mark

- The Beauty and the Beast Unit are in the shadow of the MGS3 Cobra Unit.

- Camera flow effortless between 1st and 3rd person view

- Control system has "at last" the ideal balance of intuitvness and range.

- Game can be played for months rather than days.

- MGS4 is not the game it could of been, nor the game it should have been if you believed the early trailers.

- But is very faithful to its fans and delivers without equal in so many ways.

- great AI

- multiple ways to approach the missions

- great controls

- great shooting

- too complicated story for newcomers

- lengthy cut scenes

- simplicity of some objectives

- the game isn't what it could have been or should have been, but no reason is stated

- game doesn't appeal to reviewers who didn't enjoy MGS2's ending (refers to himself)

- score is apparently better than in new hollywood movies, fitting in perfectly with action

- Liquid Ocelot is a superb villain

- maps are a trifle small

- game encourages explorative play by hiding items in every hidden corner

- the arsenal is humongous, you can build different Snake over and over again

- again, there are tons of different ways to play

- Drebin points are a proper way of incorporating weapon collecting

- Otacon is being described as a gaming (non interactive) revolution, due to the way he looks and acts, he's called a star of MGS4

- iPod is a great addition, especially for fans

- this game is made for fans "...If you sat in lockers while footsteps came and went, or basked in codec conversations without once checking your watch, MGS4 is your just reward"

- using mkII is essential for stealth gameplay

- amazing visuals, only flaw is that textures look significantly worse up close


"With enough exposition for a dozen games, the epic mission briefings at least keep your senses busy, wit advanced camera control and, through the MkII droid, the chance to hunt for Easter egg and equipment".




Damn this has kinda put me off...


I have only briefly played MG on the NES and MGS on PS1 (which is in the loft somewhere) but have loved the footage I saw of MGS4 when it was first announced and have been watching it ever since. I have assumed that I could simply pick up the plot knowing it would be complicated, but heard there were flashback cutscenes?


Got PSW magazine today which has a book that seems to be pretty extenstive in both plot lines and character bios....

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Yeah there are flashback cutscenes.



Understanding 'Soild' Timeline


Metal Gear Solid 3 is set during the Cold War in 1964, where Naked Snake is sent to the jungles of the Soviet Union.

Aided over radio by Major Zero, Para-Medic, and his former mentor The Boss, his mission is to rescue a defecting Soviet scientist named Sokolov who is secretly developing an advanced nuclear-equipped tank called the "Shagohod." The mission goes smoothly until The Boss defects and provides her new benefactor Colonel Volgin with two Davy Crockett miniature nuclear shells.Sokolov is captured by the Cobra Unit and Snake is heavily injured in combat by The Boss, allowing Volgin and his cohorts to escape with the Shagohod. Volgin detonates one of the nuclear shells to cover up its theft, which is subsequently blamed on The Boss.


Having detected the US aircraft which deployed Snake flying over Soviet soil, the Soviet Union declares the United States responsible for the atomic attack, tipping both nations to the edge of a nuclear war. In a secret conference between US President Lyndon Johnson and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, a deal is hatched to prove the US's innocence and restore peace. The United States agree to stop Volgin's renegade faction, destroy the stolen Shagohod and eliminate the American defector, The Boss.


A week after being rescued from the region, Snake is redeployed into the Soviet jungle as part of Operation Snake Eater, to fulfill the United States' promises. During the mission, he gains the assistance of another American defector, ex-NSA agent EVA, who defected a few years earlier. After numerous encounters with the elite Ocelot Unit (led by a young Ocelot), and defeating every member of the Cobra Unit, Snake succeeds in locating Sokolov and the stolen Shagohod, only to be captured in Volgin's military fortress, Groznyj Grad. After witnessing the apparent death of Sokolov, Snake is tortured and has his eye shot out when Ocelot shoots to kill EVA; Snake ultimately escapes.


When he returns to the facility to destroy the Shagohod, Snake learns of The Philosophers. Made up of the most powerful men in the United States, Soviet Union, and China, they are an Illuminati-like organization who control the world behind the scenes. However, after the end of World War II, they began to fight amongst themselves, and the organization broke down. The Philosopher's Legacy, a fund the organization had jointly amassed to finance their wars ($100 billion, about $1 trillion today when adjusted for inflation) was divided up and hidden in banks all over the world.Volgin had illegally inherited this money, and Snake learns that the US is attempting to retrieve it.


Snake continues his mission, destroying the facility and the Shagohod tank, while engaging Volgin, who is killed by a bolt of lightning during the battle. Snake and EVA travel to a lake, where a ground effect vehicle is hidden. Before they use it to escape the region, Snake confronts his old mentor, The Boss, whom he must kill to complete his mission. During this time a cut-scence is shown stating that The Boss gave birth to a child (The father being The Sorrow) during a battle. Before this time however, during a radio call, EVA tells Snake that the reason Ocelot achieved the rank of major at such a young age was due to the fact that his parents were legendary soldiers. She also tells Snake that Ocelot's mother needed to cut Ocelot out during the birth, leaving a snake-like scar. This scar is seen on The Boss, which proves that she is Ocelot's mother. After an emotional battle, Snake overcomes his feelings and defeats her. He and EVA escape to Alaska, and spend the night together. During the night EVA disappears, and leaves behind a tape revealing herself to be a Chinese spy sent to steal the Philosophers Legacy for China. The tape continues, and EVA reveals that The Boss did not defect to the Soviet Union; rather, she was under orders to pretend to defect so she could infiltrate Volgin's ranks and find the location of the Legacy, which could be brought back to America. The final part of her mission was to sacrifice her honor and die at the hands of Snake, under the guise of a traitor, to prove the US's innocence in Volgin's nuclear attack from the beginning of the game.


Snake is awarded the title of "Big Boss" and given the Distinguished Service Cross for his efforts. Later, he arrives at an anonymous grave, The Boss', just one of thousands in the huge military cemetery he visits. Laying down The Boss' gun and a bouquet of lilies upon the nameless gravestone he scans the endless rows before him, salutes, and sheds a single tear.


After the credits roll, Ocelot is heard talking (a telephone conversation), and reveals that the microfilm containing the information on the Philosopher's Legacy given to EVA was a fake, that Ocelot himself was ADAM, that half of the real legacy is in the hands of the US Government thanks to Snake, and that he was working for the CIA.



Six years after the events of "Operation: Snake Eater", portrayed in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Naked Snake's former team, FOX Unit, has broken their allegiance with the CIA and gone renegade. Snake himself is also targeted by the FOX Unit, which sent renegade FOX Unit soldiers to attack and capture him. The game begins with Snake being tortured and interrogated by one of the members of FOX, Lieutenant Cunningham, who's trying to locate the whereabouts of the missing half of the Philosopher's Legacy, with the United States Government having already acquired the other half of the Legacy from the Soviet Union at the conclusion of Snake Eater. Snake is imprisoned in a cell next to Roy Campbell, the sole survivor of an American Green Beret team sent in to investigate the base. Snake learns through Roy that they're on the San Hieronymo Peninsula, the site of an abandoned Soviet missile silo in Colombia.


The two escape and Snake makes his way to a communications base, where he attempts to contact his old CO, Major Zero. Instead, he is greeted by his old FOX comrades Para-Medic and Sigint, who reveal that Snake and Zero are being accused of instigating the revolt and that the only way for Snake to clear their name is to find and apprehend the leader of the rebellion, Gene. To complicate matters, Gene has also convinced most of the Russian soldiers stationed on the base to join their side by simply taking over the chain of command of a former Red Army unit, that was secretly stationed inside the Colombian territory. In order to complete his mission, Snake must persuade enemy soldiers to join his ranks because of the scale of his mission.


Snake and his squad defeat the top members of the FOX unit (if defeated by reducing their stamina to zero instead of their HP, some of the FOX members will join Snake's squad, this includes Null and Python) and eventually they make their way into Gene's guesthouse. Snake learns many things on his way. Cunningham was working for the Pentagon and wanted Snake to push Gene into launching a nuke to Russia to prolong the Cold War (so the Pentagon could keep their importance). Gene was actually aware of this plan the whole time from information from Ocelot. Gene really wanted to launch a nuke at America to destroy the Philosophers and to make his nation of soldiers, "Army's Heaven". Snake destroys an experimental model of Metal Gear codenamed RAXA and eventually defeats Gene, destroying the real Metal Gear itself afterwards. After Gene is defeated he gives Big Boss the funds, equipment, personnel, and all other information regarding Army's Heaven, telling him that one day, he will need to use them. On his return home, Snake is awarded for his actions and establishes FOXHOUND afterwards. In the end it is revealed Ocelot kills the DCI and takes the Philosophers documents to "end them". After the credits, Ocelot speaks with an unknown man on the phone. Ocelot speaks of using the Legacy to form the Patriots in place of the Philosophers. Ocelot actually wanted the trajectory data of the nuke to point to the DCI so he would bring the documents right to him. Ocelot requests Big Boss be able to 'join' them (he and the man on the phone) in their new endeavor - becoming the Patriots.



The game is set in 2005 (six years after the events of Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake), where FOXHOUND and the genetically-enhanced Next-Generation Special Forces unit lead an armed uprising at Shadow Moses, a remote isle located in Alaska's Fox Archipelago and the site of a nuclear weapons disposal facility. In the process they acquire Metal Gear REX, a nuclear-capable walking tank, and threaten the U.S. government with a nuclear reprisal if they do not receive the remains of the "legendary mercenary" Big Boss. Solid Snake, in retirement at Alaska's Twin Lakes, is forcibly dispatched at the request of Colonel Roy Campbell to penetrate the terrorist defenses and neutralize the threat.


Solid Snake first locates hostage Donald Anderson, the DARPA chief. After he informs Snake of the new Metal Gear REX unit housed at the facility, and its deactivation procedure, he mysteriously dies of what appears to be a heart attack.Following a brief encounter with Meryl Silverburgh, who aids their escape from the base prison, Snake continues on to find the other hostage, ArmsTech president Kenneth Baker. He is used as bait by Revolver Ocelot and challenges Snake to a gunfight. The fight is interrupted by the arrival of a mysterious cyborg ninja who severs Ocelot's right hand before escaping. Snake is again briefed on the Metal Gear project by Baker; much like the DARPA Chief, he dies of a sudden heart attack before revealing key information.


Snake then contacts Meryl via Codec, and agrees to meet her in the base's warhead disposal area on the condition that he contacts Metal Gear's designer, Hal "Otacon" Emmerich. While searching for him, Snake encounters the giant Vulcan Raven in an M1 Abrams tank, which he disables, and locates Otacon in his lab. The cyborg ninja Snake previously encountered reappears, and after a hand-to-hand battle and some taunting, disappears as suddenly as he appeared. Solid Snake figures out that the cyborg ninja is actually his former ally Gray Fox, who Snake believed he had killed years earlier. Before they can settle their score, the ninja vanishes again. Otacon is unaware that Metal Gear is a nuclear delivery system, and breaks down when Snake informs him. Snake tells Otacon that he is continuing his family's close involvement with the US nuclear program. He agrees to aid Snake remotely, using special camouflage to procure information and supplies while remaining unseen. Snake meets with Meryl and they discuss their differing roles as soldiers. Meryl having joined the military to feel closer to her father, who was killed in action, and his brother (Roy Campbell). Ultimately he allows her to accompany him on his mission. Meryl gives Snake what seems to be one of three PAL keys and they head for the underground base. Their reunion is brief, as Meryl attacks Snake while under the telepathic control of Psycho Mantis. After Snake defeats Psycho Mantis, Sniper Wolf ambushes and wounds Meryl, eventually capturing Snake in the process.


While imprisoned, Liquid confirms Snake's suspicion that they are twin brothers. Snake is tortured by Ocelot and the player can choose to give in to this torture, or not. Snake quickly escapes and, after being chased to the top of the base's Communications Tower, he encounters Liquid again in a Hind-D attack helicopter. Despite being out gunned, Snake shoots the helicopter down and upon descending the tower is yet again ambushed by Sniper Wolf but kills her following a second duel. Otacon, enamored with her, is overwhelmed with grief but continues to assist Snake.


Snake descends into the bowels of the Shadow Moses facility, first cutting through the base forge then into the warehouses below. Here he encounters Raven again, this time on foot, and kills him. Before Raven dies, he reveals that the DARPA Chief who Snake encountered was actually FOXHOUND member Decoy Octopus in disguise. Shortly after, Master Miller calls and reveals that Dr. Naomi Hunter, a support agent, had given Solid Snake the genetically engineered virus "FoxDie" during his mission preparations, and is sending coded messages into the facility. Campbell swiftly orders her arrest. The virus, designed to kill people with particular genetic markers via cardiac arrest, was responsible for the deaths of Octopus and the ArmsTech president. Naomi, struck by guilt, contacts Snake in secret and confesses that she joined the mission to sabotage it as she is the adoptive sister of the now barely human Gray Fox. Upon learning of Snake's own tragic past through the current mission, she no longer has the heart to kill him directly having reprogrammed the virus.


Infiltrating Metal Gear's hangar, Snake discovers that the warhead Liquid plans to fire is targeted for Lop Nor in China. Liquid explains to Ocelot that Lop Nor is a nuclear test site and can be concealed from the public while the United States are forced to deal with a retaliatory strike from China. Using the PAL key, Snake unknowingly activates Metal Gear REX after which Master Miller reveals himself to be Liquid in disguise. He informs Snake that his entire mission was manipulated by the renegades to allow the launch of the nuclear weapon. As he boards REX, Liquid explains that they are the product of the Les Enfants Terribles project, a government sponsored effort to clone legendary mercenary Big Boss that was conducted during the 1970s. However, part of the process required that their genes be altered. Solid received all of Big Boss' dominant genes while Liquid received all the recessive genes.]


Drawn into battle with Metal Gear REX, Snake manages to disable the machine's sensors with the aid of Otacon. Gray Fox (who admits to being Snake's radio informant, "Deepthroat") fights the Metal Gear, but is wounded and crushed by its foot. Once the Metal Gear is destroyed Liquid explains to Snake how the Genome soldiers and the Gulf War babies were genetically related to them. He challenges Snake to a final fist-fight atop Metal Gear. After Snake succeeds he is reunited with Meryl or Otacon, depending on the player's actions (see next paragraph). After a protracted jeep-chase between Snake and Liquid, their jeeps crash. Snake finally escapes the facility while Liquid collapses and dies from the FoxDie virus.

Colonel Campbell, briefly ousted from command of the mission, calls off a nuclear airstrike intended to obliterate the evidence of the day's events and officially declares Snake killed in action to stop the US Government's search for him in the future. In the aftermath, the player finds out Snake is actually genetically inferior to Liquid and has an indeterminate amount of time left before FoxDie kills him. Ocelot himself is revealed to be a double agent for the President of the United States, the third Snake, Solidus. Ocelot's intention was to obtain Baker's disk containing Metal Gear's specifications and deliver it to the President.


There are two possible endings depending on the player's actions during the game. If the player gives into the torture, Snake finds Meryl dead and escapes with Otacon. If the player does not give into the torture, Meryl survives and escapes with Snake while Otacon volunteers to stay behind and sacrifice himself to help Snake and Meryl get out, not knowing that the air strike intended to hit Shadow Moses would not come. In either ending, Otacon survives the airstrike.



Sons of Liberty opens on a dark, foreboding George Washington Bridge in New York City, in 2007, two years after the Shadow Moses Island incident (the events of the original Metal Gear Solid). Solid Snake and Otacon, now members of the NGO Philanthropy, are investigating the development of a new Metal Gearconsistently described as being amphibious and having been designed as a counter-Metal Gear unit to "wipe the floor with all the other models"which have been built since Metal Gear REX's design was leaked. Shortly after Snake's arrival on the disguised oil tanker U.S.S. Discovery, a group of Russian terrorists under the command of Russian nationalist Sergei Gurlukovich attack the ship. After sneaking up to the bridge, Snake encounters Olga, Sergei's daughter, who has refused to leave the tanker despite being pregnant.


After he successfully tranquilizes her in combat, he sneaks his way down to the holds in order to record pictures of the new Metal Gear, RAY, an amphibious anti-Metal Gear prototype. Matters rapidly escalate as Revolver Ocelot betrays and murders Sergei Gurlukovich It is revealed that Ocelot has received a new arm following Metal Gear Solid, that of the late Liquid Snake, which via unknown means causes a change in Revolver Ocelot's demeanor and behavior, with Liquid somehow 'possessing' him.Under Liquid's control he sinks the tanker, and escapes with RAY before regaining command of his body.



The player finds himself in control of Raiden, supposedly operating under a reformed FOXHOUND two years after the Tanker Chapter on April 29,2009. Initially referred to as "Snake", his orders are to rescue hostages, including the US President, from the terrorist group Sons of Liberty, who are also threatening to destroy the Big Shell Clean-Up Facility they have seized. Raiden infiltrates the Shell via sea while SEAL Team 10 enters by air. He joins forces up with SEAL Lieutenant Junior Grade Iroquois Pliskin and bomb specialist Peter Stillman to disable explosives planted on the Shell by Stillman's former pupil, Fatman, now a member of the terrorists. While Raiden successfully eliminates Fatman, Stillman is killed as a result of one of Fatman's traps.


With the assistance of a mysterious cyborg ninja calling itself Mr. X,Raiden locates the President, and discovers that the Big Shell is the development facility for a new Metal Gear. Known as Arsenal Gear, it houses a powerful AI supercomputer, "GW", capable of controlling information transmitted over the Internet. The President also claims the democratic process is a sham, and the true rulers of the United States are an organization known as the Patriots. Revolver Ocelot kills him soon after, and Raiden proceeds to his final objective: disabling Arsenal Gear and thus halting a nuclear strike. Pliskin, having revealed himself as the true Solid Snake, and Emma Emmerich, an Arsenal Gear engineer, assist Raiden in attempting to destroy the "GW" AI by uploading a virus. On the way to the computer room, Vamp attacks Emma. The virus transfer is still installed, but aborts partway through; Emma dies due to a fatal knife wound from the attack from Vamp. Snake and Raiden are left with no choice but to disable Arsenal physically. As Snake's partner Otacon escapes with the surviving hostages by helicopter, Mr. X returns, revealing itself to be Olga Gurlukovich, and knocks Raiden unconscious by hitting him in the back with her sword.


Awakening naked in an Arsenal torture chamber, Raiden is probed by Solidus Snake, the true terrorist leader. Solidus reveals that he once adopted Raiden, a former child soldier, as his son during an unspecified African civil war[48] and that Raiden is now a Patriot agent. Olga, working as a Patriot double-agent within the Sons of Liberty, helps Raiden escape, and he locates Snake within Arsenal Gear. As they fight through the mammoth vessel, Raiden's commanding officer begins to act extremely erratically. It becomes apparent that the "Colonel" that Raiden has been taking orders from is actually a creation of the GW super-computer, pieced together from information about Colonel Roy Campbell coupled with Raiden's own expectations in order to manipulate him. The erratic behavior of the simulation is the result of the virus uploaded earlier beginning to damage GW's systems.


With Snake holding off a vengeful Fortune, Raiden is forced into battle with the battalion of 25 Metal Gear RAY units guarding the Big Shell. Olga intervenes to protect him, but is restrained by one of Solidus' robotic tentacles. Olga explains that 2 years ago, right after giving birth to her child, the Patriots took her away and have been holding her child hostage ever since. Olga continues to explain that the Patriots blackmailed her, ordering her to become a double-agent and make the S3 plan a success or her child would be killed. After explaining, Solidus shoots Olga in the head and throws her corpse out of the way. Her last words are: "Live, you have to!" The RAY units begin to malfunction, attacking each other and Solidus as the virus tears through the GW AI's program. Arsenal begins an emergency ascent,[51] and Snake- now restrained by Fortune Solidus, and Raiden are carried to the roof of the fortress as it surfaces. To Solidus' increasing rage, Ocelot reveals that he too is a Patriot agent, the entire episode of the day was a carefully coordinated attempt to reenact the events of the Shadow Moses Incident; what Ocelot describes as the 'S3 Plan', or Solid Snake Simulation, designed to turn Raiden into the perfect soldier.[53] He kills Fortune and boards the prototype Metal Gear RAY stolen from the Tanker two years previous, and attempts to finish off the survivors of the exercise. However, Liquid possesses him, and announces his plan to hunt down the Patriots based on his host's knowledge. Setting Arsenal on a collision-course with New York, Liquid-Ocelot launches RAY into the ocean, followed by Snake.


Arsenal comes to a halt in downtown New York, launching Raiden and Solidus onto the roof of Federal Hall. Solidus reveals to Raiden his reasons for trying to steal Arsenal: a nuclear electro-magnetic pulse would take down Manhattan's digital infrastructure and allow Solidus to lead it as a republic against the Patriots, a nation of "Sons of Liberty". Likewise the Patriots, via another AI contact Raiden to reveal the truth of their actions, the AIs being programmed to becoming "digital censors", removing trite and needless information from the electronic world in what they call "Selection for Societal Sanity", or "S3 Plan". The information fed to Ocelot was another part of this plan. However, with such a control over the flow of digital information, they could as easily be manipulating perceived history for the Patriot's needs. Believing the only option available is to track down the Patriots using the information in Raiden's neural implants, Solidus offers his son one final duel.


Raiden defeats Solidus, and as crowds descend upon the wreckage of Arsenal Gear, Snake and Raiden meet one last time, where his mentor informs him that only he can choose what to believe in, and that he must pass on what he believes to be true. Having planted a tracking device on Liquid-Ocelot's Metal Gear, he and Otacon plan to follow him, and to hunt down the Patriots, whose details were hidden in the GW computer virus disc. As Snake disappears into the crowd, Raiden is finally reunited with Rose, on April 30, 2009 - the 220th anniversary of George Washington's inauguration as President of the United States, and the anniversary of Rose and Raiden's first meeting.


In a brief epilogue, Otacon and Snake discuss the decoding of the virus disc, which reveals that all 12 members of the Wisemen's Committee (the Patriots' high council) have been dead for approximately 100 years, and that one of them is a major sponsor of Philanthropy.


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I'm sure you'll be fine since you've read up on the plot.


I would play them but have no way of playing 2 and 3 without buying a PS2 and can't afford to do that and dont have the time to play them both too much to play to little time as it is....

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I would play them but have no way of playing 2 and 3 without buying a PS2 and can't afford to do that and dont have the time to play them both too much to play to little time as it is....


Watch the gameplay on youtube

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I would play them but have no way of playing 2 and 3 without buying a PS2 and can't afford to do that and dont have the time to play them both too much to play to little time as it is....


I'd really try an borrow a PS2 to play MGS2. I can't imagine playing MGS4 without it. I'll be playing MGS3 from tomorrow after I get Kojima to sign my MGS4 sleeve.

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I'd really try an borrow a PS2 to play MGS2. I can't imagine playing MGS4 without it. I'll be playing MGS3 from tomorrow after I get Kojima to sign my MGS4 sleeve.


hmmm...im right in thinking MGS4 is a direct sequel to MGS2...hmmm its a problem... See love stealth games...just the fact I never owned a PS2 meant I never played them....I've always assumed I will pick up on as much of the story as I could whilst still enjoying the game...

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hmmm...im right in thinking MGS4 is a direct sequel to MGS2...hmmm its a problem... See love stealth games...just the fact I never owned a PS2 meant I never played them....I've always assumed I will pick up on as much of the story as I could whilst still enjoying the game...


I only just borrow my brother's PS2 last month to play it.


I don't doubt you'll enjoy MGS4 I just think it'll be a whole lot better if you can play MGS2.

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