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Fatal Frame 4

Gaijin von Snikbah

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This is hands down my most wanted Wii game at the moment. I love Japanese horror movies, this game will crap my pants :o


We havent heard ANYTHING about a Western release, I just hope we'll see it soon. Preferably at the end of this year in Europe, since Nintendo doesnt have much to offer anyway.

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Awesome, although that video player sucks. I really hope this comes out in Europe.... Or else how are we supposed to play this? Don't Nintendo's updates disable Freeloader?


Use the Twilight Hack to install the Homebrew channel, and use Gecko Region free.

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The HBC takes up 11 blocks, GRF runs from the SD Card, and if you get the latest version of the Twilight Hack, it works on the latest firmware. Click here for more info. :smile:


And I hope idiots won't start bitching about piracy again, this has NOTHING to do with it.


Shall i be that idiot? Piracy IS a concern with home brew software, and its idiotic to make a sweeping statement and think otherwise. Its all but killed the PC market. Sure, its probably a minority who use home brew to open their Wii's- or any other console - up to piracy, its still very possible and a risk for Nintendo and others.

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Guest Maase

Bah, if it doesn't get to America, how would we read the text?


Playing an Horror game without his cheesy story is equal to playing an Action Flick without Special Effects.

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Shall i be that idiot? Piracy IS a concern with home brew software, and its idiotic to make a sweeping statement and think otherwise. Its all but killed the PC market. Sure, its probably a minority who use home brew to open their Wii's- or any other console - up to piracy, its still very possible and a risk for Nintendo and others.


None of the links on the page I linked have anything to do with pirating Wii games. And as far as I know, there isn't really a way to play them with Homebrew software yet. All I'm doing is providing people a way to make their Wii region free. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I stand by my statement. I'll shut up about piracy now, and I won't respond anymore to posts concerning it.


So, about the Fatal Frame game. I heard it has scary long haired girls?

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Shall i be that idiot? Piracy IS a concern with home brew software, and its idiotic to make a sweeping statement and think otherwise. Its all but killed the PC market. Sure, its probably a minority who use home brew to open their Wii's- or any other console - up to piracy, its still very possible and a risk for Nintendo and others.


I totally agree.


Apart from the killing the PC market where I couldn't disagree more. Crytek and EPIC are the ONLY devs who've attributed piracy as the main factor to why there games didn't sell. In EPICs case UT3 just wasn't good enough in a good year for FPSs. In Cryteks case they're just a little bitter that whilst Crysis sold well at retail (over 1 million) it got smashed by CoD 4. The key thing with the PC market is not piracy and nor is the PC in decline. Quite to the contrary belive the Valve and EA hype - it is booming. Retail sales are down but dlc is at an all time high and people are buying millions of dollars of games through online distributors like Steam.

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Crytek and EPIC are the ONLY devs who've attributed piracy as the main factor to why there games didn't sell.
ID Software did say that too; and why did other developers simply drop PC as a main platform or altogether? not exactly because they were doing loads of money.


Most of the support PC gets now, regarding games that also come in consoles are due to "being easy" enough to do (as in, the engine also runs in PC's). with the big exceptions being Valve with it's Steam service and World of Warcraft.

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ID Software did say that too; and why did other developers simply drop PC as a main platform or altogether? not exactly because they were doing loads of money.


Most of the support PC gets now, regarding games that also come in consoles are due to "being easy" enough to do (as in, the engine also runs in PC's). with the big exceptions being Valve with it's Steam service and World of Warcraft.


That's rubbish. For every developer who's whined theres ten others still making PC exclusives or still making proper PC versions of games that will also be on consoles.


ID's next engine will be developed, first and foremost, for the PC. Even Crytek, who whined the loudest, are releasing a Crysis - PC exclusive - title this winter. If you actually go and take a look at the PC's lineup you'll see that it's far from a load of 360/PS3 ports. Most of the games that are on all three systems are better on the PC anyway - Fallout 3 will be, CoD 4 and Bioshock were.


Saying that all the PC is going to get from now on is Valve games, World of Warcraft and 360/PS3 ports is a bit like saying that all the Wii has is Mario, Zelda and PS2 ports. Without actually looking some people might think this but everyone on this site knows different.

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That's rubbish. For every developer who's whined theres ten others still making PC exclusives or still making proper PC versions of games that will also be on consoles.


id Software CEO Todd Hollenshead gave a lecture on the problems of piracy on the internet. During his speech, Hollenshead revealed that, although they are still primarily a PC developer, id Software had begun to look at console game releases as a way to financially combat piracy.

"Piracy has pushed id as being multiplatform". Hollenshead's rationale is that console piracy is, by a large factor, minimal relative to the rampant PC piracy.

Source: http://www.joystiq.com/2007/03/09/id-software-ceo-piracy-pushed-us-multiplatform/


There's also a interview with John Carmack saying that essentially HD consoles are already 1 generation and a half behind PC's, but that now, unlike previous engines, he's focusing on them and their technology before even thinking of using that of a PC, why? I think I know.


10 other developers? established ones? whom, because we're seeing the biggest ones, minus Valve and Blizzard complaining. If, they haven't already left the ring.


Proper versions of console games? those anecdotes without any optimization (point in question: Bioshock came out so unoptimized it wouldn't even support 6800GT's due to shader model incompatibilities, something that the community had to fix alone so it would run just fine without any downgrading, so, when not all PC's were purchased 1 year ago... proper PC versions? where?)


Only recent proper version of a console game I can think of is Devil May Cry 4. UT3 and CoD4 of course are primarily PC games, that sold more on consoles despite having worse gameplay there. But, all in all of course they were optimized. No warranty the next one will be though.




-> http://pc.ign.com/index/release.html


I see nothing major there, other than a WoW expansion and Spore for quite a while. And right now there has been a drought on PC games for some months too.

ID's next engine will be developed, first and foremost, for the PC. Even Crytek, who whined the loudest, are releasing a Crysis - PC exclusive - title this winter. If you actually go and take a look at the PC's lineup you'll see that it's far from a load of 360/PS3 ports. Most of the games that are on all three systems are better on the PC anyway - Fallout 3 will be, CoD 4 and Bioshock were.
They whined and are still releasing stuff on pc, is that supposed to mean that it's a myth then? it's not.


As for Rage Engine... Sorry, but consoles are the primary recipient for it, they're aiming for 60 frames on consoles, on PC's that would be a insane number of frames per second already, usually they'd focus on 60 frames for the PC and then downgrade and 30 frames target on the consoles, very different thing going on here.


As for such games... depends, is it better when it has zero optimization for slightly older hardware who is actually quite on-par with consoles? but slightly better than the much inferior console on top range hardware? From those you mentioned only CoD4 was clearly better on the PC (well, fallout 3 is not out yet) as it was really well optimized. Bioshock? nope, very badly optimized.

Saying that all the PC is going to get from now on is Valve games, World of Warcraft and 360/PS3 ports is a bit like saying that all the Wii has is Mario, Zelda and PS2 ports. Without actually looking some people might think this but everyone on this site knows different.
I didn't say that. But it clearly has a big problem with having top range efforts regarding optimization, that makes a lot of games only reaching a minority, and a problem of widespread piracy that eats from game sales.


It's a big problem for a platform. It won't die and all, but it gets scraps most of the time.

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