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How do you imagine the next Zelda for Wii?

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Link is a Thief, atleast when i play :P


I steal everything near to woods on TP, and i steal money from vases (right?) of other houses.



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Originally Posted by Fierce_LiNk

I want Zelda to be its own game. Taking influences from other games is fine, but I don't want a carbon copy of something else. I want a new Zelda game. If that means Nintendo sticking to their guns, or trying something new, then that's where the future lies.


I feel TP took too much inspiration from Lord of the Rings to the point where Link actually bears resemblence to Frodo. Also took some of the magic out of it, for example the enemies are mostly orks and goblins and so forth, what happened to those jelly-like things in Termina or Chu-chus amongst others. And then the great fairies look too LotR in appearance and demeanour. I liked those over-exuberent LOL fairies in OOT, it atleast gave us something to remember.


This is a jist as to why TP didn't feel like it had soul."


I agree with you, King V, that TP didn´t have any soul. It felt like a beta-version of a Zelda game in the making being still a while from being complete. The thing you wrote about there being mostly orks and goblins is totally what I also found hugely dissapointing. I recall a Cube Europe Staff forum member commenting on my complaint in this thread that there wasn´t anything to see when looking over cliffsides - by writing that there was. Well, I don´t recall there was very many sights there, except in major areas where you naturally see something when looking out into the distance around that major area like Lake Hylia or the farm or the forest.


I´m not desiring to be a grumbler here, but I look for details that make areas in a game stand out and come to life. Give them a distint feeling and atmosphere. The fields Link had to ride through in TP felt too empty and lifeless. Too restricted as well. It actually felt scary without there being any overly scary things to be afraid of, whereas the fields he traversed in OOT or MM felt far more alive, warm, and pleasant. They really felt like a real place would, if you were to go there, and be part of it all. Those two games were awesome fairytales, books, that you could open and be sucked into and not wanting to return from for quite a while in Earth time hours. A fairytale inside a living book, that is somewhat the way Miyamoto himself expressed it right after OOT had been released. That game, in my opinion, is the milestone they have never met or surpassed in terms of quest and scope.


There has been a number of forum members who have already in previous replies to this post expressed a desire for the next Zelda game to be greater in scope with massive battles, and larger fields to play in. I totally agree, as that is what I feel many have always dreamed of being able to do in a Zelda game. THAT would be the true next-generation of Zelda! And, the first TP trailer which we saw prior to the release of the game itself, showed large armies of enemies gathering in battle formation, but were simply nowhere to be seen in the actual game. That is how it should have been, but didn´t become because Nintendo apparently ran out of time to complete the game so it was truly complete. It could have been what all of us Zelda-fans who since WW wanted a return to the realistic style had asked for, but didn´t become as has been lamented by many I heard the opinions of.


TP it is indeed very, very beautifull in many places, but there is too many things that was left out which drags it down in overall value. This was indirectly admitted by Aonuma in one interview where he said they needed to work more on the next Zelda game.


I believe that nomatter how many copies, and nomatter how high a score any Zelda game has ever recieved, it will do better even going beyond those numbers if Nintendo makes a Zelda game which gives us the possibility to fight in a Hyrule which is built from the ground up with those proportions. Size matters still, folks, and I am just tired of hearing about Link being in New York or London or going to God knows where.


Link is an Elf, supposed to defend his forest homeland of Hyrule when called to do so, which involves saving a sweet, beautifull little Princess (who is the definition of a true fairytale princess in my opinion and whome we hardly saw in TP by the way) from evil forces. Having seen Oblivion on the other two consoles, I encourage Nintendo to go for it and make the next Zelda an awesome 3D RPG with a great story, and great Wii controls that will give the little white wonderbox a future reputation as the first homeconsole to re-invent RPG´s and swordplay in games!

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Link will have grown a beard.


I also think that Link should be part of a travelling band of performers and musicians. If anyone has seen "The Seventh Seal" (and if you haven't, you should) there is a group of travelling performers in that and the idea of a Medieval touring art troupe would certainly fit well into the Zelda universe.


A great way to kick off the game would be in another town. Link's troupe are parked illeagally on a Ranch, the owner runs out screaming at them, holding a sword. Link and the gang hop onto the cart and escape as quickly as possible, towards Hyrule.

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Playing TP again made me realise how epic and expansive the game is. I also have a lot more respect for it 2nd time round. Massively better than what I thought it would be, which is strange.


New Zelda, new game. Get rid of dungeons and Gannondorf. Make zelda a teenage prostitute. Give Link a golf club for the whole game. Perfect.


Seriously though, id like the items that you aquire from the earlier dungeons to be used throughout the whole game, not just in one specific area. Maybe add a few combo moves similar to that of No More Heroes.

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