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Is Revolution region free?


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True, I guess it won't be, because of backward TV standards compatibility (framerate, interlaced vs. progressive scan etc.), but don't know how HDTV fits in that picture, though. Isn't HDTV the same all around the world?

Also I think 640x480 progressive resolution at 60fps should work everywhere. Some PAL GC games (Geist for example) already require 60Hz TVs (PAL standard is 50Hz but 99.9% of TVs support 60Hz).


But then, I guess we'll have Freeloader discs/cards once again... does Nintendo actually support those or does it treat them as illegal? Will GC Freeloader work in Revo?

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ah yes but did i not hear that the downloaded nes snes and n64 games can bee from any server i.e. we in the uk can download a american version of earthbound from the american server. so for the downloaded games it will be reagion free so they could always make the rev accept any region for the disc games, whilst on the subject there are rumours that the ps3 will be reagion free.

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Originally Posted by 1upking

After the fuss Sony kicked up with ppl importing PSP's, I highly doubt they will make the PS3 region free


So did i but the reason behind the rumour was something like makingit easier to determine that anyone who mod chip's (is that right?) their ps3 will be for piracy reasons instead of ingnorance on wanting to mod it for import reasons or something like that anyway

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but people without pal 60 tv's can't play them...

And with games like Metriod Prime 2 and Geist it seems like Nintendo only want people who have 60Hz TV sets to play there games. :P


Well, I think that they want there games to be played only one 60Hz tv sets, ovbiously I can't speak for Nintendo but there has to be a reason why they made a few games 60Hz only.

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