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Angry Nerd reviews Bible. Games.


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I got to the 10 min mark before I decided to stop being bored.


However my housemate has recommended him, and he seems to have a review on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the NES which I owned. I shall check some of his earlier works.


EDIT: This dude is talking utter bullshit about Turtles. He goes on about dying when all you need to do is switch to another turtle. I used to be able to do that Dam level when I was 5 in about a minute.


He puts no emotion into his insults so the humour isn't coming through for me. I do like the way he thinks he's being slick by taking a swig of the beer every now and then.

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The bible games video is 2 years old by the way. Anyway, I haven't seen his latest video (the last one I saw was the virtual boy one) I think TMNT was one of the better games he reviewed, he's reviewed some pretty awful stuff over the few years he's been doing it. How can you say he puts no emotion in his reviews. The videos are meant for an american audience too, so you need to understand their humor.

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So the Bible Games are boring, repetetitive and nosensical.




Stayed true to the soruce material then.


I beg to differ, the bible, especially the old testament, is hilarious. Upon reading the bible during WWI, Winston Churchill's younger son could be often seen to slap himself on the leg while calling out "my god, isn't God a fuck!". Either that, or he would insist on telling fellow soldiers about a funny part he just read.


I like that story, it makes famous people (or rather, famous people's children) seem more human. :D

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Guest Stefkov

Just watched the Power Glove video and all he can say is Fuck.

I'm not sure whether to laugh at his stupidity or not.

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