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The Official MGS4 Thread.


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I'm going to do a MGS orgy as well. Plan on doing the origina, then twin snakes (good to see the differences again) and then MGS 2, 3 and finally 4 again, might feel adventurous and do the MG games in 3.


Woot! MGS Orgy ftw :P I'm still playing portable ops atm, once thats done it's gonna be...


MG >>> MG2 >>> MGS:TTS >>> MGS2 >>> MGS4 (on hard this time)


Can't wait to finish MGS:PO and get onto the originals. :smile:

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I noticed the seminal MGS3 is missing from that list.


Yes... because I completed it recently, and damn well excellent it is too ^^ I'm completing them all in chronological order and the list is of the ones I'm playing / left to play in this consecutive MGS "playlist". :smile:

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Well I've just reached Act 3, my gametime is a whooping 11 hours already! But so far well am loving it Act 2 was every bit as good as Act 1 in my eyes with enough variety to make it feel very different. Anyway I am going to put the rest of opinions in a spoiler tag just in case, but step inside for musings over Act 2 and perhaps a hint at future MGS? Also stuff about the characters that make an appearance in Act 2.


I love how the game constantly reminds you that you are in a game. One codec conversation I loved was with Rose after I had just died and it talked about how I had died before and she gave some tips and snake just said yeah I have to remember to use that left stick to look around. Such self awareness facisinates me in terms of the experience as a whole.


Raiden's entrance and subsequent fighting with the gekkos (why do their legs bleed?!!) is just WOW, its like Kojima is saying FUCK YOU to all the people who hated Raiden in MGS2 and showing what a badass he has become and making you wish you were controlling it. I also loved the Drebin (even though I don't trust him) truck section thought it had just the right mix of gameplay to cinematics and in the perfect spots. Also loved how the PMC troops were all shambling like Zombies.


Now we go onto Naomi. She has caused the most plot revelations so far. Revealing the reason for the aging is due to a limited life span created as a safeguard, very Bladerunner Replicant esque. I feel sorry for the guy he is a clone who has tried to break free of the shackles of his destiny as a Soilder, he has retired god knows how many times. Ironically he is just the kind of guy who Outer Heaven would suit as he is the last of a dieing breed. I loved the emphasis at certain points on him being Old Snake. Also Big Boss isn't gone for definite. For some reason I thought his body had been cremated.


And finally Act 3 seems to be serving up something new with the awesome octocamo face masks, which explains the trailer Kojima showed off with a younger Snake.


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I'm up to the boss in Act 3. Then had to stop playing, can't wait to get home and get back on it. The plot has taken a good twist to.




In other news gonna try and pick up a copy of subsistence today..I saw it in a shop the other day for £25...now seen on ebay it goes for like £50 I hope its still there.

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In other news gonna try and pick up a copy of subsistence today..I saw it in a shop the other day for £25...now seen on ebay it goes for like £50 I hope its still there.


It's well worth it, I got my copy for less than £20, cheap NTSC versions ftw ^^ started playing the MSX version of Metal Gear thats on disc 2, it's pretty good, only bad thing is the difficulty and the fact that you can save any time but it will only save your progress at certain points so you have to watch for when the time on your save file changes, cos thats when it saves. :P


Still playing Portable Ops but... on and off cos for all of it's technically impressive goodness, it's a tad repetitive. :/

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It's well worth it, I got my copy for less than £20, cheap NTSC versions ftw ^^ started playing the MSX version of Metal Gear thats on disc 2, it's pretty good, only bad thing is the difficulty and the fact that you can save any time but it will only save your progress at certain points so you have to watch for when the time on your save file changes, cos thats when it saves. :P


Still playing Portable Ops but... on and off cos for all of it's technically impressive goodness, it's a tad repetitive. :/


I'm gonna get PAL in the hope that PS3 does get backwards compability back for 40gig if not when I'm ready to play I guess, I will have to buy a PS2 at some point... I just hope it is still there.

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Been playing the original Metal Gear... I'm enjoying it now that I know how to save, or where rather, only in elevators apparently >> highlights so far?


Aquiring the RC Missiles and of course, The Box! somehow it's even more awesome in the original. :smile: anyway, really glad I decided to play it before startin MGS TTS again, still got MG:SS to play before that too. :heh:

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I'm gonna get PAL in the hope that PS3 does get backwards compability back for 40gig if not when I'm ready to play I guess, I will have to buy a PS2 at some point... I just hope it is still there.


So is it possible for Sony to add backwards compatability? If it's just software why not just sell it with it.

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Just played through MGS4 again...I really need a game about Raiden. I really liked him in MGS2 and obviously he rocked even more in 4.


The only character that pisses me off to no end is Rose. She is the devil incarnate.


"Do you know what day it is Jack?"


"I don't give a flying f*ck, thanks very much."


Its her voice.

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So is it possible for Sony to add backwards compatability? If it's just software why not just sell it with it.


Well technically yes it is. It is only software as you say, I think software emulation was initially buggy and they had to have another reason behind the price cut. There were rumours going around after a job advert saw them asking for people who specialized in emulation or something. There were even rumours that it would come in November...


It sucks as for the most part 40gb PS3's are all that are largely available in europe.


I just hope they do, the missus won't be happy if I buy a PS2...as she doesn't like too much stuff under the tv...


Anyway back to MGS4 I am stuck on;


Raging Raven- I can get him to the top of the tower and just end up having my health wittled down. Any recommendations for weapons? I used the shotgun attachment on my custom M4



Any tips?

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Use the land to air missiles you can find in Act 2. They lock on ever so slightly. Also just run round the top of the tower, she'll basically always miss if you keep moving. Take your time and its pretty easy, although daunting at first.


Anyone got the Corpse Camo? Apparently you have to die 41 times or more. I'm going to give it a go this time and try and get the Solar Gun...maybe even the bandana....but I can't face not killing people...

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yeah i think I got those missiles..cheers. can you run straight to the top and she'll catch you up or do you have to work your way to the top...


Na, just peg it. She'll find you. If not you can always catch her attention with a missile or two. :D


Thats what I did first time because there was no way I was fighting her close quarters. :heh:

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Na, just peg it. She'll find you. If not you can always catch her attention with a missile or two. :D


Thats what I did first time because there was no way I was fighting her close quarters. :heh:


lol...ok will try it again later...cheers mate!

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I love this game so much. I can't believe I'm going to go through it for the fourth time in a row.


One thing I wish they had done is have an option for seriously abridged cutscenes for second run throughs.


Also in the Extras, type in:







Each for a new iPod track.


If you look behind you, you can sometime see the spy bots in the trenchcoat tailing you. That how they find out where Big Mama is. Pretty cool.

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I got my White Dual Shock 3 today and it is immense. I could've had it last Thursday but I wasn't in, so I recommend any of you Sixaxis owners to buy one off Ebay for £30 from Hong Kong.

It feels much better, the rumble is quality and it looks more stylish in white/silver.


Im on chapter 4 on MG now and it is amazing. Im so glad I got a PS3.


Anyone here think Raging Raven was a piss-easy boss? Laughing Octopus was mutch harder. The secret to that boss is staying on the top level, moving around (which has been mentioned) and using any sub-machine gun- P90 whoopasses her.



Oh can someone explain how Ocelot gains control in the scene after that boss? Did he use Big Boss's body to get control of the system? Help!

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I only found Crying Wolf difficult tbh. Raging Raven was pretty daunting and I remember a couple minutes into it I thought she was rock hard. Laughing Octopus was pretty easy, I just used the night vision. She was the most fun to fight though and with my headphones on really loud she scared the crap out of me every time she jumped out.


If you wear suit and a beauty face camo all the soldiers in in act 3 will ignore you. You can use this tactic in extreme and get big boss rank.


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