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A little bit of a depressing thread, woo for Haggis!:yay:


Over the past few months, I've just been thinking about stuff (Awesomly descriptive, I know :p) in general, my life and where I've got too. I just can't help but end up thinking somewhere along the way I've made a wrong turn and swerved off track. I mean, I feel as though I'm just sort of stuck in a hole and everyday I'm making it deeper.


Nothing is how I imagined it would be when I was younger, and I just sometimes worry about who I'm becoming and the people I'm choosing to become that person with and whether those people would actually miss me If I wasn't here.


Anyone ever had this sort of feeling? (No, I'm the only one? *Shuts up*)


I´m at that stage also.Not really sure what i´m doing or what i´m going to do.


Only reason i´m still in school is if i would quit i´d have no idea what to do

I feel as though I'm just sort of stuck in a whole and everyday I'm making it deeper.

Though I'm sure it's a typo, I do find that hauntingly poetic for some reason. Can I use it? :)


Anyway, yeah, I feel the same way sometimes. I think everybody does. I know for a fact that I have made decisions which will have drastically affected the course of my present and future existence. It's not worth dwelling on too much, at the end of the day all our choices are at least half chance. I blame the recent run of weather, all bleak and rainy, it tends to put morbid thoughts into your head.


And yes, those people would almost certainly miss you if you weren't there. Think about it enough, I gurantee you'll reach the same conclusion.


Yeah the "Whole" was a typo, but sure. ("Originally posted by Dyson"?)


It's just last year was the worst year of my life, I mean from an old mate dying and my mum being in a car crash to being assulted it was hell. It's just really hard not to wonder why all the bad stuff keeps happening, and unlike when people say "Don't worry, It's just a bit of bad luck, it'll end soon" life just keeps on throwing stones at me, and I can't help but think one day one's going to hit me head on, and something really terrible's going to happen.


I know it's pointless thinking about it, but I'm human, I can't help it!:heh:


I think it's actually just part of growing up, though I base that namely on how I feel. I do feel a bit like you described at times, but then other times I feel quite happy, but I do feel like things aren't how I pictured them to go for me when I was a young'un. Tbh, at the moment in life I just keep on keeping on, I don't really have much of a plan. I'll have a degree by this summer, but I don't know what I'll do with or after it, I wanna do some other stuff before I end up in a job.


What I always helps me to keep in mind during rough patches is that things will always change. People come and go, the sun rises and falls, the world just keeps on spinning. Change can be sudden and unexpected, or slow, or planned for. It can whack you in the face, sneak up up behind you in the shower, or slowly but surely permeate your life without you even realising. Tomorrow's another day, in other words.


Gaggle is right. Things change but more importantly you can make things change yourself. I know it sounds obvious but it is better to be actively involved with the changes in your life than just see how things pan out.


I had the same sort of feeling around August/September last year. In the words of PULP it was like watching "your life slide out of view". (I know it sounds like an overreaction but I was really depressed back then)

I made some conscious changes and I would easily say I'm a completely different person from who I was 6 months ago. I love who I hang out with, I'm happy with one of my decisions which was to change Uni course half way through my second year and I'm just generally happier now.

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